Tuesday, 30 November 2021

2021 Day 334

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Peswardhek warn Ügens

De Meurth, degves warn ügens mis Dû

Tuesday, 30th November

An diwettha dedh a vis Dû. Na veu mis Dû mis da - ha na vedh mis Kevardhû mis gwell, dres lycklod! Saw thew hedhyw jorna gool en Scottlond ha Gres. Thew hedhyw Degol Sent Androw, sans tasek Scottlond. Degol kenedhlek ew ev en Scottlond (saw nag ewa en Inglond). An baner Albanek ew crows omgrows wydn war wel blou. Piw o Androw? Tho ev Abostel Jesus ha broder Sen Peder. Ev a veu ena en Soper an Arlòdh hag ev a veu gòrrys e'n grows en Gres e'n Vledhen agan Arlòdh trei ügens. Y grows a veu pecar'a X. Enorys ew ev en Scottlond môy es mil bledhen. Ev a veu den an puskes, etho sans tasek ew ev rag pobel a'n puskes. 

The last day of the month of November. November wasn't a good month - and December won't be a better month, probably! But today is a day of celebration in Scotland and Greece. Today is the feast day of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. It's a national holiday in Scotland (but it isn't in England). The Scottish flag is a white saltire on a blue field. Who was Andrew? He was an Apostle of Jesus and brother of St Peter. He was present at the Last Supper and he was crucified in Greece in 60 A.D. His cross was like an X. He has been honoured in Scotland for over 1000 years. He was a fisherman, so he is patron saint of fisher folk. 

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

baner (m) flag

broder (m) brother

crows (f) cross > crows omgrows saltire

degol (m) holiday, feast day, saint's day

enorys ~ onorys honoured

gòrra e'n grows to crucify

jorna gool (m) day of celebration

kenedhlek national (can also use nacyonal or a'n pow)

sans tasek (m) patron saint

Scottlond ~ Alban (PN) Scotland

Sent ~ Sen (title) Saint (not used for Celtic saints)


Monday, 29 November 2021

2021 Day 333

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Terdhek warn Ügens

De Lün, nawhes warn ügens mis Dû

Monday, 29th November

Mettin. Thera vy ow còrtos ow mab wydn. Na ell ev mos en scol hedhyw drefen bos cas Covid emesk an flehes erel. Plesys a vedh an cathes dh'y weles ev. Anjei a'n car. Da ew ganjans sedha war y varrlen. Martesen ev ell gweres dhebm gans an wedhen Nadelik. Bes, soweth! Ma'n fôn ow seny. Ma'n tas ev ow conis tre, etho ev ell gòrtos ena ewedh.  Na vedh barrlen rag an cathes. Bettegens, da vedh ganjans gen crohen dhavas war chayr ogas dhe radiador. Ma meur a whel dhe wil hedhyw. Res ew dhebm whilas emesk ow fôtôs coth.  My a drouvyas an gwedh didhanüs ma.  

Morning. I am waiting for my grandson. He can't go into school today because there's a case of Covid among the other children. The cats will be pleased to see him. They love him. They like sitting on his lap. Perhaps he can help me with the Christmas tree. But, sadly! The phone rings. His father is working at home, so he can stay there too. There will be no lap for the cats. However, they will be content with a sheepskin on a chair near a radiator. There's a lot of work to do today. I have to search among my old photos. I found these amusing trees.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

barrlen (f) lap

cara to love

contentys contented, pleased

crohen dhavas (f) sheepskin

didhanüs amusing

gonis to work

gòrtos to wait (for), stay

gwedhen Nadelik (f) Christmas tree

gweres dhe to help, give help to

plesys pleased

soweth sadly, unfortunately

Sunday, 28 November 2021

2021 Day 332

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Dewdhek warn Ügens

De Sül, ethves warn ügens mis Dû

Sunday, 28th November

"Nag ew gwav," emedh an Hosta! Ma va en telher redenek goskeusys.  "Gwav ew, aredy," emedh agan kentrevoges. "Ow stabel a gollas y do en Enawel Arwen." Hedna a veu nos an moyha gwenjek et agan covadhow. Na wrüg an chei ma kelly oll y do. Ev a gollas nebes lehednow. An gwens a whethas taclow erel ewedh. An garlons myllys reb men co a'n bresel ew en deray. Ma üdn arwòdh vorr a'y wrowedh war y drenewen, hag arwòdh aral ew pòsys dhe'n dor en astel.   

