Saturday, 1 May 2021

2021 Day 121

2021 Dedh Cans hag Onan warn Ügens

De Sadorn, kensa mis Me

Saturday, 1st May

An jedh ma a veu Cala Me pur astranj. Nag ew possybyl dhe vetya en bagasow brâs rag golya. Na ellen nei donsya en strêt po adro dhe wern Cala Me. Martesen nessa bledhen. Na wrüga vy mos mes hedhyw, kenth o an gewer vas. Ma'n comyn annes genam ha cleves striwy ewedh. Ma meur a bodn a'n flourys gwedh e'n ayr. Thera vy ow striwy oll an termyn. Ow frigow ew rüdh ha theram ow ûsya lies lien dorn. Ma fakel vranja genam - nag ew ow lev crev. Pur dheffrans o agan coweth Dan de. Pana lev marthojek! Ev a ganas en gwary can adro dhe Schubert. An den trûedh na (Schubert) o clav ha thera va ow müskegy nebes.

This day was a very strange May Day. It is not possible to meet in big groups for celebrating. We can't dance in the street or around a maypole. Perhaps next year. I didn't go out today, although the weather was fine. I have the common cold and hay fever too. There's a lot of tree pollen in the air. I'm sneezing all the time. My nose is red and I am using a lot of handkerchiefs. I have laryngitis - my voice is not strong. Our friend Dan was very different yesterday. What a magnificent voice! He sang in an opera about Schubert. That poor man (Schubert) was sick and he was going a bit mad.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

Cala Me May Day

cleves striwy (m) hay fever

comyn annes (m) common cold (or annes kebmyn)

frigow nose, nostrils

golya to celebrate

gwary can (m) opera

gwern Cala Me maypole

lien dorn (m) handkerchief

marthojek magnificent

müskegy to go mad

podn a'n flourys gwedh (m) tree pollen

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