Monday 31 July 2023

2023 Day 212

2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Dewdhek

De Lun, udnek warn ugens mis Gorefen

Monday, 31st July

Pur lowen o vy de dhe weles ow theylu . An gewer o gleb ha yeyn, bes an flehes wydn o lowen en kibel a dhowr tobm. Bes pe le ma ow foto? Ellama y drouvya avorow? Sowena war an diwedh!

I was very happy yesterday to see my family. The weather was wet and cold, but the grandchildren were happy in a tub of hot water. But where is my photo? Will I find it tomorrow? Success at last!

Sunday 30 July 2023

2023 Day 211

2023 Dedh Dew Cans hag Udnek

De Sul, degves warn ugens mis Gorefen

Sunday, 30th July

E veu challenjys nowydh dhebm hedhyw. An kensa veu fatel dhe vos en bera dhe'n carr ow mab. An nessa veu dhe assendya y stappys. Nag o vy pur afinys. Nebes syger ha cledhek oma.  

I had new challenges today. The first was how to get into my son's car. The second was to mount his steps. I am not very elegant (or graceful). I'm a bit slow and awkward.

Saturday 29 July 2023

2023 Day 210

2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Deg

De Sadorn, nawes warn ugens mis Gorefen

Saturday, 29th July

E veu whans dhebm gweles cowetha goth hedhyw, saw gour ow howethes a shindyas y droos ha na ell ev drivya. Na alja anjei dos obma ha na alja vy mos ena naneyl. Betegens e veu visitoryon - ow mab wydn tont ha y  hôr (ha aga sira). Anjei a gerdhas oll adro dhe'n lowarth. Ma dhebm dew grôch rag kerdhes - saw na ellama crambla an stappys.

I had wanted to see old friends today, but my friend's husband injured his foot and he can't drive.They couldn't come here and I couldn't go there either. However there were visitors - my cheeky grandson and his sister (and their father). They walked all around the garden. I have a pair of crutches for walking - but I can't climb the steps.

Friday 28 July 2023

2023 Day 209

2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Naw

De Gwener, ethves warn ügens mis Gorefen

Friday, 28th July

Pe le ma'n hav? Pe le ma'n howl? Loos ew an eborn comolek, loos avel lüjiw. Nag ew loos liw lôwenek. Terweythyow thera vy ow ton dilhas loos, vas ens. Bes gwell ew genam rüdh - thew hedna liw moy lôwenek. Lôwen o vy dhe weles avalow rüdh war ow gwedhen.

Where is the summer? Where is the sun? The cloudy sky is grey, as grey as ashes. Grey is not a cheerful colour. Sometimes I wear grey clothes, they are practical. But I prefer red - that is a more cheerful colour. I am happy to see red apples on my tree.

Thursday 27 July 2023

2023 Day 208

2023 Dedh Dew Cans hag Eth

De Yow, seythves warn ugens mis Gorefen

Thursday, 27th July

Kerdh bian hedhyw war an vorr. Ma'n vorr war venedh ow ledya dhe'n eglos ha ma'n vorr war nans ow ledya dhe'n mor. Ydn ew an vorr drefen ma mar lies redenen. Redenek ew an keow, leun a reden.

A short walk on the road. The road uphill leads to the church and the road downhill leads to the sea. The road is narrow because there are so many ferns. The hedges are ferny, full of bracken.

Wednesday 26 July 2023

2023 Day 207

2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Seyth

De Merher, wheffes warn ügens mis Gorefen

Wednesday, 26th July

Pandr'ero whei ow kil war dreth? Martesen da ew genowgh kerdhes gen kei po whilas tresur po bathow gen helerhyas metol. Bes rag fra ma carr war an treth ma? E veu whans dhe nebonan a delher parkya frank! An rosow ew stag en treth down. Jynn-tedna a'n tednas mes.

What do you do on a beach? Perhaps you like walking with a dog or searching for treasure or coins with a metal detector. But why is there a car on this beach? Someone wanted a free parking space! The wheels are stuck in deep sand. A tractor pulled it out.

Tuesday 25 July 2023

2023 Day 206

2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Whegh

De Meurth, pempes warn ugens mis Gorefen

Tuesday, 25th July

Eus degolyow dhe whei? Pandr'ew agas pedn viaj moyha kerys? Ew da genowgh mos dhe'n treth rag degolyow morrep? Ma lies ostel reb an mor - Atlantek po Mor Cres, whei ell dewis. Ostyjy ell neyja e'n mor po omhowla. Bes ew an mor saw? Terweythyow ma gwithyjy-treth. Bes martesen an peryl na ell bos gwelys. Woja glaw poos, hager gawas, bystyon alja scappya e'n dowrow. Nena nag ew saw dhe neyja. War Rhodes an bobel a goscas war an treth dhe scappya tanyow gwyls.

