Monday, 31 January 2022

2022 Day 31

2022 Dedh Üdnek warn Ügens

De Lün, üdnegves warn ügens mis Genver

Monday, 31st January

Hedhyw, my a welas an diwettha jorna a vis Genver. Na veu va pur govenek. E veu cuntellyans Rosweyth e'n mettin ha class Kernowek e'n dohajedh - bes ma caletter gen ow jynn amontya. Thewa an diwettha dedh a vledhen a'n loor. An vledhen tremenys o bledhen an òjyon. Avorow a wra dallath bledhen a'n loor nowydh. Dallath nowydh da, mar pleg! Da via genam cawas jynn amontya owth obery der vaner vas. My a venja cawas lies deskybel nowydh rag agan tavas teg. Da via genam clappya moy a Gernôwek gen tüs moy. E vedh Seythen Clappya Kernôwek en cres an vledhen. Res ew dhen bos parys.

Today, I saw the last day of the month of January. It was not very memorable. There was a Rosweyth meeting in the morning and a Cornish class in the afternoon - but there is a problem with my computer. It is the last day of the lunar year. Last year was a year of the ox. Tomorrow a new lunar year will begin. A good, new beginning, please! I would like to get a properly working computer. I'd like to have many new learners for our beautiful language. I'd like to speak more Cornish with more people. There will be a Speak Cornish Week in the middle of the year. We must be prepared.

Nebes geryow rag an jedh. Some words for the day.

deskybel (m) learner, student, disciple

dohajedh (m) afternoon

covenek memorable

cuntellyans (m) meeting

der vaner vas properly

diwettha last, final

jorna (m) day(time)

jynn amontya (m) computer

mettin (m) morning

òjon ~ òjyon (m) ox

parys prepared, ready

Sunday, 30 January 2022

2022 Day 30

2022 Dedh Deg warn Ügens

De Sül, degves warn ügens mis Genver

Sunday, 30th January

Pandr'a wrüga vy gweles hedhyw? My alja gweles war bub tû. E'n qwartron west ma Carn Breanek. En pelder e'n qwartron est ma menedhyow loos, martesen crigow atal an Tiredh Prei, po martesen gonow. En termyn eus passyes anjei a veu gwydn (an “Alps” a Gernow), saw lebmyn ma plansow ow tevy warnodhans. Ma neppeth moy ow tevy! Henn'ew Goonhavern. Pe le ma an gònyow rag an bestes en hav lebmyn? Nag eus bes treven gwydn. En qwartron noor ma'n mor – pub pres glas. Ha ma'n gwens ow tos dhort an soth hedhyw. Ma va ow terevel tredan. Nag ewa crev ha nag ewa yeyn.

What did I see today? I could see in all directions. In the western quarter there is St Agnes Beacon. In the distance in the eastern quarter there are grey hills, perhaps the waste heaps of the China Clay District, or perhaps downs. In the past they were white (the Cornish Alps), but now there are plants growing on them. There is something else growing! That is Goonhavern. Where are the downs for the animals in summer now? There are only white houses. In the northern direction there is the sea – always blue/grey/green. And the wind is coming from the south today. It is not strong and it is not cold.

Nebes geryow rag hedhyw. Some words for today.

An Tiredh Prei (m) the China Clay District

crigow atal slag heaps, heaps of mine waste

derevel to generate, give rise to, build

Goonhavern (PN) down of summer grazing

gònyow downs < goon (f)

menedhyow hills, mountains

plansow plants

qwartron ~ qwarton (f) direction, point of the compass, quarter

tredan (m) electricity

Saturday, 29 January 2022

2022 Day 29

2022 Dedh Naw Warn Ügens

De Sadorn, nawhes warn ügens mis Genver

Saturday, 29th January

Nag o vy lôwen. Ma caletter brâs gen ow jynn amontya. An jynn a wrüg chânjya y hònan, car dre hevel, ha na ellama trouvya tra veth! Kellys ew “Word” ha nag eus bes “OpenOffice Writer”. Kellys ew ow gerlevrow – res ew dhebm remembra oll an spellyans ow hònan. Kellys ew oll ow fôtôs. Ellama cavos “Blogger”? Ma esperans dhebm! Ellowgh redya hebma? My a'n cavas.

Nag eus geryow nowydh rag hedhyw.

I am not happy. There is a big problem with my computer. It seems the machine changed itself, and I can't find anything. "Word" is lost and I only have "OpenOffice Writer". My dictionaries are lost - I must remember all the spellings myself. All my photos are lost. Can I find "Blogger"? I am hopeful! Can you read this? I found it. 

There are no new words for today.

Friday, 28 January 2022

2022 Day 28

2022 Dedh Eth warn Ügens


De Gwener, ethves warn ügens mis Genver

Friday, 28th January


Eus câwsow dhe vy dhe vis lôwenek hedhyw? Entei! Gellys ew an hirra nos ha ma nebes sînys a wenton. Ma flourys gwydnrüdh war drenewen soth ow bagas ha ma bleujednow ergh dhe’m kentrevoges. Gellys ew an plobmer ha lebmyn ma cowas nowydh, tappys nowydh ha petty nowydh (gen rowlys).