"It's not winter," says the Hosta! It is flowering in a sheltered, ferny place. It is certainly winter," says our neighbour. "My stable lost its roof in Storm Arwen." That was the windiest night in our memories. This house didn't lose all its roof. It lost several tiles. The wind blew other things too. The poppy wreaths by the war memorial are in disarray. One road sign is lying on its side, and another sign is weighted down as a precaution.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

aredy certainly

covadh (m) memory

deray disarray

en astel as a precaution

goskeusys sheltered

lehednow tiles, slates, slabs < lehen (f)

pòsa to weigh, press

redenek ferny

stabel (m) stable

whetha to blow



Saturday, 27 November 2021

2021 Day 331

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Üdnek warn Ügens

De Sadorn, seythves warn ügens mis Dû

Saturday, 27th November

Ass o brâs an gwens e'n nos! E'n jedh, ma whath gwens crev a-dhia'n Noor. Gwens Arctyk ew yeyn ha tydn. Ma todnow brâs ha ma mir a ergh dhe'n scroff. Gwens crev ell movya taclow poos. My a glowas an nowodhow war an radyo. Ma lies gwedhen codhys war vorrow. Kellys ew an provians tredan gen meur a bobel. Kellys ew gen agan kentrevogyon aga fellgowser ha'n gwias. Branch a godhas war aga crow ha hedna a dhros aga linen fôn dhe'n dor. Agan linen ew dien, en üdn darn. Na whath, an trampolîn ew neppeth aral - ev a sòffras. Ma va en baywedhen ha cabmys ew üdn trig. Ev a aras bush bras a gesarednow dhe godha e'n vorr.    


What a big wind there was in the night! In the day, there is still a strong wind from the North. An Arctic wind is cold and biting. There are big waves and the foam looks like snow. A strong wind can shift heavy things. I heard the news on the radio. There are lots of trees fallen on roads. Many people have lost the electricity supply. Our neighbours have lost their telephone and the internet. A branch fell on their shed and that brought their phone line down. Our line is intact, in one piece. However, the trampoline is something else - it has suffered. It is in a bay tree and one support is bent. It dropped a load of hailstones on its way.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-dhia'n Noor from the North, northerly

an Arctyk the Arctic 

an gwias the internet, the web

cabmys ~ cabm bent

movya to move, shift

pellgowser (m) telephone (can also use fôn)

poos heavy, weighty

provians (m) supply, provision

sòffra to suffer

tydn biting, sharp

Friday, 26 November 2021

2021 Day 330

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Deg warn Ügens

De Gwener, wheffes warn ügens mis Dû

Friday, 26th November

Ma'n enawel Arwen ow tos ha ma'n gwens ow terevel. Scon, na vedh del veth war an gwedh. Solabres, ma môy a dhel war an leur es war vranchys. Ma'n dherowen ow clena ort hy del marow saw noth ew an onnen. Nag eus flourys e'n corlan, bes ma liw, bettegens. Otta scavel gronek rüdhvelyn teg war vedh.

Storm Arwen is coming and the wind is getting up. Soon there will be no leaves on the trees. Already, there are more leaves on the floor than on branches. The oak tree is clinging to its dead leaves but the ash tree is bare. There aren't any flowers in the churchyard, but there is colour, however. Here's a beautiful orange toadstool on a grave.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bedh (m) grave

branchys branches (can also use scorednow, barrow)

corlan (f) churchyard, cemetery

derevel to build, raise/rise, get up

derowen (f) oak tree

glena ort to cling to

na vedh there will not be

onnen ~ enwedhen (f) ash tree

scavel (f) stool 

solabres already




Thursday, 25 November 2021

2021 Day 329

 2021 Dedh Trei Hans Naw warn Ügens

De Yow, pempes warn ügens mis Dû

Thursday, 25th November

Du Nadelik a vedh en üdn mis. Ma lies darbaryans a'n sêson en lies telher. Afînansow ew derevys. Scon oll an gòlowow a vedh tinys. Ma eledh ow whetha kernow en Redrüdh ha puskes ha todnow en Porth Ia. Ma'n gòlowow reb an heyl en Heyl ow leverel "Nadelik Lôwenek". Bes pandr'ew hedna reb gorvarhas en Cambron? Nag ewa carow ergh!