Do you have holidays? What is your favourite destination? Do you like going to the beach for seaside holidays? There are many hotels by the sea - Atlantic or Mediterranean, you can choose. Guests can swim in the sea or sunbathe. But is the sea safe? Sometimes there are beach-guards. But perhaps the danger cannot be seen. After heavy rain, a downpour, sewage could escape into the waters. Then it is not safe to swim. On Rhodes the people slept on the beach to escape wildfires.

Monday 24 July 2023

2023 Day 205

2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Pemp

De Lun, pajwora warn ugens mis Gorefen

Monday, 24th July

En Kernow ha Sillan hedhyw tho an gewer gwenjek. An gwens o yeyn lowr. An eborn o glas - terweythyow blou ha terweythyow loos, gen cloudys gwydn. Bettegens, deffrans o war enesow en Mor Cres. Ena, tho an gwens tobm ha crev, ow fanya lies tan gwels. Na alja an eborn ha'n howl bos gwelys awos mog tewl.

In Cornwall and the Scillies today the weather was windy. The wind was quite cold. The sky was "glas" (blue/green/grey) - sometimes blue and sometimes grey, with white clouds. However, it was different on islands in the Mediterranean Sea. There the wind was hot and strong, fanning many wildfires. The sky and sun could not be seen because of dark smoke.

Sunday 23 July 2023

2023 Day 204

2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Pajar

De Sül, tryja warn ügens mis Gorefen

Sunday, 23rd July

Creunyores o vy. Ma dhebm taclow coth en seher ha copartys. Terweythyow theram ow cavas neppeth nakevys (ankevys). Ero whei owth ajon an gwias ma? Martesen tho whei re yonk. Lebmyn thew ev plüvek (gwres nanj ew termyn hir gen Ownter Fred), saw e'n gwerryans tho va parashût. Oll sortow taclow a veu gwres gen owrlyn parashût – otta goon mariach (en museum).

I am a hoarder. I have old things in bags and cupboards. Sometimes I find something forgotten. Do you recognise this fabric? Perhaps you are too young. Now it is a pillow (made a long time ago by Uncle Fred), but in the war it was a parachute. All kinds of things were made of parachute silk – here's a wedding gown (in a museum).

Saturday 22 July 2023

2023 Day 203

2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Trei

De Sadorn, nessa warn ugens mis Gorefen.

Saturday, 22nd July

Jorna gleb ha loos! Pe le ma hav? An kensa dedh degolyow scol - na vedh an flehes lowen. Na ellama mos mes ow honan - my a wra enjoya ow daffar nowydh! Agan chei ew pecar'a clojy lebmyn - gen cador, scavel ha dornla specyal.

A wet and grey day! Where is summer? The first day of school holidays - the children won't be happy. I can't go out myself - I'll enjoy my new equipment! Our house is like a hospital now - with a special chair. stool and handle.

Friday 21 July 2023

2023 Day 202

 2023 Dedh Dew Cans ha Dew

De Gwener, kensa warn ugens mis Gorefen

Friday, 21st July

Hedhyw tho vy sqwithüs ha sqwithys. My wrug kerdhes, redya, mires orth tele, debry ha scrifa - bes oll a taclow na o blewek. Ma othom dhebm a art. Martesen avorow my a vedn liwya po tedna nebes flourys. My alja gwil carten rag pednbloodh ow howethes. Bloodh hei ew pajar ugens.

Today I am boring and bored. I walked, read, watched TV, ate and wrote - but all those things were boring. I need art. Perhaps tomorrow I will colour or draw some flowers. I could make a card for my friend's birthday. She is eighty years old.

Thursday 20 July 2023

2023 Day 201

2023 Dedh Dew Cans hag Onan

De Yow, ugensves mis Gorefen

Thursday, 20th July

Ma liwyow e'n lowarth war whynas ha prysk. Ma flourys blou war an hydrangea bras - my a wrug gonis hedna. Ma flourys purpur war an buddleia - ev a wrug gonis y honan! An whynas ew gonys gen an gwens.

There are colours in the garden on weeds and bushes. There are blue flowers on the big hydrangea - I grew that. There are purple flowers on the buddleia - that planted itself! The weeds are sown by the wind.

