Monday, 2 August 2021

2021 Day 214

2021 Dedh Dew Cans ha Peswardhek

De Lün, nessa mis Est

Monday, 2nd August

Üjy an Broder Brâs ow mires orthowgh? Theram ow qweles gen lagas bian vy, nep-peth a dhallath gen L. Lòren dorsevylyek, lòrenow aspias. Qweia nag ellama aga gweles; mons re ûhel a-ûgh ayrgelgh an Norves. Eus nebonan ow mires ortha vy? My ell gweles Kernow en mappys Google. Otta preien wydn, an pollow prei ogas dhe Austol. Ma lies lagas en ebòrn - fôtôs ell bos kemerys dhort sadron, balounys, jynnys-neyja, ha moy, gen cameras. Bes ma lagajow bew, ow mires, ow qweles nevra, dhort aga golva, mettin, hanter dedh ha howlsedhes. Eus boos vetholl raga nei hons ena? Eus gweles genowgh whath an ceremony egeryans en Tokyo?  Thera mil sadronen eth cans pajar warn ügens ow cül glôb an bes.

Is Big Brother watching you? I spy with my little eye, something beginning with "L". A geostationary satellite, spy satellites. Except that I can't see them; they are too high above the Earth's atmosphere. Is anyone watching me? I can see Cornwall in Google maps. See the white clay ground, the claypits near St. Austell. There are many eyes in the sky - photos can be taken from drones, balloons, aircraft, and more, with cameras. But there are living eyes, looking, ever seeing, from their lookout, morning, noon and sunset. Is there any food for us over there? Sometimes we watch the drones. Have you seen the opening ceremony in Tokyo yet? There were 1824 drones making a globe of the world.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

aspias ~ aspia to spy, spying

baloun (m) balloon

dorsevylyek geostationary

golva (f) lookout

hons ena over there

lòren (f) artificial satellite

polprei ~ poll prei (m) claypit

preien (f) clay ground

qweia except, although

sadron drones < sadronen (f)


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