Sunday, 19 January 2025

2025 Day 19

2025 Dedh Nawnjek 

De Sül, nawnjegves mis Genver
Sunday, 19th January

En mis Meurth, e vedh project nowydh en Pow an Sowson. "REVIVE" henwys ew ev. An tavas Kernôwek a vedh dasvewys arta, selwys gen an Saxons! Project seyth-nacyon meur ew, ledyes gen Ûniversita Ruskin Anglia. Anjei a vedn gwitha hag avonsya an tavas Kernôwek - keffres ha ertach gònisegethek ledanha Kernow. Eus clowys ganjans a Institût Stüdhyansow Kernow po Keffresyans Cowethasow Kernow Coth? Anjei a wra junya warbarth teknologiethow rag omdròckyans gen derivas darallys kevrednek. Da via genam hedna. Ma dhodhans trei milyon euro. Da via genam hedna ewedh! Piw a vedn furnya an content Kernôwek?

In March, there will be a new project in England. It is called "REVIVE". The Cornish language will be revived again, saved by the Saxons! It is a major seven-nation project, led by Anglia Ruskin University. They want to preserve and promote the Cornish language - as well as Cornwall's wider cultural heritage. Have they heard of the Institute of Cornish Studies or the Federation of Old Cornwall Societies? They will combine immersive technologies with participatory story-telling. I'd like that. They have three million euros. I'd like that too! Who will provide the Cornish content?

Gerva Vocabulary
avonsya to promote
daralla (m) story, tale, etc.
dasvewhe to revive (vt)
dasvewys revived < vb. dasvewa (vi)
derivas to deliver, report, tell
ertach (m) heritage
furnya to provide, furnish
gònisegethek cultural
gwitha to preserve
henwys called, named < vb. henwel
junya warbarth to combine, join together
keffres ha as well as
keffresyans (m) federation
kevrednek participatory, shared
ledanha wider < ledan wide
ledyes led < vb. ledya (can also use lewa)
omdròckyans (m) immersion
Pow an Sowson (PN) England
selwys saved < vb. selwel (also sawya)

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