2021 Dedh Cans Seytek warn Ügens
De Lün, seytegves mis Me
Monday,17th May
thew nebes difenadow derevys emann. Nei ell metya gen pobel moy keffres a-jei
ha mes a-jei, keth ew mes a-jei le anish. Da ew genen byrla agan kerens nessa, keffres
cowetha ha teylû. "Byrla ew puppres an brâster còmpes, " emedh Winnie
an Pooh. "Ha bestes ew da rag byrla," emedh an maw bian. Bettegens,
res ew dhe nei bos saw, etho ma nebes "rowlys". Bedhow(gh) whei dewisek.
Na wrewgh byrla re a bobel. Bedhow üskis. Na wrewgh gwrydnya termyn re hir.
Gwrewgh goheles kestav bejeth-dhe-vejeth, ha bos gwiskys en mask mars eus othom.
Today some restrictions are lifted. We can meet more people, indoors as well as outdoors, though outdoors is less dodgy. We like to hug our nearest and dearest, friends as well as family. "A hug is always the right size," says Winnie the Pooh. "And animals are good for hugging," says the little boy. However, we must be safe, so there are some "rules". Be selective. Don't hug too many people. Be quick. Don't squeeze for too long a time. Avoid face-to-face contact, and wear a mask if necessary.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten
words for today
anish dodgy,
bedhow ~
bedhowgh (2p
imperative) be (whei for extra
byrla to hug,
derevys (SWFM drehevys) lifted,
dewisek selective,
prohibitions < difen (m)
gwrewgh (2p
imperative) do > na wrewgh do not
~ gwrydnyas to squeeze, embrace tightly
keffres …
ha … … as well as …
kestav (m) contact
< (verb kestava)
mes a-jei
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