Monday, 4 October 2021

2021 Day 277

2021 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Seytek

De Lün, pajwora mis Hedra

Monday, 4th October

Ma lavar coth en Kernôwek: "En Hav perh co Gwav!" E veu gorlanwes a lavalow e'n hav passyes ma. Na aljama aga gwitha er - mons ow qwedhra po treylya poder. (Ha nag eus dhebm provians a dhioxid carbon dhe lettya an process!) Nag eus dioxid carbon lowr e'n Breten Veur. A vedh fowt a lavalow en shoppys rag Nadelik? Martesen e vedh fowt a kig ha boos aral. Ew mall genowgh debry yar Gyny? Ma nebes stylednow gwag. Etho, my a ûsyas ow rewer rag gwitha avalow ha mor dû bryjys, ha my a wras jamm gen avalow ha limavalow. En mis Hedra perh co Nadelik!


There is a proverb in Cornish: "In Summer remember Winter!" There was a glut of apples this past summer. I could not keep them fresh - they shrivel or go rotten. (And I do not have a supply of carbon dioxide to hinder the process!) There's not enough CO2 in Great Britain. Will there be a shortage of apples in the shops for Christmas? Perhaps there will be a lack of meat and other food. Are you looking forward to eating turkey? There are some empty shelves. So, I used my freezer to store stewed apple and blackberry, and I made jam with apples and lemons. In October remember Christmas!


Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bos mall gen to look forward to

dioxid carbon (m) carbon dioxide CO2

fowt (m) lack, shortage

gorlanwes (m) glut

gwedhra to shrivel

lettya to hinder, impede, etc.

limaval (m) lemon

perthy ~ perhy co ~ cov to remember, bear in mind

poder rotten

provians (m) supply

rewer (m) freezer

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