Tuesday, 31 January 2023

2023 Day 31

2023 Dedh Üdnek warn Ügens

De Meurth, üdnegves warn ügens mis Genver

Tuesday, 31st January

Ellowgh whei gweles havalder teylû veth? Nag eus barv dhebm bes ma dhebm an pedn rond! An den jentyl ma ew sira ow mabm wydn. Ev ew keveren ragam dhe'n Bresel Civil America. Genys veu va, e'n jedh ma, diw vledhen derag y dhallathvos ha my a veu dew vloodh e'n vledhen ev a verwas.   

Can you see any family resemblance? I do not have a beard but I do have the round head! This gentleman is my grandmother's father. He is a link for me to the American Civil War. He was born, on this day, two years before its start and I was two years old in the year he died.

Geryow rag hedhyw: Words for today

barv (m) beard

bledhen (f) year

bloodh (m) year of age

bresel (m) war, battle, dispute

dallathvos (m) beginning, start

den jentyl (m) gentleman

derag before

havalder (m) similarity, likeness

keveren (f) connection, link

Monday, 30 January 2023

2023 Day 30

2023 Dedh Deg warn Ügens

De Lün, degves warn Ügens mis Genver

Monday, 30th January

Nag eus tra veth dadn an mor en Porth Peran, marnas treth. Saw dadn an mor ogas dhe'n Carrek Loos e'n Coos ma gwedh coth treylyes dhe ven. Nei ell aga gweles en termyn mortid pur isel. Nei ell gweles gwreckys ort trig en Porth Reptor. Thens horn gossednek - gorholyon eth a'n oos Metêrnes Victoria. Anjei a veu resegys war an treth gen hager enawel.

There is nothing under the sea in St Piran's Cove, apart from sand. But below the sea near St Michael's Mount (the Grey Rock in the Wood) there are fossilised old trees. We can see them at a time of very low tide. We can see shipwrecks at low tide in Carbis Bay. They are rusted iron - Victorian steamships. They were  run aground by a terrible storm.

Sunday, 29 January 2023

2023 Day 29

2023 Dedh Naw warn Ügens

De Sül, nawhes warn ügens mis Genver

Sunday, 29th January

Ma whans dhe'm cowethes ha dhebm a wodhvos oll an henwyn liwyow. Bes calish ew. An keth hanow ew ûsyes rag nebes liwyow ha nag eus henwyn da rag nebes liwyow erel. Pymentys an cottha ew dhort prei po carrygy. Ma'n liwyow ow türya rag nevra, thens maga coth avel an Norves. Otta mòngleudh gossen en Frenk. Nag üjy an liwyow ow kelly liw. Ma gossen rüdh ha gossen velyn. Ma moy a dhowr kelmys e'n liw melyn ha'n liw rüdh ew heb dowr. Melyn ell bos treylyes dhe rüdh gen y lesky. Mons oll ow comprehendya oxîds a horn.  Nag eus mòngleudh gossen en Kernow bes ma whath call en gonyjow. Ma ryvar ogas dhe Redrüdh (Dowr Conar) henwys an ryvar rüdh. Gossen ew riddyes dhort dowr plompyes mes an balyow, rag sampel Whel Jane. Artist Onya McCausland a ûsyas an pyment ma war vos.  

My friend and I want to know all the names of colours. But it's hard. The same name is used for several colours and there are no good names for some other colours. The oldest pigments are from clay or rocks. The colours last for ever, they are as old as the Earth. Here's an ochre quarry in France. The colours are not fading. There's red ochre and yellow ochre. There's more water bound in the yellow colour and the red colour is anhydrous. Yellow can be turned to red by burning it. They all contain oxides of iron. There is no ochre quarry in Cornwall but there is still iron ore in past mine workings. There is a river near Redruth (River Conar) called the red river. In the past it was stained red. Ochre is removed from the water pumped out of mines, e.g. Wheal Jane. Artist Onya McCausland used this pigment on a wall.

Saturday, 28 January 2023

2023 Day 28

2023 Dedh Eth warn Ügens

De Sadorn, ethves warn ügens mis Genver

Saturday, 28th January

Da ew genam kemeres fotos, saw nag o vy pur abel. Terweythyow my a wel pictours brentin war linen. Ma fotograffer en Pow Densher ow kemeres fotos pur deg. Otta elergh gans an howl a-dhelher dhodho. Ma va ow lesa y eskelly. Ow gwelha assay ew rüdhek e'n ke, gen eskelly degëys. Nag ew hedna mar dhramatyk. 

