Tuesday 31 August 2021

2021 Day 243

2021 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Trei

De Meurth, üdnegves warn ügens mis Est

Tuesday, 31st August

Whel ew diantel! Ma moy es whegh mil mernans pub dedh oll dres oll an bes dre reson a wall galwansüs po cleves kelmys dhe whel.  Droglabmow ha clevejyow a'n par-ma ew bohes menegys. Ma record drog dhe'n whel-ober derevyans. Thera vy ow remembra gweles helicopter nanj ew diw seythen po nebes. Ev a dheuth rag bylder leb a godhas dhort stullyow. Terweythyow ma gwall ow câwsya ancòmbrynjy. Gweythor en-dadn ambos a drohas pib dowr vrâs dre wall. Na veu dowr dhe lies chei. Trònk-carr a gemeras vorr gabm en Plymouth. Ev a shyndyas pons vorr gleder. Lebmyn calish ew rag pobel dhe vos tre dhort Kernow.

Work is dangerous! There are more than 6000 daily deaths worldwide because of an occupational accident or work-related disease. How many more? Such accidents and illnesses are under-reported. The construction industry has a bad record. I remember seeing a helicopter about two weeks ago. It came for a builder who fell from scaffolding. Sometimes an accident causes inconvenience. A contractor accidentally cut a large water pipe. Lots of houses didn't have water. A lorry took a wrong road in Plymouth. It damaged a railway bridge. Now it is hard for people to go home from Cornwall.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

ancòmbrynjy (m) inconvenience

bohes menegys under-reported

clevejyow illnesses, diseases < cleves ~clevyes (m)

derevyans (m) construction

dres oll an bes worldwide

galwansüs ~ a gawl occupational, professional

gwall (m) accident, mishap (can also use droglam (m))

kelmys dhe whel work-related, connected to work

pub dedh oll daily

stullyow scaffolding

whel-ober (m) industry


Monday 30 August 2021

2021 Day 242

2021 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Dew

De Lün, degves warn ügens mis Est

Monday, 30th August

Ass ew teg an medalys Tokyo! Desînys ens adro dhe motif a wynsell a Japan tradicyonal. Ma hebma ow tisqwedhes an Gwariow Paralympyk pecar'a venten a wens nowydh hag er ow whetha dres oll an norves. Magata, thens experyens kevrednek ow junya warbarth colonow ha bresyow divers. Ma poynt milyer, "kaname", ow senjy oll an delkyow gwynsell warbarth, avel dres warbarth ew an bobel, heb gwil vry a nacyonalita po ethnicita. Ma'n delkyow ow sevel avel arwòdh a garrygy, flourys, gwedh, del ha dowr - radnow kerthyn natural Japan. Ha gwres ew an medalys a vetols dasûsyes dhort lies dornfôn ha darbarow electronyk bian res gen an bobel a Japan.     


How beautiful the Tokyo medals are! They are designed around the motif of a traditional Japanese fan. This shows the Paralympic Games as a source of a fresh new wind blowing throughout the world. Also, they are a shared experience connecting diverse hearts and minds. A pivot point, "kaname", holds all of the leaves of the fan together, like the people are brought together, regardless of nationality or ethnicity. The leaves symbolise rocks, flowers, trees, leaves and water - parts of Japan's natural environment. And the medals are made of recycled metals from many mobile phones and small electronic devices donated by the people of Japan.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

carrygy rocks < carrek (f)

colonow hearts (no pre-occlusion) < colon (f)

dres oll an norves throughout the world

gwynsell (f) fan < gwens ~ gwyns (m) wind

heb gwil vry a regardless of

junya warbarth to connect (together)

kevrednek shared, mutual

milyer (m) pivot, axis

sevel avel arwòdh a to symbolise

venten (f) source

whetha to blow

Sunday 29 August 2021

2021 Day 241

2021 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens hag Onan

De Sül, nawhes warn ügens mis Est

Sunday, 29th August

Rugby chayr-ros ew sport reydhow meskys, saw e'n vledhen ma nag eus bes peder benyn en Tokyo.  Ma pajar esel dhe'n para. A-dhia Sydney e'n vledhen dew mil ma moy es hanter cans medal owr gwaynys, saw Kylie Grimes ew an kensa benyn. Pur enwejek ew an medalys, desînys ha gwres rag pobel efreg. Pobel gen lagajow da ell gweles liwyow an medalys. Rag pobel gen fowt gweles ma poyntys bothcrom silicon war an snod ha brallow rond war an min: onan rag owr, dew rag arhans, ha trei rag brons. Gwaynyoryon ell desernya aga medalys gen tava. Ha scrifys en Braille ew "Tokyo 2020".

