Tuesday, 13 July 2021

2021 Day 194

2021 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Peswardhek

De Meurth, terdhegves mis Gorefen

Tuesday, 13th July

Difünys veu vy De Lün mettin gen hubbadòlya a-ves dhe'm beister chombour. Thera neppeth ow trobla nebes pies. Ha otta an caletter! Thera gwedhen, codhys gans aga neyth, war an glesin. Na wrüga vy clowes an codh.  Pur dhelyek ew an wedhen hag idhyowek. Nag ew hei gwedhen vrâs saw re boos o hei rag hy gwredhow. Medhal ew an dor drefen an glaw. Thera nebes neythow coth - grahellow strolek a sethednow. Res veu dhe'm gour trehy an wedhen dh'y riddya dhort an glesin.  E'n gwelha pres, na wrüg an wedhen codha war gath. Ma whath neyth gwenen en ogas, emesk gwredhyow erel. My a wel gwenen war an dor hag emesk plansow pâwbran. Nena, manegow an spryjyon glow na a dednas ow lagas.  

I was woken on Monday morning by a cacophony outside my bedroom window. Something was troubling some magpies. And behold the problem! There was a tree, fallen with their nest, on the lawn. I did not hear the fall. The tree is very leafy and ivy-covered. It's not a big tree but it was too heavy for its roots. The ground is soft because of the rain. There were several old nests among the ivy - untidy piles of twigs. My husband had to cut the tree to get rid of it from the lawn. Fortunately, the tree didn't fall on a cat. There is still a bees' nest close by, among other roots. I see bees on the ground and among buttercup plants. Then that glowing white foxglove attracted my eye.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-ves dhe outside of

codh (m) fall

delyek ~ delek leafy

difünys ~ divünys woken

glow gleaming

grahel (f) pile, heap, mound

gwredhow ~ gwredhyow roots < gwredhen (f)

hubbadòlya (m) cacophony, racket, hubbub

idhyowek ivy-clad, ivy-covered

strolek untidy, messy

tedna to draw, attract, pull

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