Wednesday, 22 December 2021

2021 Day 356

2021 Dedh Trei Hans Whetek ha Dogens


De Merher, nessa warn ügens mis Kevardhû

Wednesday, 22nd December

 Nebes ûsadow ew kelmys gans an Vantol. Whei alja golya howlsedhes ken an nos hir po whei alja golya howldrevel wòja an nos hir. Dres lycklod na wrew whei an dhew e'n keth bledhen. Foto-jornalyas Greg Martin eth bys en Pensans dhe gemeres fotos pur dha. Nei ell gweles meur a lôwender ha plesour, gen mûsek, tonsya ha tan. Ma'n bobel ow tegy broghter füg ha maskys fancy. Ma hebyhorsys. Môy solem ew Stonehenge. Otta pagans ha drewydhyon ow welcobma an howl. Alinys ew an meyn rag an howldrevel üdnek ma.

Several customs are connected with the Midwinter Solstice. You could celebrate sunset before the long night or you could celebrate sunrise after the long night. Probably you will not do both in the same year. Photojournalist Greg Martin went to Penzance to take very good photos. We can see lots of fun and pleasure, with music, dancing and fire. The people wear mock finery and fantasy masks. There are hobby horses. Stonehenge is more solemn. Here are pagans and druids welcoming the sun. The stones are aligned for this one sunrise.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

an dhew both, the two

broghter ~ brohter (m) finery, grandeur

golya to celebrate

howldrevel (m) sunrise

howlsedhes (m) sunset

jornalyas (m) journalist

kelmys linked, connected

lôwender (m) cheerfulness, jollity, fun

procecyon (m) procession

ûsadow custom(s)


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