Wednesday 19 July 2023

2023 Day 200

2023 Dedh Dew Cans

De Merher, nawnjegves mis Gorefen

Wednesday, 19th July

Na ellama leverel, "Glas ew an mor hedhyw," drefen na ellama kerdhes dhe weles an mor. Bettegens, my ell leverel, "An hav ew glas." Oll an keow ew glas, an gwedh ew glas ha ma lies moren las. Ma greun glas war an greunwedh - scawen, kerdhen. Whath ew an know coll glas war golwedh. Gwyweres ew gòcky - na ell anjei gòrtos. Nag ew an know arves, saw ma plysk gwag war an dor. 

I can't say, "The sea is blue today," because I can't walk to see the sea. However, I can say, "The summer is green." All the hedges are green, the trees are green and there are many green berries. There are green berries (grains) on berrytrees - an elder, a mountain ash. Even the hazelnuts are green on hazel trees. Squirrels are silly - they cannot wait. The nuts are not ripe, but there are are empty shells on the ground.

Tuesday 18 July 2023

2023 Day 199

 2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ugens ha Nawnjek

De Meurth, etegves mis Gorefen

Tuesday, 18th July

Thera vy ow mos rag tabm ha tabm, cabmow bian. My a gerdhas e'n vownder dhe vires orth an gover. Whath nag eus dowr lowr etto, saw an gwibes ew lowen. Da via genam kerdhes dhe'n gwelyow po treth, saw na ellama, na whath. En bledhydnyow eus passyes me a welas barlys glas ow tevy. Eus barlys e'n vledhen ma? Ew an gwelyow re segh?

I am progressing bit by bit, small steps. I walked in the lane to look at the stream. There is still not enough water in it, but the midges are happy. I would like to walk to the fields or the beach, but I can't, not yet. In past years I saw green barley growing. Is there barley this year? Are the fields too dry?

Monday 17 July 2023

2023 Day 198

2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ugens hag Etek

De Lun, seytegves mis Gorefen

Monday, 17th July

Fysiotherapydhes ha gwithyades clevyon en udn jorna! Tydn ha skith marow oma. Thera vy et ow gwely moy avarr vel usyes.

A physiotherapist and a nurse in one day! I am sore and exhausted. I am in my bed earlier than usual.

Sunday 16 July 2023

2023 Day 197

2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ugens ha Seytek

De Sul, whetegves mis Gorefen

Sunday, 16th July

My ell kerdhes gen fram kerdh. My a gerdhas e'n vownder ha mires adro. Thera lies bran e'n pras agan kentrevoges, ha lies anodhans ow neyja e'n ayr. Rag fra ma mar lies? Udn tycky-Duw a neyjas ogas dhe'm troos. My a welas nebes moy.

I can walk with a walking frame. I walked in the lane and looked around. There were many rooks in our neighbour's meadow, and many of them flying in the air. Why are there so many? One butterfly flew near my foot. I saw several more.


Saturday 15 July 2023

2023 Day 196

2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ugens ha Whetek

De Sadorn, pemdhegves mis Gorefen

Saturday, 15th July

En hav per cov gwav. Hav ew lebmyn ha ma frûtys bian war wedh. E vedh avalow lowr rag kidnyadh, saw anjei a vedh debrys ken gwav! Ma odhom dhe nei a wedh moy. Ma avalow saw nag eus per. Ma'n mor dû ow pleujyowa e'n ke, bes re ûhel ens. E vedh calish dh'aga cuntel.

In summer remember winter. It's summer now and there are little fruits on trees. There will be enough apples for autumn, but they will be eaten before winter! We need more trees. There are apples but there are no pears. The blackberries are blooming in the hedge, but they are too high. It will be hard to pick them.

Friday 14 July 2023

2023 Day 195

2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Pemdhek

De Gwener, pajardegves mis Gorefen

Friday, 14th July 

Nag eus howlsplan hedhyw, na whath tòbmder an howl, saw ma genam bleujow a'n howl spladn. Emesk flourys melyn ma flourys rüdh  (montbretia) ha flourys glas (agapanthus). Thens flourys a'n hav. Mowns ow tevy pur dha en Kernow en hav. Ow agapanthus ow hònan a veu ladhys gen rew a'n gwav. Ma montbretia melyn et ow lowarth, ewedh, saw nag ew an flourys mar spladn.

There's no sunshine today, nor yet the sun's warmth, but I have bright sunflowers. Among the yellow flowers there are red flowers (montbretia) and blue flowers (agapanthus). They are summer flowers. They grow very well in Cornwall in summer. My own agapanthus was killed by winter frost. There's yellow montbretia in my garden, too, though the flowers are not so bright.

