2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Whegh
De Meurth, üdnegves warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Tuesday, 31st December
Martesen an liw de a veu owr rag termyn cott, bes hedhyw glas ew an eborn, maga loos avel lüjiw. Res ew dhebm whilas liwyow erel. Otta üdn camellia rüdh emesk scorrednow didhel an perbren. Ma flourys moy war an camellia rosliw ewedh. Troblys oma rag ow flourys. Ma flourys gwenton ow tos ken diwedhys ew an gwav. Scantlowr dallathys ew an gwav. An gewer a wra treylya moy yeyn. E vedh rew, martesen ergh, hag ow flourys a wra merwel. Nag ew mis Whevrel nevra mis da.
Perhaps the colour yesterday was gold for a short time, but today the sky is grey, as grey as ashes. I have to look for other colours. Here's one red camelia among the leafless branches of the pear tree. There are more flowers on the pink camelia too. I am worried about my flowers. Spring flowers are coming before the winter has finished. The winter has hardly started. The weather will get colder. There will be frost, perhaps snow, and my flowers will die. February is never a good month.
Geryow hedhyw; Today's words
dallathys begun, started
didhel leafless < del (coll.) leaves
diwedhys finished, ended, over
glas green/grey/blue
liwyow colours < liw (m)
lüjiw (coll.) ashes
perbren (m) pear (tree/wood)
rosliw rose-coloured, pink
scantlowr hardly, scarcely, barely
termyn cott (m) a short time, a while
troblys worried, troubled
whilas to seek, look for