Thursday 31 March 2022

2022 Day 90

2022 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Deg

De Yow, üdnegves warn ügens mis Meurth
Thursday, 31st March

An maw bian eth en kyttrin bys en Redrüdh gans y vabm, ha nebes ouryow moy diwedhes ev a dheuth tre heb an brâssa radn a y vlew! E vedh othom dhodho a hatt rag gwitha y scovornow dhort an gwens.

The little boy went by bus to Redruth with his mum, and several hours later he came back without most of his hair! He will need a hat to protect his ears from the wind.

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 19a
Building up our Cornish language Part 19a

  We have used bos to be as an auxiliary with parts of other verbs, e.g.

present locative (or imperfect locative) with present participle (continuous particle + verbal noun)
Thera vy ow mos tre lebmyn. I am going home now.
Thera vy ow mos tre dres nos. I was going home overnight.

preterite with verbal adjective (past participle)
My a veu genys termyn hir alebma. I was born a long time ago.

present-future with verbal adjective
An bara a vedh pebys en scon. The bread will be baked soon.

Now we need to look at other auxiliary verbs.

One very important one, which allows us to make compound future and past tenses is
Gwil or Gül 'to do or make'

Here is some of the paradigm: 

Verbal Adjective (Past Participle): gwres (SWFM gwrys)
Present Participle: ow cül ~ ow kil (these sound identical)

Present - Future

1 sg: wra ma, wra vy 
2 sg: wres, wre ta 
3 sg: wra,
m: wra ev, wra e, wra va,
f: wra hei
1 pl wren, wra nei 
2 pl wrewgh, wrew whei, wrew'i 
3 pl wrons, wron'jei, wra anjei 

You will need to know these for asking questions or making negative statements with another verb.

Wrew whei redya ow blogg avorow?
Will you read my blog tomorrow?

Na wrons desky Kernôwek e'n scol na.
They won't learn Cornish in that school.

However, the most useful word to remember is the neutral 3rd person singular wra for making affirmative statements.

e.g. My a wra mos tre en scon. I am going to go home soon.
(literally: I will do going home soon.)

We will look at the past tense tomorrow.
Nei a wra mires orth an termyn tremenys avorow.
Whei a wra desky Kernôwek moy avorow.
You will learn more Cornish tomorrow.
(You will do/make learning Cornish more tomorrow.)

Wednesday 30 March 2022

2022 Day 89

2022 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Naw

De Merher, degves warn ügens mis Meurth

Wednesday, 30th March 

Tewl ew an nos lebmyn drefen nag eus loor vrâs. Nag ew hei bes pajar a'n cans gòlowys. Avorow e vedh loor nowydh. Comolek ew an ebòrn ewedh. E veu üdn crak taran, saw na wrüga vy gweles an luhesen. My a glowas keser nebes münysen, nena gellys veu an enawel.  

The night is dark now because there's not a big moon. It is only 4% illuminated. Tomorrow there will be a new moon. The sky is cloudy too. There was one thunder clap, but I did not see the lightening flash. I heard hail for several minutes, ten the storm was gone.

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek: Radn 18c

Building up our Cornish language: Part 18c

Here are two more useful tenses for bos to be

Habitual present  = vedha

Referring to the past it means "used to".

E vedha howl en hav. There is sun in summer.
E vedha glaw en Kernow. There is rain in Cornwall.
E vedha kefewiow termyn Nadelik. There are parties at Christmas time.

An mor a vedha leun a hêrn. The sea used to abound in pilchards.
Nei a vedha ow clappya Kernôwek e'n tavern. We used to speak Cornish in the pub. 

You can say similar things using the present-future of other verbs, which is also useful for habitual actions. (more on this in a later lesson)
Howl a wra en hav. The sun shines/will shine in summer.
Glaw a wra en Kernow. It rains/will rain in Cornwall.