Thursday 13 July 2023

2023 Day 194

2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ugens ha Peswardhek

De Yow, terdhegves mis Gorefen

Thursday, 13th July

Skith o vy, saw lowen. My a welas lies tycky-Duw ha udn cronek du brith et ow lowarth. Ha cowethes da a dhanvonas flourys teg dhebm.

I am tired, but happy. I saw a lot of butterflies and a spotty toad in my garden. And a good friend sent me lovely flowers.

Wednesday 12 July 2023

2023 Day 193

2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Terdhek

De Merher, dewdhegves mis Gorefen

Wednesday, 12th July

Dedh Deg gen clün nowydh ha my ell kerdhes oll adro dhe'n gegin, an basfry, an stevel sedha, ow chambour bian (ow sodhva), an attesva ha'n losowjy. Na wrüga vy crambla an degre, bes my wrüg kerdhes e'n vôwnder. My a veu lôwen gen howlsplan war ow bejeth.

Day Ten with a new hip and I can walk all around the kitchen, the hall, the sitting room, my little bedroom (my office), the toilet and the conservatory. I have not climbed the stairs, but I have walked in the lane. I was happy with sunshine on my face.

Tuesday 11 July 2023

2023 Day 192

2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Dewdhek

De Meurth, udnegves mis Gorefen

Tuesday, 11th July

Pe le ma ow ympydnyon hedhyw? Nag ujy traveth owth obery! Na ellama redya, na ellama scrifa, na ellama rekna. Pe le ma ow awen? Martesen avorow, wòja còsk moy.

Where is my brain today? Nothing works! I can't read, I can't write, I can't do sums. Where is my inspiration? Perhaps tomorrow, after more sleep.

Monday 10 July 2023

2023 Day 191

 2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens hag Üdnek

De Lün, degves mis Gorefen

Monday, 10th July

Nanj ew üdn seythen thera vy en clojy. Lebmyn otta vy en chei. My eth ha dos tre en ambulans. Na wruga vy codha war ow fedn, saw whath tho vy nebes sogh.   

One week ago I was in hospital. Now here I am at home. I went and came home in an ambulance. I didn't fall on my head but I am still a bit dimwitted.

Sunday 9 July 2023

2023 Day 190

 2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Deg

De Sül, nawes mis Gorefen

Sunday, 9th July

Pandr'ew an sonyow whei ell clowes en clojy? Ma lies lev. "Pe le ma an payn? Fatel wrügo whei gwil hedna? Üjy va ow hurtya òbma?" emedh an vedhogyon. "My a godhas. My a wras cabm gocky," emedh an glevyon. E'n nos ma," Clojiores! Gwra gweres dhebm!" 

What are the sounds you can hear in a hospital? There are many voices. "Where is the pain? How did you do that? Does it hurt here?" say the doctors. "I fell. I made a silly mistake," say the patients. In the night there is, "Nurse! Help me!"

Saturday 8 July 2023

2023 Day 189

2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Naw

De Sadorn, ethves mis Gorefen

Saturday, 8th July

Pe injurys ew gwelys en Diberthva Droglabmow? Ma lies eskern sqwachys ha juntys discavylsys. Ma dhe radn an bobel juntys nowydh - scoodh, clün pòken glin.

Which injuries are seen in a Trauma Ward? There are many broken bones and dislocated joints. Some people have new joints – either a shoulder, a hip or a knee.

Friday 7 July 2023

2023 Day 188

 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens hag Eth

De Gwener, seythves mis Gorefen

Friday, 7th July

Skith o vy. Na wrüga vy gwil traveth hedhyw, bes hemm ew skithüs. Ma dhebm lies fysek rag ow paynys, etho ma whans dhebm a gòsca oll an termyn.

I am tired. I didn't do anything today, but that is tiring. I have lots of medicines for my pains, so I want to sleep all the time.

Thursday 6 July 2023

2023 Day 187

2023 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Seyth

De Yow, wheffes mis Gorefen

Thursday, 6th July

Fatel ew an bownans en clojy? Dar! Bownans kebmyn ew astellys. Thera vy en stevel bian gen pemp benyn goth moy. Nei ell wherthin, kenth o nei en paynys. Na veu dhe nagonan hager droglam car. Na veu dhe geniver onan bes meschons gòcky – eskern sqwachys o an diwedh. Ma dhebm clün vetol nowydh ha lies brow.

How is life in hospital? Well! Ordinary life is suspended. I am in a small room with five more old women. We can laugh, although we are in pain. Nobody had a bad car accident. Everyone just had a silly mishap – broken bones were the result. I have a new metal hip and lots of bruises.