Tuesday 30 April 2024

2024 Day 121

2024 Dedh Cans Wonan warn Ügens 

De Meurth, degves warn ügens mis Ebrel 

Tuesday, 30th April 

The following sentences contain collective plural nouns and collective-derived singular nouns, as well as regular plurals.  

Nei a gerdhas en trolergh gen keres ha keser a-ûhen. 

Da ew genen debry lies keresen, saw cas ew genen lies keseren, 

Ma gwenenen wels en gwredhen a’n wedhen.  

Nag eus mel en gwredh na del.  

An wenenen a dal trouvya bleujen. 

Teg ew oll an bleujyow gwedh; keres, avalow ha per ewedh. 

Low losow a dhebras oll ow lattys.  

Ha ledhys ew oll ow losow debry e'n erber gen leslow erel.  


We walked along a footpath with cherries and hail overhead. 

We like eating lots of cherries, but we hate lots of hailstones. 

There's a wild bee in a root of the tree. 

There's no honey in roots or leaves. 

The bee should find a flower. 

All the tree blossoms are beautiful, cherry, apple and pear too. 

Greenfly (aphids) ate all my lettuce. 

And my vegetables in the vegetable garden were killed by other plant bugs. 


Nebes ger rag hedhyw Some words for today 

del (col.) > delen (f) leaf

gwedh (col.) > gwedhen (f) tree

gwenen gwels (col.) > gwenenen wels (f) wild bee

gwredh (col.) > gwredhen (f) root

keres (col.) > keresen (f) cherry

keser (col.) > keseren (f) hailstone

leslow (col.) > leslôwen (f) plant bug (les = small plants)

losow debry (col.) > losôwen debry (f) vegetable, eating plant (no mutation)

low losow (col.) > lôwen losow (f) greenfly, aphid (lôwen = louse)

per (col.) > peren (f) pear

Monday 29 April 2024

2024 Day 120

2024 Dedh Cans hag Ügens

De Lün, nawes warn ügens mis Ebrel

Monday, 29th April

Neppeth cott hedhyw. Nag eus dhebm termyn hedhyw rag "deg ger". Nag eus bes üdn ger rag hedhyw.

Something short today. I don't have time today for "ten words". There's only one word for today.

Glas ew an mor hedhyw.

That d'mean the sea is blue
Today, my lover, that is true.

Glas o an mor de.
That d'mean the sea was grey.
And so 'twas yesterday.

Sometimes, you say, the sea is green.
If blue-grey-green is what you mean,
"Glas" is the colour that it's been. 

Bes "glas" ew oll an gwedh ha gwels.
All trees and grass are "glas" as well.
The leaves are green, "Glas" ew an del. 

Sunday 28 April 2024

2024 Day 119

2024 Dedh Cans ha Nawnjek

De Sül, ethves warn ügens mis Ebrel

Sunday, 28th April

De, na wrüga vy kerdhes pel. Gleb o an gewer. Na veu possybyl mos bys en Cambron rag Dedh Trevithick. Et y le, res veu dhebm mos dhe'n vedhegva rag pig breghlin Covid. My a welas an mor ha'n treth dhort carr ow mab. Thera meur a gwrians gwithyjy-dreth war an treth hag e'n mor - martesen anjei o en traynyans rag an hav. Hedhyw ma bregh tydn dhebm, bes teg ew an awel. My a gerdhas et agan lowarth gen lorgh dhe vires orth an flourys. My ell gweles an mor! Thew an kethsam mor avel de saw nag ewa an keth liw. An mor hedhyw ew pecar'a 'gan guckous. Ma dhen mor blou war agan menedh.

Yesterday, I didn't walk far. The weather was wet. It wasn't possible to go to Camborne for Trevithick Day. Instead, I had to go to the clinic for a Covid vaccination. I saw the sea and beach from my son's car. There was a lot of lifeguard activity on the beach and in the sea - perhaps they were in training for the summer. Today, I have a sore arm, but the weather is lovely. I walked in our garden with a walking stick, to look at the flowers. I can see the sea! It's the exact same sea as yesterday but it is not the same colour. The sea today is like our bluebells. We have a blue sea on our hillside. 

