De Sül, dewdhegves mis Genver
Sunday, 12th January
Sunday, 12th January
My a dal gwil whel moy rag gwiasva an Cussül an Tavas Kernôwek. Gellys nebes coth ew. Taclow a dreylyas, an scrifa-compòster ha'n düs comprendys. Pandr'ew pòrresys war wiasva? En kensa, agan arwòdh. Nei a dhewisas "cronek an hager dû", er co Dolly Pentreath. Nessa, neppeth adro dhe 'gan kescowethyans, agan derivas charj comprendys. Whei ell trouvya nebes geryow war Wiki, saw thew hedna re verr. My a res scrifa moy avorow.
I ought to do more work for the Cornish Language Council website. It's a bit stale. Things changed, including the orthography and the people. What is essential on a website? Firstly, our logo. We chose an "ugly black toad", in memory of Dolly Pentreath! Next, something about our organisation, including our mission statement. You can find some words on Wiki, but that is too short. I must write more tomorrow.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
arwòdh (f) symbol, badge, logo, etc.
charj (m) mission, duty
comprendys included (SWFM komprehendys)
cronek an hager dû (quote) ugly black toad
derivas (m) statement
er co in memory of
gellys coth stale, gone old, out of date
gwiasva (f) website
kescowethyans (m) organisation
scrifa-compòster (m) orthography, spelling system
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