De Lün, pempes mis Gorefen
Monday, 5th
jorna moy ha na ellama pedery! E'n mettin my a wrüg gòlhy lies dilajas ha an
howl ow spladna. E'n gwettha pres, wòja pres li, an nevow a egoras. Car dr'üjy appêrya,
e veu dhen glaw dhe'n werth a üdn mis en üdn dohajedh. Lebmyn whath ma dhebm
bern gleb a dhilhas. An gewer avorow a vedh gwell, ma esperans dhebm. Na vadna
vy kemeres fôtô veth nag a law na dilhas gleb! Nag eus whans dhebm mires orth
pel droos ha tennis. Gwell via genam mires orth flourys teg: bleujyow scaw (vas
rag gwil syrop), cala gwily Maria (a veu ûsyes rag stoffya matrasys), flourys
mor dû, gwedhros. Gwell ew an re ma vel glaw.
One more
day and I can't think! In the morning a washed lots of garments while the sun
was shining. Unfortunately, after lunch time, the heavens opened. Seemingly, we
had one month's worth of rain in one afternoon. Now I still have a wet pile of clothes.
The weather tomorrow will be better, I hope. I will not take any photo of rain
nor wet clothes! I don't want to watch football and tennis. I'd prefer to look
at beautiful flowers: elder blossom (good for making syrup), Lady's bedstraw
(was used for stuffing mattresses), blackberry flowers, honeysuckle. These are
better than rain.
Deg ger
rag hedhyw Ten words for today
gwily Maria Lady's bedstraw
dr'üjy appêrya seemingly, as it appears
werth a < gwerth worth
dilajas (m) garment
> dilhas (collective) garments, clothes
egoras opened < (preterite
of verb) egery
to open
gwettha pres unfortunately, sadly
li (m) lunch,
big breakfast, dinner, main meal
matras (m) mattress
nevow heavens
< nev (m)
pres (m) mealtime, clock time, moment, occasion (SWFM prys)
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