Conditional = via
Compare the following sentences.
Da ew genam eva dowr. I like drinking water.
Gwell ew genam eva gwin. I prefer drinking wine.
Da via genam eva gwin. I would like to drink wine.
Nag eus gwin dhebm. I don't have any wine.
E vedh res dhebm eva dowr. I'll have to drink water.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

2022 Day 88

2022 Dedh Pajar Ügens hag Eth

De Meurth, nawves warn ügens mis Meurth
Tuesday, 29th March

Termyn my a veu mos, my a welas bran vrâs en Tour Loundres. Na wrüga vy gweles an edhen na e'n gwels. Nag eus bescath gweles briny brâs ow neyja. Ma briny brâs dhe nei en Kernow ogas dhe'n mor. Gwelys veu anjei agensow gen ow mergh ha'y howeth. Edhyn barthüjek ens. Da via genam aga gweles ow honan.

When I was a girl, I saw a raven in the Tower of London. I did not see that bird in the wild. I have never seen ravens flying. We have ravens in Cornwall, by the sea. They were seen recently by my daughter and her friend. They are magnificent birds. I would like to see them myself.

Building up our Cornish language Part 18b

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 18b

Here are some more sentences using

bos present-future tense = vedh

My a vedh lowen. I will be happy.
Chy (Ty) a vedh tew. You will be fat.
Ev a vedh crowsek. He will be cross.
Hei a vedh teg. She will be beautiful.
Nei a vedh Kernôwegoryon. We will be Cornish speakers.
Whei a vedh re skith (sqwith). You will be too tired.
Anjei a vedh a-varr. They will be early.
Hedna a vedh pur dha. That will be very good.
Hebma a vedh drog. This will be bad.
Jôwan a vedh da lowr. John will be OK.
An bara a vedh pebys da. The bread will be well baked.
E vedh gwens crev. There will be a strong wind.

In order to ask questions or make negative statements you will need to know more of the complete paradigm:

Present Future 

1 sg vedham, vedhama, vedha vy 

2 sg vedhes, vedhes ta 

3 sg vedh 

1 pl vedhen, vedha nei 

2 pl vedhowgh, vedhow, vedho whei

3 pl vedhons, vedh anjei 

Na vedh ergh e'n mettin. There will not be snow in the morning.
Na vedhama trist. I will not be sad.
A vedh mòna luck? Will there be enough money?
Eus mòna luck? Is there enough money?
A vedh mòna lowr dhe nei? Will we have enough money?
Ma mòna dhodho. He has money.
E vedh mòna dhodho. He will have money. (There will be money to him.)
A vedhes ta lôwen gen hedna? Will you be happy with that?
Na vedhons contentys gen tra veth. They will not be satisfied with anything.


Monday 28 March 2022

2022 Day 87

 2022 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Seyth

De Lün, ethves warn ügens mis Meurth

Monday, 28th March

En gwenton, ma meur a whel dhe wil. Ma deves ha'ga en (eyn) war an menedh. An tiek a res aga maga. Ma va ow kelwel anjei gen corn y dractor. Otta anjei ow sewya an tractor! Besy ew an chôkys et agan chymbla. Eus oyow po edhnigow dhodhans solabres? Ma othom dhebm a trehy pednow marow mes a'm bagas hydrangea. Da via gans an flogh bian gweres dhebm - saw nag üjy va ow türya pell. Ma va ow mos rag, dhe encledhy toul y das wydn reb derowen yonk! Bes rolya war nans emesk an brially ha dens lew ew an gwelha.

In spring, there's a lot of work to do. There are sheep and their lambs on the hill. The farmer must feed them. He calls them with his tractor's horn. See them following the tractor! The jackdaws are busy in our chimney. Do they have eggs or chicks already? I need to cut dead heads out of my hydrangea bush. The small child would like to help me - but he doesn't last long. He moves on, to bury his grandfather's tool by a young oak tree! But rolling down the hill among the primroses and dandelions is best.

