Sunday 31 October 2021

2021 Day 304

2021 Dedh Trei Hans ha Pajar

De Sül, üdnegves warn ügens mis Hedra

Sunday, 31st October

Nos Calan Gwav lôwen dhe whei! Emesk Keltyon ha Keltesow enesek, gwelys veu an vledhen en dew hanter. Thera an hanter golow ha'n hanter tewl. An jedh a dhallathas gen howlsedhes ha, en keth maner, an vledhen a dhallathas gen devedhyans an tewlder. Etho, hedhyw ew dallath an vledhen gen dallath an hanter tewl. An nosow ew hirra vel an dedhyow. Bledhen Nowydh lôwen dhe whei. En crejyans pagan, e'n nos ma thew an vayl treth an bes ma ha'n nessa moy gwadn, ha spryjyon ell tremena. Hemm'ew an rêson rag radn an bobel dhe dòllwisca avel spryjyon. Ma flehes ow tòllwisca avel oll sortow taclow (vilens dres ehen), ha da ew ganjans lanterns pompyon ha turnypen ewedh.

Happy Halloween to you! Among insular Celts, the year was seen in two halves. There was the light half and the dark half. The day began with sunset and, in the same way, the year began with the arrival of the darkness. So, Today is the start of the year with the start of the dark half. The nights are longer than the days. Happy New Year to you! In pagan belief, on this night the veil between this world and the next in weaker, and spirits can cross the boundary. This is the reason for some people to dress up as ghosts. Children dress up as all sorts of things (especially villains), and they like pumpkin and turnip lanterns, too.

 Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

crejyans pagan (m) pagan belief

devedhyans (m) arrival

enesek insular

howlsedhes (m) sunset

Keltyon ~ Keltesow Celts < Kelt (m) ~ Keltes (f)

Nos Calan Gwav Halloween

spryjyon spirits, ghosts < sperys (m)

tewlder (m) darkness < tewl ~ tewal

tòllwisca to disguise, dress up

tremena to cross, traverse

vayl (m) veil

Saturday 30 October 2021

2021 Day 303

 2021 Dedh Trei Hans ha Trei

De Sadorn, degves warn ügens mis Hedra

Saturday, 30th October

Nag eus lies flour et agan lowarthow en kidnyadh, saw radn an bobel ew fortüdnyes. Ma dhodhans egrow gool Mehal. Ow mabm a longyas dhe devy egrow gool Mehal, bush brâs a flourys purpur bian. Pana dermyn a veu Degol Mehal? Ogas dhe'n keheja dedh ha nos kidnyadh. Termyn ew dhe leverel "farwel" dhe'n hav. Thero whei ow rei egrow gool Mehal dhe leverel "benatuwgana". Hanow aral rag an flourys ew "farwel Hav". Piw ew Mehal? Arhel ew ev, onan an artheledh còmplys e'n Beybel Sans. (Ma eskelly dhodho.) Sans gwerryor ewa, leb a gonqwerryas Satanas, an tebel el, ha'n eledh godhys. An bobel a gemeras own rag an nosow dû. Anjei a venja Mehal dh'aga gwitha rag drocoleth. Ha an nosow ow treylya hirra anjei a greias dhe Mehal. Rag hedna, ma dhen gool Mehal.

There aren't many flowers in our gardens in autumn, but we some people are fortunate. They have Michaelmas daisies. My mother used to grow Michaelmas daisies, masses of little purple flowers. When was Michaelmas? Close to the autumn equinox. It was a time to say "farewell" to the summer. You give Michaelmas daisies to say "goodbye". Another name for the flower is "goodbye Summer". Who is Michael? He's an archangel, one of the archangels mentioned in the Holy Bible. (He has wings.) He's a warrior saint, who vanquished Satan, the evil angel, and the fallen angels. People were afraid of the dark nights. They wanted Michael to protect them from evil. As the nights got longer they called to Michael. So, we have Michaelmas.


Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

artheledh archangels < arthel ~ arhel (m)

benatuwgana goodbye

bush brâs a masses of

còmplys ~ compollys mentioned

conqwerrya to conquer, vanquish

Degol Mehal (m) Michaelmas

drocoleth (f) evil

egrow gool Mehal Michaelmas daisies < egor (m)

fortüdnyes fortunate

gwerryor ~ gwerror (m) warrior

longya dhe to belong to, be used to do


Friday 29 October 2021

2021 Day 302

2021 Dedh Trei Hans ha Dew

De Gwener, nawhes warn ügens mis Hedra

Friday, 29th October

Avisys ew gen Chonsler Sunak trogh dhe doll war gor ha cider tonnel. E vedh amendyans radical dhe doll alcohol - an brâssa e'n cansbledhen. Toll alcohol ew coth. E veu dallathys e'n seytegves cansbledhen dhe furnya mòna rag Bresel Wlasek Sowsnek. Pemp en cans dhort toll alcohol a wra kemeres trei fens dhort pinta cor tonnel. Pemp en cans dhort pris an pinta a via gwell! Ma caletter rag bryhoryon ha tavernow Kernow - an cor ha cider a res bos tednys dhort cavasow brâssa vel dogens (dew ügens) liter. Hedna ew brâs. Otta an Chonsler ha'n Kensa Menyster ow senjy balyers cabm. Ma bragoryon vian ow ûsya balyers bian an par na - ha botellow.

Chancellor Sunak has announced a cut to duty on draught beer and cider. It will be a radical reform to alcohol duty - the biggest in a century. Alcohol duty is old. It was started  in the seventeenth century to pay for the English Civil War. Five percent from alcohol duty will take three pence from a pint of draught beer. Five percent from the price of a pint would be better! There is a problem for Cornish brewers and pubs - the beer and cider must be drawn from containers bigger than forty litres. That's big. Here are the Chancellor and Prime Minister holding wrong barrels. Small brewers use small barrels like that - and bottles.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

amendyans (m) reform

avisya to announce

bryhoryon ~ bragoryon brewers

caletter (m) problem, difficulty

cavas (m) container

chonsler (m) chancellor

cor tonnel (m) draught beer

pris (m) price

toll (f) tax, duty

trogh (m) cut


Thursday 28 October 2021

2021 Day 301

2021 Dedh Trei Hans ha Wonan

De Yow, ethves warn ügens mis Hedra

Thursday, 28th October

E'n jedh hedhyw, ma dhe nei gorothom an ayredh. Ma gassys chei gweder e'n ayrgelgh. Ma'n norves ow tòbmhe re. Ma re a bobel e'n bes ha coveytüs o nei. Thera nei ow trehy còsow glaw dhe'n dor. Ma difeythyans. Ma hager awel gen meur a law ow câwsya livans ha lies dorslynk. Ma'n gwelfos owth omdedna gen coll a lasneth ha bôwnans bestes. Ma losow ow merwel drefen nag eus glaw lowr. Ma tan gwels. Nag o nei glan. Thera nei ow gara wast adhelher dhen. Nag ew saw losow dowr ha bôwnans a'n mor.  Res ew dhen selwel agan kerhydnedh.

Nowadays, we have a climate crisis. There are greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The earth is warming too much. There are too many people in the world and we are greedy. We cut down rain forest. There is desertification. Terrible weather with lots of rain causes flooding and many landslides. The wilderness is shrinking with a loss of greenery and animal life. Plants are dying because there is not enough rain. There is wildfire. We are not clean. We leave waste behind us. Aquatic plants and marine life are not safe. We must rescue our environment.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a'n mor marine

