Tuesday, 31 December 2024

2024 Day 366

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Whegh

De Meurth, üdnegves warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Tuesday, 31st December

Martesen an liw de a veu owr rag termyn cott, bes hedhyw glas ew an eborn, maga loos avel lüjiw. Res ew dhebm whilas liwyow erel. Otta üdn camellia rüdh emesk scorrednow didhel an perbren. Ma flourys moy war an camellia rosliw ewedh. Troblys oma rag ow flourys. Ma flourys gwenton ow tos ken diwedhys ew an gwav. Scantlowr dallathys ew an gwav. An gewer a wra treylya moy yeyn. E vedh rew, martesen ergh, hag ow flourys a wra merwel. Nag ew mis Whevrel nevra mis da.
Perhaps the colour yesterday was gold for a short time, but today the sky is grey, as grey as ashes. I have to look for other colours. Here's one red camelia among the leafless branches of the pear tree. There are more flowers on the pink camelia too. I am worried about my flowers. Spring flowers are coming before the winter has finished. The winter has hardly started. The weather will get colder. There will be frost, perhaps snow, and my flowers will die. February is never a good month.

Geryow hedhyw; Today's words
dallathys begun, started
didhel leafless < del (coll.) leaves
diwedhys finished, ended, over
glas green/grey/blue
liwyow colours < liw (m)
lüjiw (coll.) ashes
perbren (m) pear (tree/wood)
rosliw rose-coloured, pink
scantlowr hardly, scarcely, barely
termyn cott (m) a short time, a while
troblys worried, troubled
whilas to seek, look for

Monday, 30 December 2024

2024 Day 365

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Pemp

De Lün, degves warn ügens Mis Kevardhû
Monday, 30th December

E'n termyn tremenys an düs a wrüg mires orth an eborn dhe ragleverel an gewer, gen howl isel dres ehen. Scattrys ew gòlow an howl gen podn e'n ayrgelgh. Ma podn e'n howlsedhes ow menya der gwask ayr ûhel ow tos - awel teg. Eborn rüdh e'n nos ew delît marner po bügel. Podn e'n howldrevel: ma'n awel teg ow mos kerdh. Eborn rüdh e'n mettin ew gwarnyans marner po bügel. Saw e'n mettin ma, e'n sooth-est, tho an eborn owryek. An gwedh o liwys gen owr ewedh. Nag eus rîm rag hedna. Ha thera cabmdhavas bras e'n noor-west. Lavar coth: Cabmdhavas e'n mettin, glaw bos etten.

In the past the people watched the sky to predict the weather, particularly with a low sun. The sunlight is scattered by dust in the atmosphere. Dust in the west means high air pressure is coming - fine weather. Red sky at night is a sailor's or shepherd's delight. Dust in the east: the good weather is going away. Red sky in the morning is a sailor's or shepherd's warning. But this morning, in the south-east, the sky was golden. The trees were also coloured with gold. There is no rhyme for that. And there was a big rainbow in the north-west. Proverb: Rainbow in the morning, there is rain in it.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 
ayrgelgh (m) atmosphere
bügel (m) shepherd
e'n termyn tremenys ~ passyes in the past
gwarnyans (m) warning
howldrevel (m) sunrise, the east
howlsedhes (m) sunset, the west
marner (m) sailor
mires orth to watch, look at
mos kerdh to go away
podn (m) dust
ragleverel to predict, foretell, forecast

Sunday, 29 December 2024

2024 Day 364

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Pajar

De Sül, nawves warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Sunday, 29th December

Ma lies deskybel en powyow erel ow tesky an tavas Kernowek. Terweythyow ma dhodhans ragadasow dhort Kernow. Diaspora an Kernôwyon en jei. Martesen an hendas o den bal po ynjydnor, bes thera whel aral dres mor, ewedh. Ha ma whel deffrans hedhyw e'n jedh rag tüs ha rag benenes. Ow stüdhyores en America ew scrifores, füg hy hanow, pecar'a Mark Twain. Hy lever cowboy ew ro Nadelik. Whei alja, martesen, trouvya bûghwas en Kernow, saw na wrew whei trouvya cowboy (po cowgirl)!