Building up our Cornish language Part 18a

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek. Radn 18a

Now we need to start comparing the future with other tenses. Adverbs of time are useful.

vedh = present-future of bos (to be)
mostly used for descriptive
almost identical for all persons

Tho vy benyn yonk lebmynI am a young woman now.
My a veu mowes nanj ew deg bledhen.
I was a girl ten years ago.
My a vedh benyn goth en scon (re scon).
I will soon be an old woman (too soon).
Coth a vedhama (vedha vy) re scon.
I'll be old too soon.

Ev a vedh coth lowr rag mos e'n scol nessa bledhen (e'n vledhen a vedn dos).
He will be old enough for going (to go) to school next year (in the coming year).

Ev a veu coth lowr rag mos e'n scol e'n vledhen tremenys (e'n vledhen eus passyes).
He was old enough to go to school last year.

Thew ev coth lowr rag mos e'n scol lebmyn (e'n vledhen ma).
He is old enough to go to school now (this year).

Eus othom dhe nei a neppeth lebmyn? Do we need anything now?
A vedh othom dhen a neppeth avorow? Will we need anything tomorrow?

Pandr'ew agan othom lebmyn? What is our need now? What do we need now?
Pandra vedh agan othom en termyn a vedn dos? What will we need in the future?

Sunday 27 March 2022

2022 Day 86

 2022 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Whegh

De Sül, seythves warn ügens mis Meurth
Sunday, 27th March

Termyn Hav Bretednek, an kensa dedh, ha'n awel ew pecar'a hav. Lowen ew an flehes; anjei ell gwary gen aga gwaryellow et ow lowarth. Ma meur a daclow war an glesin - gwag po nebes ew an crow. Howl a wra ha nag eus meur a wens. Anjei ell desevos. Ma sodhva dhodhans - po kegin - po shoppys. Martesen thewa scol veythrin. Res ew dhodhans mos gen diwros ha kerrik baby. Ma'n maw bian en nev - ma diw vos vrâs ow qwary ganjo. Nag üjens ow merkya bargas bian (kelyonen bargesy).

British Summer Time, the first day, and the weather is like summer. The children are happy; they can play with their playthings in my garden. There's a lot of stuff on the lawn - the shed is almost empty. The sun shines and there is not much wind. They can imagine. They have an office - or kitchen - or shops. Perhaps it's a nursery school. They must go with bicycle and pushchair. The little boy is in heaven - two big girls are playing with him. They don't notice a little hoverfly.

Building up our Cornish language; Part 17d
Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 17d

So, we know the past is over and done with, but how do we choose which past tense to use?

Do you agree with the following choices? I include some adverbs of time.

Helen Troy o pur deg. Helen of Troy was very beautiful.

Demedhys veu hei dhe Menelaus. She was married to Menelaus.

Cleopatra o teg ewedh. Cleopatra was beautiful too.

Hei o Metêrnes Ejyp. She was Queen of Egypt.

Hei a veu demedhys dhe Roman. She was married to a Roman.

Shakespeare o scrifer marthys. Shakespeare was a wonderful writer.

What is the past tense of  this?

Ma dhodho trei flogh. He has 3 children.

E veu dhodho trei flogh.  He had three children.

Thera dhodho trei flogh bes Hamnet a verwas. 

He had three children but Hamnet died.

Kernow o pow gwels. Cornwall was a wild country.

Lys Kernow a veu derevys en Truru. County Hall was built in Truro.

Thera an Vetêrnes Pow Frenk ow triga en palys.

The Queen of France was living in a palace.

Hei o pur deg bes nag o hei wheg. 

She was very beautiful but she wasn't kind.

Nag o hei meurgerys. She was not much loved (popular).

Hei a veu dibednys. She was beheaded.

Ow dama vy o benyn hir ha crev. My mother was a tall strong woman.

Kens hy droglam, an vowes a veu bewek.

Before her accident, the girl was lively. 

Using veu (preterite) with a verbal adjective (past participle) is simple.

My a veu genys termyn hir alebma. I was born a long time ago.

Chei vy a veu derevys nanj ew termyn hir. 

My house was built a long time ago.

An pasty a veu pebys de. The pasty was baked yesterday.