2021 Dedh Trei Hans Dogens
ha Dew
De Merher, ethves mis Kevardhû
Wednesday, 8th December
Da via genam liwya mar dha avel ow howeth Paul Hoare, saw na ellama. Thew
ev lymner ha desiner marthys. Da ew ganjo liwya mes a-jei, reb an als hag e'n pow
an-dro. Trigys ew ev ogas dhe Carn Breanek, gen gwel an mor. Dyllys ew ganjo
lever bian, dogans hag eth y volednow. Leun ew an dyllans a y dhowrliwyow ha
notednow ow tochya an teleryow ettans. Ma hean scatt en Porth Trefownans. Clegar ew
leun a liw ha ma ayrbark en ogas. Ha piw ell erya bedn Eglossenar ha'y whedhel
a'n vorvoren ha'n canor? Ma Pol ow liwya flourys ha lowarthow en maner deg
I'd like to paint as well as my friend Paul Hoare, but I can't. He is a wonderful painter and designer. He likes painting outdoors, by the coast or in the surrounding countryside. He lives near St Agnes Beacon, with a view of the sea. He has published a little book, with 48 pages. The publication is full of his water-colours and notes about the places in them. There is a ruined harbour in Trevaunance Cove. Cligga Head is colourful and there is an airfield nearby. And who can resist Zennor and its story of the mermaid and the chorister? Paul paints flowers and gardens beautifully as well.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
pow an-dro the
surrounding countryside
(m) designer
gen published
~ volednow pages,
sheets < folen
~ volen (f)
paint, colour
(m) painter
dha avel as
good as, as well as
a-jei outdoors
ogas dhe near (to)
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