Christmas Day will be in one month. There are many seasonal preparations in many places. Decorations are put up. Soon the lights will all be switched on. There are angels blowing horns in Redruth and fishes and waves in St Ives. The lights by the estuary in Hayle say "Merry Christmas". But what's this by a supermarket in Camborne? It's not a reindeer!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

afînans (m) decoration

darbaryans (m) preparation

derevys erected, put up

Du Nadelik Christmas Day

eledh angels < el (m)

gòlow (m) light

kernow horns < corn (m)

lôwenek merry, festive

puskes fish(es) < pesk (m)

tina to switch on, light

whetha to blow, play wind instrument


Wednesday, 24 November 2021

2021 Day 328

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Eth warn Ügens

De Merher, pajwora warn ügens mis Dû

Wednesday, 24th November

Mall ew gen lies flogh cawas calander Adhwen rag mis Kevardhû. Bes pandr'ew Adhwen? En eglosyow e'n west ma va ow tallath war an pajwora (peswara) Sül ken Nadelik. Henn'ew an Sül nessa dhe Dhegol Sen Androw (degves warn ügens mis Dû). Ma Calander Adhwen ow tallath, pup pres, kensa mis Kevardhû.   En Eglosyow Owngryjyk ha Catholyk a'n Est, thew Adhwen termyn a sconyans ha penans, dogens dedh ken Du Nadelik. Thewa henwys "Sconyans an Nadelik". Ma'n gryjygyon ow sevel ort debry kig, pesk, ascor lethek, oyow, oyl ha gwin, tredh terry an jedh ha tolalolla. Mons ow pedery adro dhe'n devedhyans Jesus Crist, Mab Duw, e'n kig (ha'n Second Devedhyans). Vas ew rag corf ha sperys. Ges ew calander Adhwen mars eus choclat po gwin etto - nag ew hedna sconyans! Hag ascor tecter?   

Lots of children look forward to getting an Advent calendar for December. But what is Advent? In western churches it begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. That is the Sunday closest to St Andrew's Day (30th November). An Advent calendar always starts on 1st December. In Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches, Avent is a time of abstinence and penance, forty days before Christmas Day. It is called the Nativity Fast. The believers go without meat, fish, dairy produce, eggs, oil and wine, between dawn and dusk. They are thinking about the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in the flesh (and the Second Coming). It is good for body and spirit. An Advent calendar is a mockery of this if it contains chocolate or wine - that's not abstinence! And beauty products?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

Adhwen Advent

a'n est eastern

bos mall gen to look forward to, to be keen to

cryjygyon believers < cryjyk ~ cryssyk (m)

Du Nadelik Christmas Day (Du is used for special days)

eglosyow churches < eglos (f)

owngryjyk ~ owngrysyk orthodox

penas ~ penans (m) penance

sconyans (m) abstinence, a fast  

sevel ort to go without, forgo

terry an jedh (m) dawn

tolalolla (m) dusk


Tuesday, 23 November 2021

2021 Day 327

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Seyth warn Ügens

De Meurth, tryja warn ügens mis Dû

Tuesday, 23rd November

Ma arwòdhyow vorr (fordh) oll adro. Ma othom a whel en nebes teleryow. Bes pe ehen a whel ew ev? Rag fra ma othom dhe'n kerry a vos an eyl wòja y gila? Ma toll e'n vorr, gwres gen Dowr Soth West. E veu othom dhe nebonan a pibow nowydh. "Ma edrek dhe nei rag neb ancòmbrynjy," emedh aga avisyans. Ma mentons pòrresys gwres ganjans. Ma clòjyow adro dhe'n toll. Ma arwòdh aral ogas dhe'n hens hôrn coth. "Gwarnyans. Entrans telher rag traffyk derevyans". Ma'n whel ow mos rag war an cors nowydh rag diwrosa.

There are road-signs all around. Work is needed in several places. But what sort of work is it? Why is it necessary for cars to go in single file? There's a hole in the road, made by South West Water. Somebody needed new pipes. "We are sorry for any inconvenience" says their notice. They have done essential maintenance. There are hurdles round the hole. There's another sign near the old railway. "Caution. Site entrance for construction traffic." The work is going ahead on the new track for cycling.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

ancòmbrynjy (m) inconvenience

an eyl wòja y gila in single file, one after the other

arwòdhyow vorr road-signs < arwòdh vorr (f)

clòjyow ~ clòsyow hurdles <cloos (m)

derevyans (m) construction

gwarnyans (m) caution, warning

hens hôrn (m) railway (alternative to vorr gledher)

mentons (m) maintenance

teleryow places < telher ~ teller (m) place, site

toll (m) hole