2024 Dedh Trei Hans Dewdhek ha Dewgens
De Meurth, seytegves mis Kevardhû
Tuesday, 17th December
Pandr'ellen nei gweles ha clowes en keow? Ottòbma nebes taclow coynt - polyon candy ow tevy, martesen, rag Nadelik! Wòja an enawel, hons ena, whei ell gweles remenadow skiber a veu oll diswres gen gwenjow crev. Ma lavar coth: Nag eus goon heb lagas, na ke heb scovarn. Nag eus goon en ogas dhe'm chei, bes ma lies ke oll adro. Martesen, ma best e'n ke leb a wra agan clowes. Na ellama clowes tra veth, saw my ell gweles "slynk y din" brogh en ladn an vorr.
What can we see and hear in hedges? Here are some strange things - candy canes growing, perhaps, for Christmas! After the storm, over there, you can see the remains of a barn that was all ruined by strong winds. There is an old saying: There isn't a down without an eye, nor a hedge without an ear. There's no down nearby to my house, but there are many hedges all around. Perhaps, there is an animal in the hedge that will hear us. I can't hear anything, but I can see a badger "slide" in the road bank.
Nebes geryow hedhyw Some words today
clowes to hear
diswres ruined, undone
gweles to hear
gwenjow~gwynsow winds < gwens~gwyns
hons ena over there
lagas (m) eye
òbma here
otta behold, see, look
ottòbma here is/are, look here (ottena = there is/are, look there)
polyon canes, walking sticks < polyn (f)
remenadow remains, remnants < remenat ~ remenant (m)
scovarn (f) ear
skiber (f) barn, store
slynk y din (m) children's slide
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