Wheelchair rugby is a mixed gender sport, but this year there are only four women in Tokyo. A team has four members. Since Sydney in the year 2000 more than 50 gold medals have been won, but Kylie Grimes is the first woman. The medals are very special, designed and made for disabled people. People with good eyes can see the medals' colours. For visually impaired people there are silicon convex dots on the ribbon and circular indentations on the rim, one for gold, two for silver, and three for bronze. Winners can identify their medals by touch. And written in Braille is "Tokyo 2020".

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-dhia since

bothcrom convex

brallow dents, indentations

desînys designed

dew mil two thousand (though mil is f. it takes m. numeral without mutation)

enwejek special, distinctive

fowt gweles (m) visual impairment

meskys mixed

min (m) edge, rim, border

reydh (f) gender, sex

snod (m) ribbon

Saturday 28 August 2021

2021 Day 240

2021 Dedh Dew Cans ha Dew Ügens

De Sadorn, ethves warn ügens mis Est

Saturday, 28th August

Na veu termyn lowr dhe bedery adro dhe sport hedhyw. Ma teylû obma. Tabm ha tabm devedhys ew anjei! Gerowgh nei gweles! En kensa, otta maw bian reb hûjes delkyow. Po ens delkyow herwedh ûsadow hag onan a'n Bobel Vian? Ew hebma onan a'n Düs Vian emesk an mor dû ha'n linas? Nag ew. Hemm'ew tycky-Duw gwydn bian. Pandr'ew hedna? Modrep yonk ha noy yonca ell gweles neppeth e'n vôwnder. Nei a welas codna gwydn bian an degensete. Otta flehes moy. Lebmyn ma ownter ha cosin ewedh. Ha'n gorownter? Nebes gajagh ew ev. Gwell via ganjo gòrtos a-ves a flehes tervüs.

There wasn't enough time to think about sport today. There's a family here. Bit by bit they've arrived! Let's see! First, here's a little boy by huge leaves. Or are they normal leaves and one of the Little People? Is this one of the Little People among the blackberries and the nettles? No. This is a small white butterfly. What is that? Young auntie and younger nephew can see something in the lane. We saw a little weasel the day before yesterday. Here are some more children. Now there's an uncle and a cousin too. And the great-uncle? He's a bit off-colour. He'd rather stay away from boisterous children.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

an Bobel/Düs Vian the Little People

(an) degensete the day before yesterday

codna gwydn (m) weasel

cosin (mf) cousin

gajagh poorly, off-colour

gòrtos a-ves a to stay away from

herwedh ûsadow normal

hûjes huge (goes before the noun)

linas nettles > linhajen (f)

modrep (f) aunt, auntie

ownter (m) uncle > great-uncle gorownter

tervüs boisterous, noisy, disruptive


Friday 27 August 2021

2021 Day 239

2021 Dedh Dew Cans Nawnjek warn Ügens

De Gwener, seythves warn ügens mis Est

Friday, 27th August

Ma othom a gewerder ha control en nebes sportys. Ma costen sevelyek (crannow kescresek po electronyk) en archery hag en tedna reyfels, pystollow ha gòdnys ayr. An daffar hedhyw e'n jedh ew pur deknegel. Gòdnoryon ha gòdnoresow ell bos en chayr ros po war droos. Anjei ell bos deg meter, pemp meter warn ügens po hanter cans meter pell dhort an gosten. Terweythyow ma dhodhans trig rag aga gòdn. Terweythyow mons ow corwedha war an dor (heb còsca!). Gwaregoryon ha gwaregoresow ell ûsya dew sort gwarek hag anjei ell sevel a sav po sedha en chayr ros.

There is a need for accuracy and control in several sports. There's a stationary target (concentric rings or electronic) in archery and in shooting rifles, pistols and air guns. The equipment nowadays is very technical. Shooters can be in a wheelchair or ambulant. They can be 10 metres, 25 metres or 50 metres from the target. Sometimes they have a support for their gun. Sometimes they lie on the ground (without sleeping!). Archers can use two sorts of bow and they can stand upright or sit in a wheelchair.


Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

costen (f) target

gòdnoryon (m.pl.) ~ gòdnoresow (f.pl.) gunners, shooters

gòdn ayr (m) airgun  

gwaregor (m) archer

gwarek (m) bow

kewerder (m) accuracy

pystollow pistols

reyfel (m) rifle

sevel a sav to stand upright

sevelyek stationary, static, etc.

trig (m) support, prop