I love taking photos, but I am not very expert. Sometimes I see excellent pictures on line. A photographer in Devon takes very beautiful photos. Here's a swan with the sun behind it. It is spreading its wings. My best attempt is a robin in the hedge, with closed wings. That is not so dramatic.

Friday, 27 January 2023

2023 Day 27

2023 Dedh Seyth warn Ügens

De Gwener, seythves warn ügens mis Genver

Friday, 27th January

Nag ew da genam an mis ma! Pub pres ma'n comyn annes genam. Pandr'ew an sinys a gleves? Terweythyow ma pâs e'n lonk po drog branja po tagans en dewfrig po febyr. Terweythyow ma oll anodhans ha moy! Nag eus febyr genam saw ma drog pedn genam.  

I don't like this month! I always have the common cold. What are the symptoms? Sometimes there is a throaty cough or a sore throat or congestion in the nose or a fever. Sometimes there are all of them and more! I do not have a fever but I have a headache.

Thursday, 26 January 2023

2023 Day 26

2023 Dedh Whegh warn Ügens

De Yow, wheffes warn ügens mis Jenwar

Thursday, 26th January

Nag ew mis Genver an gwelha termyn rag trouvya fungi war an dor. Bettegens, ma fungi corbel war wedh ha kievow. Prednek ens ha na ell bos debrys, bes thens crev ha stout. Anjei a wra dürya an gwav. Kewny ha liken a wra dürya ewedh. Ma kewny ha liken war an pôst-sin coth ma.

January is not the best time to find fungi on the ground. However, there are bracket fungi on trees and stumps. They are woody and inedible, but they are strong and hardy. They will survive the winter. Moss and lichen will survive as well. There is moss and lichen on this old sign-post.

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

2023 Day 25

2023 Dedh Pemp warn Ügens

De Merher, pempes warn ügens mis Genver

Wednesday, 25th January 

Còsel ew an ayr ha my ell clowes an mor. Nag eus ergh lebmyn, bes ma bleujednow ergh solabres e'n ke. Ma nebes mellyon purpur ewedh, ow cüdha emesk an delkyow. Ma moy a liw e'n ke avel e'n mor hedhyw. An mor ha'n ebòrn ew brithys gen loos. Calish ew dhe weles an gorwel. Ma cotys rüdh ha liw kesten spladn ow contrastya gen skiber gwer ha gwels glas. 

The air is still and I can hear the sea. There's no snow now, but there are already snowdrops in the hedge. There are some purple violets as well, hiding among the leaves. There is more colour in the hedge than in the sea today. The sea and the sky are striped with grey. It's hard to see the horizon. Bright red and chestnut coats contrast with a green barn and green grass. 

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

2023 Day 24

2023 Dedh Pajar warn Ügens

De Meurth, pajwora warn ügens mis Genver

Tuesday, 24th January

Theram ow pedery an trolergh nowydh arta. Nei ell gweles taclow bian ha taclow brâs, taclow nowydh ha taclow coth. Ma nebes kistednow en scorednow. Ens rag edhyn gwels po bronoges dhe wil neythow? 

I am thinking about the new footpath again. We can see small things and big things, new things and old things. There are several boxes in branches. Are they for wild birds or mammals to make nests?

Monday, 23 January 2023

2023 Day 23

2023 Dedh Trei warn Ügens

De Lün, tryja warn ügens mis Genver

Monday, 23rd January

Radn an trolergh nowydh ew ûhel. Nei ell gweles glasneth war nans ha ker e'n peldar. Ma vorrow ow mos dadn nebes ponsow ha ma stappys emann dhort üdn vorr dhe'n lergh. Ma nebes lettys - saw na lies. Kemerowgh with! Na wrewgh codha! 

Part of the new footpath is high. We can see greenery down hill and a hill fort in the distance. There are roads going under some bridges and there are steps up from one road to the path. There are some barriers - but not many. Take care! Don't fall!