Do I have reasons to be cheerful today? Certainly! The longest night has gone and there are several signs of spring. There are pink flowers on the south side of my bush and my neighbour has snowdrops. The plumber has gone and now we have a new shower, new taps and a new toilet (with rules).


Nebes geryow rag hedhyw Some words for today

bleujednow ergh snowdrops

câwsow reasons, causes

entei certainly

golow shiny

gwenton (m) spring

kentrevoges (f) neighbour

lôwenek cheerful, joyful, happy

petty (m) toilet

rowlys rules

tappys taps (water)

trenewen ~ drenewen ~ ternewen (m) side


Thursday, 27 January 2022

2022 Day 27

 2022 Dedh Seyth warn Ügens

De Yow, seythves warn ügens mis Genver

Thursday, 27th January


Wotiwedh, an plobmer ell dos dhe owna agan plobmweyth. Nag eus Covid warnodho ha nag eus Covid wara nei. Ma dew gofer toulys brâs dhodho. Ma meur a whel dhe wil. Na ell ev gwil pup tra en üdn jedh. Ma alwhedhow, alwhedhow kenter tro, alwhedhow know. Res ew dhodho mos dhe berna daffar moy.


Finally, the plumber can come to mend our plumbing. He doesn’t have Covid and we don’t have Covid. He has two big tool boxes. There is a lot of work to do. He cannot do everything in one day. There are spanners, screwdrivers, wrenches. He must go and by more equipment.


Nebes geryow rag hedhyw Some words for today

alwhedhow spanners

alwhedhow kenter tro screwdrivers

alwhedhow know wrenches

cofer toulys (m) toolbox

daffar equipment

plobmweyth (m) plumbing

wotiwedh at last, finally

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

2022 Day 26

2022 Dedh Whegh warn Ügens

De Merher, wheffes warn ügens mis Genver

Wednesday, 26th January


E’n daralla “Yar Roos Vian” ma nebes dasleveryansow. “Na vadna vy” ew leverys lies gweyth gen cath, kei, hos ha porhel. (En üdn vercyon ma logojen vrâs ewedh.) Ma’n yar ow leverel pub pres d’wra hei y wil hy hònan. E’n daralla “An Grampethen”, ma benyn goth, den coth, yar, cülyek, maw ha kei oll ow creia, “Sav, sav! Da via genam dha dhebry.” Ha pandr’ üjy an grampethen ow cül? Ma hei ow rolya, hag ow rolya, hag ow rolya. Keniver termyn ma neppeth dhe dhebry. Ma’n yar ow tebry torth a vara, bes debrys ew an grampethen hy hònan. Pana skians ellen nei desky dhort darallys a’n par-ma?

In the tale of “Little Red Hen” there are several repetitions. “I will not” is said many times by a cat, a dog, a duck and a pig. (In one version there is a rat as well.) The hen always says she will do it herself. In the story of “The Pancake”, an old woman, an old man, a hen, a rooster, a boy and a dog all cry, “Stop, stop! I would like to eat you.” And what does the pancake do? She rolls and rolls and rolls. Each time there is something to eat. The hen eats a loaf of bread, but the pancake is eaten itself. What wisdom can we learn from tales like this?


Nebes geryow rag hedhyw Some words for today

a’n par-ma like this, of this type

crampethen (f) pancake

cülyek (m) cockerel, cock, rooster

darallys tales, stories < daralla (m)

dasleveryansow repetitions

hos (m) duck

logojen vrâs (f) rat (large mouse!)

porhel (m) porker, pig

skians (m) wisdom

torth (f) loaf 

vercyon (m) version

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

2022 Day 25

2022 Dedh Pemp warn Ügens

De Meurth, pempes warn ügens mis Genver

Tuesday, 25th January


Ma lies whedhel ell bos scrifys en dew davas rag descoryon. Whedhlow rag flehes ell bos convedhys gen keniver onan. Lies gweyth ma dasleveryans ettans. An keth lavaren ew dasleverys. Pe lies whedhel ew aswonys dhewgh?  Ma “Edhnik Ledhnik” (po Mabyar Labmar), “An Venyn Goth ha’n Porhel”, “An Grampothen”, “An Maw ha’n Aver”, “An Trei Bogh Bewek”, “An Maw a Vara Jynjyber” ha lies moy.

There are many stories that can be written in two languages for learners. Stories for children can be understood by everyone. Frequently there is repetition in them. The same phrase is repeated. How many stories are you familiar with? There is “Chicken Licken”, “The Old Woman and the Pig”, “The Pancake”, “The Boy and the Goat”, “Three Billy Goats Gruff”, “The Gingerbread Boy” and many more.


