Friday, 20 December 2024

2024 Day 355

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Pemdhek ha Dogens

De Gwener, üdnegves mis Kevardhû
Friday, 20th December 
Otta curl arta. Da ew genam cana, bes fortüdnyes ew na ello whei ow clowes! Ow lev ew nebes callek. Theram ow craykya! Whei a res pedery a d
üs bal ow tos mes dhort tewlder an whel  ha sedha en gòlowder a'n howl, ow mires troha'n mor. Gwrewgh mos bys en Porth Enys dhe weles an gòlowow!  
Here's a carol again. I like to sing, but it is fortunate that you cannot hear me! My voice is a bit rusty. I creak! You must think of miners emerging from the darkness of the mine and sitting in the brightness of the sun, looking out 
towards the sea. Go to Mousehole to see the lights!

Nebes geryow Several words

callek rusty
craykya to creak
dos mes to emerge, come out
fortüdnyes fortunate, lucky
gòlowder (m) brightness, lightness
gòlowow lights < gòlow (m)
lev (m) voice
pedery to think
sedha to sit
tewlder (m) darkness
troha'n towards the
tüs bal miners < den bal (m) (t>d)
whel (m) mine, work

This spelling is Robert Nance's Unified Cornish.

My a wrug sedha war donnen las (green bank),
    Nadelek wyn, Nadelek wyn,
Yn golow an howl, Nadelek wyn,
    De Nadelek yn myttyn.

Ha my a wrug gweles gorhel try (three ships)
    yn un wolya (sailing) ow tremena (passing) ,
Ha my a wrug gweles gorhel try,
    De Nadelek yn myttyn.

Pyu a dybeugh (think) bos ynnons-y,
    Bos ynnons-y, bos ynnons-y?
Pyu tybeugh-why bos ynnons-y?
    Josef hag y arlodhes (lady) .

Whybanna (whistle) ef ha cana hy,
    Nadelek wyn, Nadelek wyn,
Whybanna ef ha cana (sing) hy,
    De Nadelek yn myttyn.

'Ma'n clegh norvys (bells of Earth) oll ow seny (ring) ,
    Nadelek wyn, Nadelek wyn,
Ow tonsya (dance) hag ow lowenhe (rejoice),
    De Nadelek yn myttyn.

Cryst ow tos agan sawya (save) ,
    Nadelek wyn, Nadelek wyn,
Cryst ow tos agan sawya,
    De Nadelek yn myttyn.

Thursday, 19 December 2024

2024 Day 354

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Peswardhek ha Dogens

De Yow, nawnjegves mis Kevardhû
Thursday, 19th December

Ma kevys genam nebes levrigow coth gen tavas Kernôwek ettans, Kernôwek Ûnyes theram ow pedery. Ma gwary mir, daralla, nebes curlys Nadelik ha moy. 'Nos Taw' ew treylyes dhort Almaynek. Eus othom dhebm y dreylya arta, po nôwedhy an scrifa-compòster? 'Taw ew an nos,' emedh ev. 'Yeyn ew an nos; rew ew an nos,' medham lebmyn, bes yeyn o an jedh ewedh. Thera gwens yeyn a-dhor an noor, gen cloudys ha keserednow. Terweythyow e veu còttik a howlsplan.

I have found some old booklets with Cornish language in them, Unified Cornish I think. There is a miracle play, a folk tale, some Christmas carols and more. 'Silent Night' is translated from German. Do I need to translate it again, or change the orthography? 'The night is silent,' it says. 'The night is cold; the night is frosty,' I say now, but the day was cold too. There was a cold wind from the north, with clouds and hail stones. Sometimes there was a glimpse of sunshine!

Geryow rag hedhyw Words for today
a-dhor from, out of
Almaynek ~ Jermanek German
còttik (m) glimpse
curlys ~ carolys carols < curl ~ carol (m)
daralla (m) folk tale, fable, story
gwary mir (m) miracle play
keserednow hailstones < keseren (f)
levrigow booklets < levrik (m) (SWFM lyvrik)
medham I say
nôwedhy to update
scrifa-compòster (m) orthography, spelling
treylyes translated < vb. treylya


Silent Night, Holy Night  

(from a very smudgy archive booklet of Christmas carols – in Unified Cornish – gives some idea of pronunciation – all we need to do now is to update the spelling!)  Some translations inserted. 

Taw (silent) yu an nos! Sans (holy) yu an nos! 

Oll yn cusk (sleep), oll hep tros (noise), 

Lemen ow colyas (watching over) yn crow (shed) ot an dheu, 

Gwerghes (virgin) ha’y meppyk whek, crullyes (curly) y vlew 

Gorta (wait) yn cusk cres (peace) an nef! (x2) 


Taw yu an nos! Sans yu an nos! 

Gwelyn bugeleth (shepherds) ow mos 

Yn unn glewes (hearing) newodhow (news) pur dha, 

Cur (choir) an nef  a-gann (sing) alleluya; 

Cryst an Dasprenyer (Redeemer) re dheth (x2) 


Taw yu an nos! Sans yu an nos! 

Unvap Dew, ot, ow tos 

Dyworth dha anow (mouth) kerensa yma; 

Prys (time) agan sylwyas (salvation) yu yn ur-ma, 

Y’th genesygeth (birth) , A Gryst! (x2) 

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

2024 Day 353

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Terdhek ha Dogens

De Merher, etegves mis Kevardhû
Wednesday, 18th December

Ma lavar coth e'n daralla Jowan Chei a Horr (Hordh): Kemerowgh with na wrewgh whei ôstya en chei lebma vo den coth demedhys dhe venyn yonk! My a'n dasscrifas. Kemerowgh with na wrewgh whei gara dhe godha gwariell lebma vo trigys kei yonk, gen dens rag denjel. Tho hebma cawrvargh! Lavar aral ew; Na wrewgh gara an vorr (fordh) goth rag an vorr nowydh. Terweythyow na ellen nei dewis. An vledhen ma a vedn gorfedna en scon, ha res ew hy gòrra a-dhelher dhen rag gansynjy an vledhen nowydh. Ma'n calander ow mos rag. Mis Kevardhû a wra dascor dhe vis Genver.
There's a proverb in the tale of John of Ram's House: Take care you don't stay in a house where there's an old man married to a young woman. I rewrote it. Take care you don't drop a toy on the floor in a house where there's a young dog residing, with teeth for biting. This was a camel! Another saying is; Don't leave the old road/way for the new road/way. Sometimes we cannot choose. This year will come to an end soon, and it must be put behind us to grasp the new year. The calendar is going ahead. December will give way to January.

Gerva rag hedhyw Vocabulary for today

cawrvargh (m) camel (giant horse) (SWFM kowrvargh)
dascor to give way, surrender (SWFM daskor)
dasscrifa to rewrite (SWFM dasskrifa)
demedhys married
dens teeth > denjel to chew, bite
dewis to choose, select
gansynjy to get hold of, grasp
gara to leave, allow, let (SWFM gasa)
gara dhe godha to drop, let fall
gorfedna to come to an end, finish (SWFM gorfenna)
gòrra to put
gwariell (f) toy, plaything
kemerowgh with take care (plural/formal) ~ kebmer with (familiar) Sometime shortened to ambiguous kemer' with
trigys living, residing, etc.