2025 Dedh Trei warn Ügens
Geryow rag hedhyw Words for today
De Yow, tryja warn ügens mis Genver
Thursday, 23rd January
Thursday, 23rd January
Ma Éowyn ow tos! Éowyn? Marhoges ew hei e'n lever "Arlòdh an Besowyer", anan? Gwir, saw holma ew enawel. Ma gwarnyans. Damach a vedh gwres. Bes whath ken devedhyans an enawel, ma damach solabres en Coyntrel. Corwens a wrüg resek dres üdn strêt, gwens tro a sqwardyas tohow lehednys. My a glowas bòbm brâs, clak taran. A veu hedna an corwens en pelder - todn son? Thera dhe nei keserednow brâs ha lowarth liwyow a dhowr en lowarth ha bôwnder. Thera nei ow qwachas Éowyn haneth en nos.
Éowyn is coming! Éowyn? She's a horse-rider in the book "Lord of the Rings", isn't she? True, but this one is a storm. There is a warning. Damage will be done. But, even before the storm's arrival, there is already damage in Quintrell Downs. A tornado raced through one street, a whirlwind tore tiled roofs. I heard a big bang, a clap of thunder. Was that the tornado in the distance - a sound wave? We had big hailstones and a floods of water in garden and lane. We are waiting for Éowyn tonight.
arlòdh (m) lord
besowyer rings < besow (m) (SWFM bysow)
corwens ~ corwyns (m) tornado
crak taran (m) thunder clap
crak taran (m) thunder clap
damach (m) damage
gwarnyans (m) warning
gwens tro (m) whirlwind
haneth en nos tonight
haneth en nos tonight
homma ~ holma (f) this (one)
keserednow hailstones < keseren (f) < keser hail (coll.)
lehednow slates, tiles < lehen (f)
liwyow a dhowr floods of water
marhoges (f) horse-rider
qwachas ~ gwetyas to expect, wait for
sqwardya to tear, rip
tohow roofs < to (m)
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