2025 Dedh Etek
De Sadorn, etegves mis Genver
Saturday, 18th January
Ma dhebm nebes dedhyow da ha nebes dedhyow drog. Nag ew hebma dedh da! Ow jynn-gòlhy a dheveras e'n gegin. Thera liwyow a dhowr war an leur. Res veu dhebm aga sehy gen scübell. Ha wòja bos gòlhys whath ew garren ow lavrek dû nebes caglys gen prei. Ha ma toll bian ettans ewedh - na wrüga vy y verkya kens lebmyn. A dal vy aga degy arta po towla anjei dhe ves? Gwres ens a lin fin. My alja aga owna gen najedh ha neujen, saw na vern dhebm!
I have some good days and some bad days. This is not a good day! My washing machine leaked in the kitchen. There were floods of water on the floor. I had to dry them up with a mop. And after being washed a leg of my black trousers was still spattered with mud. And there's a small hole in them too - I didn't see it before now. Should I wear them again or throw them away? They are made of fine linen. I could mend them with needle and thread, but I'm not bothered!
Gerva rag hedhyw Vocabulary for today
caglys spattered with mud, plastered
devera to leak, trickle (d>dh)
garren (f) trouser leg < garr (f)
lavrek (m/f) pair of trousers
lin (coll.) linen, flax
liwyow a dhowr floods of water < liw ~ liv (m)
najedh ~ naja (f) needle
na vern dhebm I'm not bothered
neujen (f) thread
owna to mend, repair
scübell (f) mop
seha ~ sehy to dry, dry up
toll (m)
towla dhe ves to throw away