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bregh (f) arm

guckous bluebells (from dialect)

gwithyjy-dreth beach-guards < gwithyas-treth (m)

gwrians ~ gwrythians (m) activity, doings

kethsam ~ keth same, identical

lorgh (m/f) walking stick

medhegva (f) clinic, doctor's place

menedh ~ mena (m) hillside

pig breghlin (m) vaccination

traynyans (m) training

Saturday 27 April 2024

2024 Day 118

2024 Dedh Cans hag Etek

De Sadorn, seythves warn ügens mis Ebrel

Saturday, 27th April

E'n tavas Kernowek ma lies hanow plurel cuntellek. Rag fra? Martesen, Kernow o overdevys gen lies plans, plansow na alja bos reknys. Martesen thera bestes münys heb nòmber dhe vos comptys ow hesya dres an pow. Nei ell gwil hanow üdnek gen "-en" war lost an ger cuntellek. Ma henwyn teleryow gen plansow ha bestes a vry ettans. En 1327 thera tüs trigys en Boslogos, gen lies logojen martesen. A wrüg logos dos dhort an ryvar po an coos? A wrüg anjei debry oll aga ys?

In the Cornish language there are many collective plural nouns. Why? Perhaps, Cornwall was overgrown with many plants, plants that could not be counted. Perhaps countless little animals were swarming all over the country. We can make a singular noun with "-en" on the tail of the collective word. There are place names with significant plants and animals in them. In 1327 there were people living in a "dwelling of mice", with lots of mice perhaps. Did mice come from the river or the wood? Did they eat all their corn?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a vry significant

cuntellek collective 

dres an pow all over the country

grevos troublesome

heb nòmber dhe vos comptys countless

hesa ~ hesya to swarm

logojen (f) mouse < pl. logos > Boslogos > Bosloggas PN (SWFM logosen)

overdevys overgrown < tevy to grow

reknys counted < rekna to count

üdnek singular, single, lone, individual, etc.

Otta teleryow moy gen creaturs grevos.

Here are some more places with troublesome creatures.

  • gohy wasps > sing. gohien > Tregiffian (St Buryan) was in1331 Tregguhion > Treguhyon = wasp-infested farm (ha trigva an scrifer John Le Carré)
  • whil beetle Trewhella was in 1357 Trewyla > Trewhila = beetle-infested farm
  • gwibes gnats > sing. gwibesen or whibys gnats > sing. whiben > Lawhippet was in 1592 Lawhybbet > Nant Wibed (OC) = valley of gnats
  • mòryon ants > sing. mòryonen > Mornick was in 1601 Morinicke > Moryonek = ant-infested

Friday 26 April 2024

2024 Day 117

2024 Dedh Cans ha Seytek

De Gwener, wheffes warn ügens mis Ebrel

Friday, 26th April

Ma'n ervirans gen an Governans dhe ajon hònanieth üdnik a’n Gernôwyon ow rei dhodhans an keth gre avel poblow Keltek erel e'n Wlascor Ûnyes, an Scotyon, an Kembrion ha'n Werdhonyon. Minorites Nacyonal a dal bos moy hewel en bownans poblek ha 'jei a dal cawas moy chonsys war an wariva geswlasek. En kensa, martesen, nei a dal cawas eseleth leun a'n Consel Bretednek-Werdhonek ha corfow treus-kenedhlek erel.

The decision by the Government to recognise the unique identity of the Cornish gives them the same status as the UK’s other Celtic people, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish. National minorities should be more visible in public life and they should get more opportunities on the international stage. First, perhaps, we should have full membership of the British-Irish Council and other trans-national bodies.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

ervirans (m) decision

gre (m) status, standing

gwariva (f) stage, theatre

hewel visible  (SWFM gweladow)

hònanieth (f) identity

kenedhlek national (also nacyonal)

keswlasek international (mutates k>g)

poblow peoples < pobel (f) > poblek public

üdnik unique

Wlascor Ûnyes United Kingdom (SWFM Ruvaneth Unys)