Sunday, 22 January 2023

2023 Day 22

2023 Dedh Dew warn Ügens

De Sül, nessa warn ügens mis Genver

Sunday, 22nd January

Dohajedh Sül en bledhen nowydh ew termyn da rag kerdhes. Ma trolergh nowydh dhort Cookes bys en Goon Havar. Ledan ew, ha vas ewa rag mergh ha rag diwrosya ewedh. Meurgerys ew. My a welas lies teylû gen flehes ha keun. Thera tüs war dhiwrosow. Rag fra ma'n lergh ena? Thewa vorr gledher godh, saw nag eus cledher. Radn ew ev an Lergh Sansow nowydh. Ma üdn po dew ol an hens horn. Eth mildir ha trei qwartron dhort pe le?

A Sunday afternoon in a new year is a good time for walking. There is a new footpath from Cocks to Goonhavern. It's wide, and it's suitable for horses and for cycling, too. I saw lots of families with children and dogs. There were people on bicycles. Why is the track there? It's an old railway, though there are no rails. It's part of the new "Saints Trail". There are one or two traces of the railway. Eight and three-quarter miles from where?

Saturday, 21 January 2023

2023 Day 21

2023 Dedh Onan warn Ügens

De Sadorn, kensa war ügens mis Genver

Saturday, 21st January 

Farwel dhe Vledhen an Tiger. Avorow a vedh Bledhen Nowydh e'n calander loor - Bledhen an Cònin. My a veu genys en Bledhen an Cülyek!

Goodbye to the Year of the Tiger. Tomorrow will be New Year in the lunar calendar - a Year of the Rabbit. I was born in a Year of the Rooster!

Friday, 20 January 2023

2023 Day 20

2023 Dedh Ügens

De Gwener, ügensves mis Genver

Friday, 20th January

Ma tan e'n eborn. Loscüs ew an cloudys. En gwav ma'n howl ow terevel en sooth est. Ma'n liw rüdh ow rei semblans tòbm, saw nag ew an awel tòbm. Ma'n liw glas ow rei mir yeyn, ha hedna ew gwir e'n foto ma gen Steve Cox en Carn Bre.

There is fire in the sky. The clouds are alight. In winter the sun rises in the south east. The colour red gives a warm appearance, but the weather is not warm. The colour blue  gives a cold look, and that is true in this photo by  Steve Cox in Carn Brea.

Thursday, 19 January 2023

2023 Day 19

2023 Dedh Nawnjek

De Yow, nawnjegves mis Genver

Thursday, 19th January

De, thera gwav dhe nei. Bes hedhyw, gellys ew an ergh ha ma solabres sinys a-varr a wenton. An re ma, reb an vorr, ew an kensa losow lagas melyn gwelys genam e'n vledhen ma. Ew da geno whei an to rüdh? Nag ew hedna da genam! Ma va ow cül drog dhe'n gwel, e'n opynyon vy.

Yesterday, we had winter. But today, the snow has gone and there are already early signs of spring. These, by the road, are the first yellow celandines I have seen this year. Do you like the red roof? I do not like that! It spoils the view, in my opinion.

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

2023 Day 18

2023 Dedh Etek

De Merher, etegves mis Jenwar

Wednesday, 18th January

Wòja an ergh ma'n tedhans ow tos. Nag ew crev an howl e'n mettin, etho ma whath ergh war an mena west. Nag eus eur dadn wedh. An mena est ew moy howlek ha tòbma e'n dohajedh. Nag eus ergh war an tewednow. Gleb ew an vôwnder, ha leun a dhowr ew an gover bian. Ma son a dhowr ow codha.

After the snow comes the thaw. The sun in the morning is not strong, so there is still snow on the western hillside. There is no snow under trees. The eastern hillside is more sunny and warmer in the afternoon. There's no snow on the dunes. The lane is wet and the little stream is full of water. There is a sound of falling water.

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

2023 Day 17

2023 Dedh Seytek

De Meurh, seytegves mis Jenwar

Tuesday, 17th January

Derag terry an jedh, my a dhifünas drefen bos omdhegyans an kei nebes coynt. Oll an bes ew gwydn. A nag eus gweles ergh gans an kei kens lebmyn? Eus blas nowydh? Nag eus gwens, etho ma whath ergh war neujednow tredan ha gwedh hir. Gwydn ha glan ew an ergh bes, en-dadn an ergh, thew an dor gleb, leyjek ha plosek. Bedn an ergh thew pub tra plos. En hav, teg ew an vos cüdhys gen liken rüdhvelyn ha kewny glas. Lebmyn hager ew hei. E vedh othom dhen a bayntya an yet gwydn arta, en sür.  

