Sunday, 29 August 2021

2021 Day 241

2021 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens hag Onan

De Sül, nawhes warn ügens mis Est

Sunday, 29th August

Rugby chayr-ros ew sport reydhow meskys, saw e'n vledhen ma nag eus bes peder benyn en Tokyo.  Ma pajar esel dhe'n para. A-dhia Sydney e'n vledhen dew mil ma moy es hanter cans medal owr gwaynys, saw Kylie Grimes ew an kensa benyn. Pur enwejek ew an medalys, desînys ha gwres rag pobel efreg. Pobel gen lagajow da ell gweles liwyow an medalys. Rag pobel gen fowt gweles ma poyntys bothcrom silicon war an snod ha brallow rond war an min: onan rag owr, dew rag arhans, ha trei rag brons. Gwaynyoryon ell desernya aga medalys gen tava. Ha scrifys en Braille ew "Tokyo 2020".

Wheelchair rugby is a mixed gender sport, but this year there are only four women in Tokyo. A team has four members. Since Sydney in the year 2000 more than 50 gold medals have been won, but Kylie Grimes is the first woman. The medals are very special, designed and made for disabled people. People with good eyes can see the medals' colours. For visually impaired people there are silicon convex dots on the ribbon and circular indentations on the rim, one for gold, two for silver, and three for bronze. Winners can identify their medals by touch. And written in Braille is "Tokyo 2020".

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-dhia since

bothcrom convex

brallow dents, indentations

desînys designed

dew mil two thousand (though mil is f. it takes m. numeral without mutation)

enwejek special, distinctive

fowt gweles (m) visual impairment

meskys mixed

min (m) edge, rim, border

reydh (f) gender, sex

snod (m) ribbon

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