2021 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Pemp
De Sadorn, wheffes mis Meurth
6th March
Ma nebes treylyansow ow wharvos en hanter cans
bledhen, hanter cansbledhen. An fôtô ma a veu kemerys en mil naw cans trei
ügens hag üdnek. Nei ell gweles an chymbla bal coth. Lebmyn thew ev cüdhys gen
idhyow ha na ellen nei scant y weles. Ma lies gwedh ow mellya gen agan gwel. Brâssa
ens lebmyn. Na ellen nei sevel reb an gover ha gweles an bal. Thew an gover en
gwerdhowr composys ewedh. Da ew genam fôtôs coth - hebma ew peth agan kentrevoges.
Hei a ell perthy co an termyn pa wrüg pons an vorr gleder diswres - e'n
bledhednyow trei ügens. Lebmyn nei ell gweles
bes üdn radn bian anodho en lowarth. My a ell gweles agan chei (ke nag o va chei e'n dedhyow na)!
changes happen in fifty years, half a century. This photo was taken in 1971. We
can see the old mine's chimney. Now it is covered with ivy and we can hardly
see it. There are many trees interfering with our view. They are bigger now. We
cannot stand by the stream and see the mine. The stream is in a neatened
channel as well. I like old photos - this one belongs to our neighbour. She can
remember the time the railway bridge was demolished - in the sixties. Now we
can just see one small part of it in a garden. I can see our house (though it wasn't a house in those days)!
Deg ger
rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
an bledhednyow
trei ügens the sixties
brâssa bigger
composa to neaten
diswil to
demolish, unmake > (verbal adjective) diswres
(m) water
ke ~ ken although
gen to interfere with
peth thing,
(m) change
wharvos to happen, occur
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