2024 Dedh Trei Hans Dogens ha Pajar
Monday, 9th December
Idhyow? Ew hedna neppeth da po neppeth drog? Ma flourys dhe brovia boos rag gwenen, gohy ha tycky-Duwes. An greun a vedh debrys gen edhyn. Ma'n delyow bythwer ow rei argal dhe enevales. Ma idhyowen ow crambla war wedhen, saw nag üjy hei hy ladha. Bettegens, terweythyow thew hei re boos ha ma'n wedhen ow codha dor. Hedna ell lettya vorr (fordh) po terry capel electrek. An idhyow ma (e'n kensa pictour) a veu trehys ken câwsya caletter. Res veu agan kentrevek trehy idhyowen ha gwedhen e'n nessa pictour. (Lebmyn nei ell gweles an vorr!)
Ivy? Is that something good or something bad? There are flowers to provide food for bees, wasps and butterflies. The berries will be eaten by birds. The evergreen leaves are giving sanctuary to animals. An ivy plant climbs on a tree, but it does not kill it. However, sometimes it is too heavy and the tree falls down. That can block a road or break an electricity cable. This ivy (in the first picture) was cut before causing a problem. Our neighbour had to cut ivy bush and tree in the second picture. (Now we can see the road!)
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
argal (f) sanctuary, sheltered place (SWFM argel)
bettegens however (SWFM byttegyns)
boos (m) food
bythwer evergreen
capel electrek (m) electric cable (SWFM kabel tredan)
câwsya to cause (SWFM kawsya)
codha dor to fall down
gohy (coll.) wasps > gohien (f) (SWFM goghien)
greun (coll.) berries, grains > greunen (f)
re boos too heavy < poos heavy
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