ayrgelgh (m) atmosphere

bôwnans ~ bôwnas (m) life

còsow ~ forest glaw rain forest

difeythyans (m) devastation, desertification

dorslynk ~tirslynk (m) landslide

glasneth (f) greenery, vegetation

gorothom an ayredh (m) climate crisis

gwelfos ~ gwylfos (m) wilderness,

kerhydnedh ~ kerthydnedh (m) environment

losow dowr aquatic plants


Wednesday 27 October 2021

2021 Day 300

2021 Dedh Trei Hans

De Merher, seythves warn ügens mis Hedra

Wednesday, 27th October

Ma gwav ow tos. Nag ew an gewer gwavek hedhyw, bes gelwys o nei solabres rag agan brehyans warbedn an flou gwav. Ew agan medhegva e'n gwelha telher - reb an treth? Ma bush brâs a düs war an treth - thew hanter tremmîs. Nessa seythen, an strêtys ha'n treth a vedh gwag arta. Nag ew an mordarth vas rag surfya hedhyw - garow ha strolek ew drefen bos an gwens cabm. Perfydh ew an treth rag an scol marhogieth.  Da ew gen mergh ha marrogyon bos reb an mor. Tüs whel a res lavürya.  E veu othom dhodhons a owna 'gan bôwnder. De, anjei a's palas emann dhe settya pib nowydh et hy thelher. Ottòbma an pib, parys rag an gwav. A vedh hebma diwedh a liva en pub hager awel?

Winter is coming. The weather is not wintry today, but we are already invited for our vaccination against the winter flu. Is our doctors' surgery in the best place - by the beach? There's a crowd of people on the beach - it's half term. Next week, the streets and the beach will be empty again. The surf is no good for surfing today - it's rough and messy because the wind is wrong. The sand is perfect for the school of horsemanship. Horses and riders like being by the sea. Workmen must work. They needed to mend our lane. Yesterday, they dug it up to install a new pipe. Here's the pipe, ready for the winter. Will this be an end of flooding in every storm?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

brehyans (m) vaccination

bush brâs a a crowd of

flou (m) influenza, flu

gelwel to call, summon, invite

marhogieth (f) horsemanship

marrogyon riders < marrak ~ marrek (m)

medhegva (f) surgery

mergh horses < margh (m)

tremmîs (m) term (academic)

warbedn ~ warbydn against


Tuesday 26 October 2021

2021 Day 299

2021 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Nawnjek

De Meurth, wheffes warn ügens mis Hedra

Tuesday, 26th October

Da ew genam Paradise Park en Heyl. Treveglos pur goth ew hodna - pur storek. Teylû Harvey o perhednyon rych teudhva-horn. En mil eth cans trei ügens ha wonan, anjei a vyldyas chei brâs en lowarth dhodho vosow and park. Whath ma'n chei brâs òbma (saw nag ewa egor dhe omweloryon). Ha'n vosow lowarth ell bos gwelys. Lebmyn, ma cuntelyans a edhyn marthys ha bestes erel. Ma'n vosow ow rei goskeus dhe'n cawellow edhyn. Ma bestes heudh en kewyow bian - whei ell maga an gever. Ha ma vûys teg a'n pow adro ha'n logh dhort an kewyow.

I like Paradise Park in Hayle. That's a very old churchtown - very historic. The Harvey family were rich owners of an iron foundry. In 1861, they built a big house in a big walled garden and park. The house is still here (but it is not open to visitors). And the garden walls can be seen. Now there is a collection of fabulous birds and other animals. The walls give shelter to the aviaries. There are friendly animals in paddocks - you can feed the goats. And there are lovely views of the surrounding countryside and the estuary from the paddocks.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

byldya to build

cawellow edhyn bird cages, aviaries < cawel edhen

dhodho vosow walled, having walls

cuntelyans (m) collection

heyl (m) saltings, mud flat

marthys fabulous, wonderful

omweloryon visitors, sight-seers

perhednyon owners < perhen (m)

storek historic, historical

teudhva-horn (f) iron foundry

treveglos (f) churchtown