2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Trei
De Sadorn, ethves warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Saturday, 28th December
Da ew genam edhyn, an rüdhek dres ehen. Meurgerys en jei e'n termyn Nadelik. Whei ell aga trouvya lymnys war oll sortow taclow, rag sampel cartys, paper wrappya hag ow hanath. E'n mettin my a wrüg maga an edhyn gen kergh (brodnyon) - drefen nag eus has dhebm. Ma rüdhek e'n ke, bes gwywer loos gwag a dheuth ha ladra an boos. Ha nag ewa whath gwywer rüdh!
I like birds, especially the robin. They are popular at Christmas time. You can find them illustrated on all sorts of things, for example cards, wrapping paper and my mug. In the morning I fed the birds with oats (oatmeal) - because I don't have any seeds. There's a robin in the hedge, but a hungry grey squirrel came and stole the food. And it's not even a red squirrel!
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
brodnyon (coll.) oatmeal, rolled oats, etc.
gwag hungry, empty
gwywer (m) squirrel
hanath (m) mug, beaker, goblet, chalice, etc.
kergh ~ kerth (coll.) oats
lymnys illustrated < vb. lymna
oll sortow taclow all sorts/kinds of things
rag sampel for example, for instance
rüdhek (m) robin < rüdh red
wrappya to wrap (also maylya)
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