Tuesday, 14 December 2021

2021 Day 348

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Dogens hag Eth


De Meurth, pajardegves mis Kevardhû

Tuesday, 14th December


Pur dha via genam cawas termyn còsel moy. Ma flehes devedhys dhe'n chei hedhyw ha nag ew an chei còsel. Nag ew an flehes còsel. Devedhys ewedh ew fardel a levrow ha da via genam aga redya. A wòro whei an whedhel Arthòr Gernow? Ma gwragh po pystriores e'n whedhel henwys Morgan le Fay. Martesen, hei ew hanter hôr Metêrn Arthòr. Terweythyow, thew hei gorthenebydhes. Hei alja bos dama Mordred (ev a veu an den neb a wrüg ladha Arthòr). Morgan le Fay ew an chîf person e'n trei lever nowydh e'n fardel. Bes nag ew Morgan cowldevys. An âwthores, Jo-Anne Blanco, a wrüg desevos floholeth rag Morgan, leun a hüs, sprijyon ha cawry, keffres ha pobel kebmyn.  Fantasy ewa. 


I would very much like to have more quiet time. Children have come to the house today and the house is not quiet. The children are not quiet. A parcel of books has come too, and I would like to read them. Do you know the legend of Arthur of Cornwall? There is a witch or sorceress in the story called Morgan le Fay. Perhaps she is the half-sister of King Arthur. Sometimes, she is an antagonist. She could be the mother of Mordred (he was the man who killed Arthur). Morgan le Fay is the chief person in the three new books in the package. But Morgan is not grown up. The authoress, Jo-Anne Blanco, has imagined a childhood for Morgan, full of magic, fairies and giants, as well as ordinary people. It's fantasy.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

âwthores (f) authoress

cawr (m) giant

cowldevys grown up, adult

desevos to imagine, conceive, dream, etc.

fardel (m) bundle, package, etc.

gorthenebydhes (f) antagonist

hanter hôr (f) half-sister

hüs (m) magic

pystriores (f) sorceress

sprijyon fairies

whedhel (m) legend, story

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