Thursday, 30 December 2021

2021 Day 364

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Pajar

De Yow, degves warn ügens mis Kevardhû

Thursday, 30th December

Hedhyw, ow theylû eth mes rag omweles war esely erel an teylû. My a wrüg trigas a-dhelher. Pur gosel ew chei gwag! My a gosôwas ort nebes canow gen Brenda Wootton. Ma canow genjy en Sowsnek, Kernôwek ha Breten.    "Pastys ha Dehen" ew cân meurgerys. Ma hei ow còmpla "sten e'n gover" ha "hêrn ha hêrn gwydn leb ow terlentry ha gòlowy". 


Today, my family went out to visit other members of the family. I stayed behind. An empty house is very peaceful! I listened to several songs by Brenda Wootton. There are songs by her in the English, Cornish and Breton languages. "Pasties and Cream" is a popular song. It mentions "tin in the stream" and "pilchards and herrings that sparkle and gleam".

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

Breten (m) Breton

canow songs, poems < cân (f)

còmpla to mention

dehen (m) cream

esely members < esel (m)

gosôwes ~ goslowes ort to listen to

hêrn pilchards < hernen (f)

hêrn gwydn herrings < hernen wydn (f)

omweles war to visit

tavosow languages < tavas (m)

teylû (m) family

trigas a-dhelher to stay behind 

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