Thursday, 5 August 2021

2021 Day 217

2021 Dedh Dew Cans ha Seytek

De Yow, pempes mis Est

Thursday, 5th August

Ma nebes sportys nowydh en Gwariow Olympyk. Anjei a wra gelwel henedh yonca. An sportys hengovek o pur goth, dhort Gres ha Rôm Âwncyent. E'n kensa dallath, tüs ha mebyon a wrüg kemeres radn en pònya, lebmel, ombla ha towlel. Thera lies resegva vergh ewedh. Ma'n sportys coth ma ha neyja whath e'n Gwariow, bes lebmyn ma gwariow nowydh ewedh; gen vos grambla, styllen ros, hag erel.  Hag e'n jedh hedhyw, ma benenes ha mosy ow kemeres radn.

There are several new sports in the Olympic Games. They will appeal to a younger generation. The traditional sports were very old, from Ancient Greece and Rome. Originally, men and boys took part in running, jumping, fighting and throwing. There were many races with horses as well. These old sports and swimming are still in the Games, but now there are new games as well; with climbing wall, skateboard, etc. And nowadays women and girls take part.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

âwncyent ~ ancyent ancient

e'n kensa dallath originally

henedh (m) generation

hengovek traditional

kemeres radn to take part

mebyon boys, sons

omdhal to fight, wrestle

resegva vergh (f) horse race

vos grambla (f) climbing wall

yonca younger


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