De Gwener, degves mis Genver
Friday, 10th January
Ma lavar e'n Beybel Sans, en Salmow: "My a vedn derevel ow lagajow tro ha'n menedhyow." My, ow hònan, a vedn derevel ow lagajow tro ha'n gwedh. Nag üjy an rüdhek bian ow mos pell. My ell y glowas ow cana lebmyn. Martesen ma whans dhodho a kergh moy! Terweythyow nei ell gweles neythow brâs en branchys didhel, saw nag eus idhnygow veth en gwav. Ew hebma neyth bian? Ma mir dirowl dhodho. Nag ew. E'n diwettha enawel an gwens a dhros tabm bythwer dhort gwedhen vrâs. Ha dadn an gwedh brâs, ma losyow on bian ow tos en colwedh, parys rag gwenton.
There's a saying in the Holy Bible, in Psalms: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills." I, myself, will lift my eyes to the trees. The little robin does not go far. I can hear his singing now. Perhaps he wants more oats. Sometimes we can see nests in leafless branches, but there are no nestlings at all in winter. Is this a little nest? It looks untidy. In the last storm the wind brought an evergreen piece from a big tree. And under the big trees, little catkins are coming on the hazel trees, ready for spring.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
bythwer evergreen < byth + gwer
colwedh hazel trees < colwedhen (f)
derevel to lift up, raise
didhel leafless
dirowl untidy, disordered
idhnygow nestlings < idhnyk (m)
lagajow eyes < lagas (m)
lowyow on lamb's tails, catkins < lôst on (m)
Salmow Psalms
tro ha towards
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