Thursday 18 April 2024

2024 Day 109

2024 Dedh Cans ha Naw

De Yow, etegves mis Ebrel

Thursday, 18th April

Ma enwedhen reb an chei, enwedhen vrâs. Theram ow creia an wedhen "Yggdrasil". Ma hy scorryow ow hedhes bys en nevow ha ma hy gwredhyow down ow hedhes en dadn an dor. Na wra hei codha war an chei ha 'gan ladha (ma esperans dhebm). An wedhen avalow ew cottha ha behatna avel an enwedhen. Tevys ew an enwedhen pecar'a whednen e'n leur avalow coth bian. Nag eus lies delen war an dhiw wedhen, saw ma bleujow teg war an wedhen avalow. 

There's an ash tree by the house, a big ash tree. I call the tree "Yggdrasil". Her boughs reach to the heavens and her deep roots reach underground. She will not fall on the house and kill us (I hope). The apple tree is older and smaller than the ash tree. The ash tree has grown like a weed in the little old orchard. There aren't many leaves on the two trees, but there are pretty blossoms on the apple tree.

Deg ger rag hedhyw

behatna smaller (SWFM byghanna)

creia to call, name

down deep

en dadn an dor underground (SWFM yn-dann dhor)

enwedhen (f) ash tree

esperans (m) hope

gwredh (coll.) roots > gwredhen (f) > (pl.) gwredhow ~ gwredhyow

hedhes to reach (for)

nevow heavens < nev (m)

scorr (coll.) boughs > scorren (f) > (pl.) scorrow ~ scorryow


Wednesday 17 April 2024

2024 Day 108

2024 Dedh Cans hag Eth

De Merher, seytegves mis Ebrel

Wednesday, 17th April

Contentys o vy ha nebes gòthüs! My a dhros rag an plansow ma. Mons ow tevy etta. E veu dhebm lies aval pin brâs dhort pinbren en neb le. My wrüg gònis diw hasen nanj ew bohes bledhydnyow ha lebmyn, òtta jei! Thens dew binbren brâs ha teg. Ha ma avalow pin moy ow tos warnodhans. Na wrüga vy gònis has veth rag besow gwydn, mar deg aga rüsk. Anjei a wrüg gònis aga hònan, ha'n baywedh ha'n spern gwydn kekeffres.  

I am pleased and rather conceited! I have produced these plants. They are growing well. I had a lot of big pine cones from a pine tree somewhere. I sowed two seeds a few years ago and now, behold them! They are two big, beautiful pine trees. And there are more pine cones coming on them. I did not sow any seeds for silver birches, with such beautiful bark. They sowed themselves, as did the bay trees and hawthorns.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

aval pin (m) pine cone (pinaval = pineapple)

baywedh (coll.) bay trees > baywedhen (f)

besow gwydn silver birches > besowen wydn (f)

contentys contented, pleased, satisfied

gònis has to sow seed

gòthüs conceited, proud

has (coll.) seeds > (sing.) hasen (f) 

kekeffres likewise, as well 

pinbren (m) pine tree

rüsk (coll.) bark, peel, rind

Tuesday 16 April 2024

2024 Day 107

2024 Dedh Cans ha Seyth

De Meurth, whetegves mis Ebrel

Tuesday, 16th April


Ma cân an bobel vysqwethek, "An Guckou". An gog ew edhen deg, hei a gan ha hei ow neyja. Hei a dal dos en mis Ebrel, saw nag eus cân veth clowys genam e'n vledhen ma. Hei a dal dos gen oll an flourys a'n gwenton. Henwys ens rag an edhen. Ma bleujen an gog gen clegh blou. Losow an gog ew an keth tra. Moy diwedhes, e vedh lies les an gog melyn po melyn gog. En mis Me, an gog a dal cana oll an jorna. Ma'n cân an bobel ow cana a gerenja.