There are many students in other countries learning the Cornish language. Sometimes they have ancestors from Cornwall. They are the Cornish Diaspora. Perhaps the forefather was a miner or engineer, but there was other work overseas, too. And there is different work nowadays for men and for women. My student in America is a writer, with a false name, like Mark Twain. Her cowboy book is a Christmas present. You could, perhaps, find a cowherd in Cornwall but you won't find a cowboy (or cowgirl)!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
bûghwas (m) cowherd 
den bal (m) miner
deskybel (mf) ~ dyscabel (m) learner, student
dres mor overseas 
hedhyw e'n jedh nowadays
hendas (m) forefather, ancestor 
ragadas (m) forefather, ancestor 
stüdhyores (f) student
whel (m) work
ynjydnor (m) engineer

Saturday, 28 December 2024

2024 Day 363

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Trei

De Sadorn, ethves warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Saturday, 28th December

Da ew genam edhyn, an rüdhek dres ehen. Meurgerys en jei e'n termyn Nadelik. Whei ell aga trouvya lymnys war oll sortow taclow, rag sampel cartys, paper wrappya hag ow hanath. E'n mettin my a wrüg maga an edhyn gen kergh (brodnyon) - drefen nag eus has dhebm. Ma rüdhek e'n ke, bes gwywer loos gwag a dheuth ha ladra an boos. Ha nag ewa whath gwywer rüdh!
I like birds, especially the robin. They are popular at Christmas time. You can find them illustrated on all sorts of things, for example cards, wrapping paper and my mug. In the morning I fed the birds with oats (oatmeal) - because I don't have any seeds. There's a robin in the hedge, but a hungry grey squirrel came and stole the food. And it's not even a red squirrel!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
brodnyon (coll.) oatmeal, rolled oats, etc.
gwag hungry, empty
gwywer (m) squirrel
hanath (m) mug, beaker, goblet, chalice, etc.
kergh ~ kerth (coll.) oats
lymnys illustrated < vb. lymna
oll sortow taclow all sorts/kinds of things
rag sampel for example, for instance
rüdhek (m) robin < rüdh red 
wrappya to wrap (also maylya)

Friday, 27 December 2024

2024 Day 362

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Dew

De Gwener, seythves warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Friday, 27th December

Theram ow perthy cov bos sedhys e'n parleth ow howethes Tamsin en Falmeth, nebes bledhydnyow alebma, gen nebes scriforyon. Jeni ew scrifores - dramas ha novelys. Hei a wrüg lâwl dhen adro dhe'n vodrep hy thas - benyn gosel ha wheg, gen story marthys. Termyn hei veu benyn yonk hei a wrüg keskerdhes ha kemeres radn en protests, ow temondya vôtys rag benenes. Hei a wrüg towlel meyn ha sqwacha beistry shoppys gen morthol - ha bos presonys. Lebmyn, meur a ras dhe ro Nadelik, my ell redya oll an lever (ha my ow tebry choclat).

I remember sitting in the sitting room of my friend Tamsin in Falmouth, several years ago, with some writers. Jeni is a writer - dramas and novels. She told us about her father's aunt, her great-aunt - a quiet, gentle woman with a surprising history. When she was a young woman she had marched and taken part in demonstrations, demanding votes for women. She had thrown stones and smashed shop windows with a hammer - and been imprisoned. Now, thanks to a Christmas present, I can read the whole book (while I eat chocolate).

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
alebma ago, from now
cosel quiet, peaceful
cowethes (f) friend  (c>h)
gorvodrep (f) great-aunt < modrep (f)
kemeres radn to take part
keskerdhes to march
lâwl ~ lâl to tell, relate, narrate, etc.
marthys surprising < marth (m)
morthol (m) hammer
parleth (m) sitting room, parlour
perthy cov ~ co to remember

Thursday, 26 December 2024

2024 Day 361

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Wonan

De Yow, wheffes warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Thursday, 26th December 

Nag eus othom dhebm a garlons Nadelik e'n chei. Ma flourys pur deg dhe vy et ow lowarth. Mons ow treylya aga bejethow rosliw a-Howl. (Saw nag eus howl; Nadelik niwlek ewa - po an cloudys ew pur isel.) Boos da, dewosow da ha kescowethyans da a wrüg gweres dhe nei sconya an awel dhrog.

I don't need Christmas decorations in the house. I have very beautiful flowers in my garden. They turn their pink faces towards the Sun. (But there's no sun; it's a foggy Christmas - or the clouds are very low.) Good food, good drinks and good company helped us ignore the bad weather.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
a-Howl towards the Sun
bejethow faces < bejeth (m)
dewosow drinks < dewes (m)
garlons Nadelik Christmas decorations
gweres dhe to help, assist
kescowethyans (m) company, companionship
niwlek foggy
rosliw pink, rose-coloured
sconya to disregard, ignore
treylya to turn