Tuesday, 20 July 2021

2021 Day 201

2021 Dedh Dew Cans hag Onan

De Meurth, ügensves mis Gorefen

Tuesday, 20th July

Skith o vy! Rag hedna, na vedh an blogg ma pur hir. Ma benefyttys ha lettys dhe hav. Ma croffolyow dhen mars eus re a law ha mars eus re a howl. Da ew gans ow mergh wydn cawas liw a'n howl bes na dal flehes vian cawas towl a'n howl. Ma scovarn gen losk howl dhe'n gath goth. Da ew genjy omhowla! Nag eus nevra camera genam termyn ma othom anodho. My a welas anav bewek - bes gellys ew ev en üskis - nag ewa "syger", tabm veth. Sharaglyga heb garrow ew ev.  E veu gwenenen vlewek pur syger war an dor - dadn droos an maw bian. Pigys veu va.

I'm tired! Therefore, this blog will not be very long. Summer has benefits and disadvantages. We have complaints if there is too much rain and if there is too much sun. My granddaughter likes to get a suntan, but little children shouldn't get sunstroke. The old cat has an ear with sunburn. She likes to sunbathe! I never have a camera with me when I need it. I saw a lively slow worm - but it was quickly gone - not "slow" at all. It's a legless lizard. There was a very slow bumble bee on the ground - under the little boy's foot. He was stung.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

anav (m) slow-worm

benefyttys benefits < benefyt (m)

croffolyow complaints, moans < croffol (m)

lettys disadvantages, hindrances < lett (m)

liw a'n howl (m) suntan

losk howl (m) sunburn

sharaglyga (m) lizard

syger slow

tabm veth not at all

towl a'n howl (m) sunstroke

üskis fast

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