There is a timeless folksong, "The Cuckoo". The cuckoo is a pretty bird, she singeth as she flies. She should come in April, but I have heard no song this year. She ought to come with all the flowers of the spring. They are named for the bird. There is a bluebell (cuckoo flower) with blue bells. Cuckoo plants are the same thing. Later, there will be many yellow marigolds. In May, the cuckoo should sing all day. The folksong sings of love.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bleujen an gog (f) bluebell, cuckoo flower

cân an bobel (f) folksong

cog ~ cuckou (f) cuckoo > an gog

edhen (f) bird

gwenton (m) spring

henwys named, called

les an gog ~ melyngog (m) marigold

losow an gog (coll.) cuckoo plants (nonspecific)

melyn yellow

vysqwethek timeless, permanent 

Monday 15 April 2024

2024 Day 106

2024 Dedh Cans ha Whegh

De Lün, pemdhegves mis Ebrel

Monday, 15th April

Ma trolergh coth gen ke spern dû. Da ew genam kerdhes ena gen ow hei. Ma'n ke ow provia tabm cles  derag an gwens. Dhort an trolergh ma my ell gweles an mor. Pur wenjek ew an awel hedhyw. My ell gweles  todnow bian dhodhans cribow gwydn.  Na aljama mos dhe'n treth. Nag ew an tewyn niwlek. Nag ew hedna na ligyn na niwl bes tewes ha doust whethys adro gans an gwens. E via asthma warnam. Ma solabres "doust" dhort an gwedh - podn flourys masarnen rag sampel. 

There's an old footpath with a blackthorn hedge. I like to walk there with my dog. The hedge provides a bit of shelter before the wind. From this footpath I can see the sea. The weather is very windy today. I can see little white-crested waves. I could not go to the beach. The sand-dune is not foggy. That is not mist or fog but sand and dust blown about by the wind. I would have asthma. There is already "dust" from the trees - sycamore pollen for example.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

cles (m) shelter, comfort

cribow (pl) crests < crib (f) crest, comb, reef

doust (m) dust, chaff, etc.

ligyn (m) mist

masarnen (f) maple, sycamore tree

niwlek foggy < niwl (f)

provia to provide

tewes (coll.) sand

trolergh (m) footpath < troos (m) foot

whethys blown < (verb) whetha

Sunday 14 April 2024

2024 Day 105

2024 Dedh Cans ha Pemp

De Sül,  pajardegves mis Ebrel

Sunday, 14th April

Kescomûnyans ew peth pur vrâs tredh persons, bestes po plansow. Eus othom dhe vab den üdnek a gescomûnyans? Eus neppeth dhodho dhe gescomûnya? Ma othom dhodho a davas rag cows dreus termyn ha pelder. Ma geryow dhe nei. Nag eus geryow dhe vestes (nei a grej), saw anjei ell kescomûnya gen sonyow ha sinys. Nei ell gwil hedna ewedh. Whei ell redya ow geryow drefen bos scrifys. Thera vy ow scrifa drefen my a gar Kernow ha'n tavas Kernôwek. Rag fra thero whei ow redya ow geryow? Eus whans dhe whei a dhesky ow thavas teg. My ell redya geryow scrifys nanj ew lies bledhen ha clowes voysys agan hendasow ettans. Mons ow cows dhe vy dreus lies bledhen. (Saw terweythyow thew an dornscrîf calish dhe redya!) 

Communication is an important thing between persons or animals. Does a solitary human need communication? Does he have something to communicate? He needs language for speaking across time and distance. We have words. Animals do not have words (we believe), but they can communicate with sounds and signs. We can do that too. You can read my words because they are written. I am writing because I love Cornwall and the Cornish language. Why are you reading my words? Do you want to learn my beautiful language? I can read words written many years ago and hear voices of our forefathers in them. They speak to me across many years. (Though sometimes the handwriting is difficult to read!)