Nebes geryow rag hedhyw Some words for today

convedhys understood (verbal adjective) < convedhes

dasleveryans (m) repetition < dasleverel to say again

descoryon learners < desker (m) < desky to learn

ettans in them

keniver all, each, every

lavaren (f) phrase

lies gweyth frequently

scrifys written (verbal adjective) < scrifa

tavas (m) language

whedhlow stories < whedhal (m)


Monday, 24 January 2022

2022 Day 24

 2022 Dedh Pajar warn Ügens

De Lün, pajwora warn ügens mis Genver

Monday, 24th January


My a scrifas oll an jedh – whedhel en dew davas rag flehes. Otta tabm anodho. Martesen, aswonys ew an whedhel genowgh. Mesen a godhas war bedn (po lost) edhnik bian. Ev a vetyas gen nebes edhyn erel, ha war an diwedh anjei a vetyas gen lowarn (henwys Lostek-Plostek). Na veu aga destnans lôwen.

I wrote all day – a story in two languages for children. Here’s a bit of it. Perhaps, you are familiar with the story. An acorn fell on the head (or tail) of a little chick. He met several other birds, and in the end they met a fox (called Foxy-Loxy). Their destiny was not happy.


En termyn eus passyes

there was a little chick called Edhnik-Ledhnik.

One day he was in the woods and an acorn fell on his head.


Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha.

My a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn.

Oh dear! The sky is falling.

I will run and tell the king.


On the way he met Yarik-Larik.

Lôwena dhis, a Edhnik-Ledhnik.

Rag fraga thesta ow pònya?

Hello, Chicken-Licken.

Why are you running?

Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha.

Res ew dhebm y leverel dhe’n metêrn.

Oh dear! The sky is falling.

I must tell the king.


My a vedn dos genes, dhana.

Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn.

I will come with you, then.

We will run and tell the king.


So Chicken-Licken and Henny-Penny ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down.


Nebes geryow rag hedhyw Some words for today

aswonys ~ ajwonys familiar

destnans (m) destiny, fate

en termyn eus passyes once upon a time

lost (m) tail

lostek (m) one with a tail (nickname for a fox)

lowarn (m) fox

mesen (f) acorn

metêrn (m) king

pedn (m) head

war an diwedh in the end, finally

Sunday, 23 January 2022

2022 Day 23

2022 Dedh Trei warn Ügens

De Sül, tryja warn ügens mis Genver

Sunday, 23rd January


Loos o an jorna, mygyl o an ebòrn. Nebes syger o vy hedhyw. Jan Jiek o vy, diek oll an jedh. My a fittyas tabm boos, gwary gen an bestes, omdròckya en lent, mires ort lies program e’n tele, gosôwes ort mûsek, redya nebes, eva badna, scrifa nebes geryow, bes na wrüga vy kemeres fôtô veth oll. Ha na wrüga vy kerdhes lowr. Martesen avorow!  

The day was grey, the sky was lack-lustre. I was rather lazy today. I was a lazy-bones, lethargic the whole day. I did a bit of cooking, played with the animals, had a leisurely bath, watched a lot of programmes on the TV, listened to music, read a bit, had a drop of drink, wrote a few words, but I didn’t take a single photo. And I did not walk enough. Perhaps tomorrow.

Nebes geryow rag hedhyw Some words for today

badna (m) drop of drink

diek lazy, lethargic

en lent leisurely, slowly

Jan Jiek lazy-bones

mygyl lack-lustre

omdròckya to have a bath

syger slow, lazy, idle, lethargic

Saturday, 22 January 2022

2022 Day 22

2022 Dedh Dew warn Ügens

De Sadorn, nessa warn ügens mis Genver

Saturday, 22nd January

Fatel ero whei ow qwitha agas dilhas? Mars eus dilhas plos dhewgh, üjens en bern war an leur? A vedno whei aga gwisca arta, po a vedno whei aga gòrra e’n golgh? Eus lies bagh po ebil predn war agas darjow po vosow – pecar’a “Shakers”? Ero whei ow cregy taclow war dhorn daras? E’n Osow Cres, dilhas a veu cregys en petty castel (rag eth dhe ladha whydn) – martesen goon rag metêrn! An rom bian na o gelwys “garderobe”, henn ew gwisgdy. Martesen whei wrüg gweles “armoire”, henn ew amary rag gwitha arvow hag arvwisk. Dilhas ha liednow glan o gwithys leven war estyl. Gwaregow gwiscow ew moy arnowydh.

How do you store your clothes? If you have dirty clothes, are they in a heap on the floor? Will you wear them again, or will you put them in the wash? Are there lots of hooks or wooden pegs on your doors or walls – like “Shakers”? Do you hang things on a door-knob? In the Middle Ages, clothes were hung in a castle toilet (for vapour to kill fleas) – perhaps a robe for a king! That little room was called “garderobe”, that is a wardrobe. Perhaps you saw an “armoire”, that is a cupboard for storing arms and armour. Clean clothes and linen were stored flat on shelves. Clothes hangers are more modern.

Nebes geryow rag hedhyw Some words for today

amary ~ ambry (m) cupboard

bagh (m) hook

darjow doors < daras (m)

dorn daras (m) door-knob

ebil predn (m) wooden peg

estyl ~ stylednow shelves < astel ~ styllen (f)

goon (m) gown, robe

gwaregow gwiscow clothes hangers

gwiskty ~ gwisgdy (m) wardrobe, vestry, cloakroom

gwitha to store, look after, keep