Before daybreak, I woke up because the dog's behaviour was rather odd. All the world is white. Hasn't the dog seen snow before now? Is there a new smell? There is no wind, so there is still snow on electricity wires and tall trees. The snow is white and pristine but, underneath the snow, the ground is wet, muddy and dirty. Against the snow everything is dirty. In summer, the wall covered in orange lichen and green moss is pretty. Now it is ugly. We will certainly need to paint the white gate again.

Gerva rag hedhyw: Vocabulary for today

blas (m) smell (often a bad one)

coynt odd, strange, peculiar

difüna ~ divüna to wake up

kewny (coll) moss, lichen, liverworts, algae

leyjek muddy, slimy

liken (scientific name) lichen

neus (coll) wires, threads > neujen> neujednow

omdhegyans (m) behaviour

payntya to paint

plos ~ plosek dirty

terry an jedh (m) daybreak, dawn

yet (m) gate

Monday, 16 January 2023

2023 Day 16

2023 Dedh Whetek

De Lün, whetegves mis Genver

Monday, 16th January

My a glowas towl an gewer. Nag o va pur dha. An gewer a vedh pur yeyn. Martesen e vedh yey war an vorrow. An Consel a wra drei rag an trònk-kerry gen grow ha holan dhe lesa. An vorrow a vedh moy saw. E'n gwelha pres, nag eus othom dhebm a vos mes an chei!

I heard a weather forecast. It was not very good. The weather will be very cold. Perhaps there will be ice on the roads. The Council will bring out the lorries with grit and salt to spread. The roads will be safer. Fortunately, I do not need to go out of the house!

Sunday, 15 January 2023

2023 Day 15

2023 Dedh Pemdhek

De Sül, pemdhegves mis Genver

Sunday, 15th January

Ma nebes dedhyow leb ew blewek. Ha hedhyw a veu udn jedh a'n par na! Martesen avorow a vedh moy dhe les. Lebmyn my a wra redya ha mires orth tele.

There are some days that are boring. And today was a day like that! Perhaps tomorrow will be more interesting. Now I'll read and watch TV.

Saturday, 14 January 2023

2023 Day 14

2023 Dedh Peswardhek

De Sadorn, pajardegves mis Genver

Saturday, 14th January

Dhort mena en Penrynn nei ell gweles dowr - an hean Penrynn, gen leuryow scathow, en ogas, ha radn an Dowr Carrek e'n pelder. Terweythyow nei ell gweles Castel Lanvausa ewedh. Na ellen nei gweles an mor y honan. An treven en ogas ew Penrynn ha'n re a-bell ew Falmeth.

From a hillside in Penryn we can see water - the Penryn harbour, with boatyards, nearby and part of Carrick Roads in the distance. Sometimes we can see St Mawes Castle too. We can't see the sea itself. The houses nearby are Penryn and those far away are Falmouth.

Friday, 13 January 2023

2023 Day 13

2023 Dedh Terdhek

De Gwener, terdhegves mis Genver

Friday, 13th January

Thew de Gwener, an jedh hedhyw, henwys en Kernôwek (saw na en Sowsnek) warlergh planet po duwes. Gwener ew planet ha duwes. Nei a wel an keth hanow en tavosow erel - dydd Gwener en Kembrek, venerdì en Italek, vendredi en Frenkek, dies Veneris en Laten. Piw o hei? Dhe'n Grekys, an planetys o "Gwandryjy", ow qwaya bedn gwel a gonstellacyons (nebes gen henwyn Greka). An Romans a ros henwyn duwyow dhe'n planetys.    Godhvedhys o agan planet Gwener dhe'n Romans avel "Lucifer" - doner golow ha sans dhe Venus. Lucifer a dhog torchen ha declarya howldrevel -  Bòrlowen. Moy diwedhes, an hanow Lucifer o ûsyes rag an Jowl ha gelwys o an planet rag an duwes.

Friday, the day today, is named in Cornish (though not in English) after a planet or goddess. Venus (Gwener) is a planet and a goddess. We see the same name in other languages - dydd Gwener in Welsh, venerdì in Italian, vendredi in French, dies Veneris in Latin. Who was she? To the Greeks the planets were "Wanderers", moving against a background of constellations (some with Greek names). The Romans gave gods' names to the planets. Our planet Gwener was known to the Romans as "Lucifer" - light bringer and sacred to Venus. Lucifer carried a torch and announced the dawn - the morning star. Later the name Lucifer was used for the Devil and the planet was named for the goddess.