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bos whans dhe ... a ... to want 

cows to speak, speaking

crejy (SWFM crysy) to believe > a grej 

desky to learn > ow tesky > a dhesky

dreus across

kescomûnyans (m) communication

pelder (m) distance

peth pur vrâs an important thing/matter

tavas (m) language, tongue > davas after a of > thavas after ow my

üdnek individual, solitary

Saturday 13 April 2024

2024 Day 104

2024 Dedh Cans ha Pajar

De Sadorn, terdhegves mis Ebrel

Saturday, 13th April

Gellys ew Pask ha gellys lebmyn ew lily an Corawys oll. Nag eus üdn lilien an Corawys veth gerys et ow lowarth. Bes devedhys ew flourys nowydh. Reb ow yet ma flourys gwydn sevien.  Eus clowys genowgh an cân - "Delkyow sevy a wra mosy teg"? Re diwedhes ew raga vy! Ma mar lies flourys gwydn bian - nag ew hedna ergh war an menedh spern  ew. Nag eus flourys dhe reden, bes da ew genam an shâp redanen yonk ma. E'n ke ma keres gwyls ha lies kenidnen drehornek. Ma blas crev pecar'a kednin. Da ew an sawarn dhe'n wenenen wyls, martesen. 

Easter has gone and now all the daffodils have gone. There's not a single Lenten lily left in my garden. But new flowers have arrived. By my gate there are white flowers of a wild strawberry plant. Have you heard the song - "Strawberry leaves make girls beautiful"? It's too late for me! There are so many little white flowers - that is not snow on the hill - it is blackthorn. Ferns do not have flowers, but I like the shape of this young bracken plant. In the hedge are wild cherries and many three-cornered leek plants. There is a strong smell like garlic. The wild bee likes the smell, perhaps.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

cornek (SWFM kornek) angular, cornered (c/k > h after prefix 3 tre) > hornek

devedhys come, arrived (vb.) dos to come

gellys gone < (vb.) mos to go

gerys left < (vb.) gara (SWFM gasato leave 

kednin (SWFM kennin) (coll.) garlic > kenidnen (f) (one plant, etc.)

kednin trehornek (coll.) three-cornered leek > kenidnen drehornek (f) (single plant)

keres gwyls (coll.) > (sg.) keresen wyls (f) wild cherry

lily an Corawys (coll.) Lenten lilies, daffodils  > (sg.) lilien an Corawys (f)

reden (coll.) ferns, bracken > redanen (f) (one plant)

sevy (coll.) wild strawberries > (sg.) sevien (f)

spern  (coll.) blackthorn, sloe > (sing.) spernen dhû (f)

Friday 12 April 2024

2024 Day 103

2024 Dedh Cans ha Trei

De Gwener, dewdhegves mis Ebrel

Friday, 12th April

My a welas foto marthys war "Facebook". My a brederas a'n whedhlow scrifys gen Beatrix Potter. Ma gwywer rüdh hag oula ettans. Tont ew an gwywer ha crowsek ew an oula.  Nag eus gwyweres rüdh en Kernow, nag eus bes gwyweres loos. Gwyweres loos ell bos pub maner aniow. Anjei ell ladra ha gwil damach dhe wedh ha treven. Nag eus whans dhewgh cawas gwyweres dadn agas to

I saw a marvelous photo on Facebook. I thought of the stories written by Beatrix Potter. There is a red squirrel and an owl in them. The squirrel is cheeky and the owl is grumpy. There aren't any red squirrels in Cornwall, there are only grey squirrels. Grey squirrels can be all kinds of nuisance. They can steal and do damage to trees and houses. You do not want to have squirrels under your roof.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

crowsek grumpy, irritable (SWFM krowsek)

ettans in them < en + anjei (SWFM ynnans)

gwyweres squirrels < gwywer (m) 

ladra to steal, rob, etc.

oula (m) owl

pub maner aniow all kinds of nuisance

scrifys written < (verb) scrifa

to (m) roof

tont cheeky, impudent, impertinent, etc.

treven houses, buildings, etc. < chei (m)