2021 Dedh Cans Whetek ha Dewgens
De Sadorn, pempes mis Efen
5th June
Wydn! En üskis, ma lowarn e'n rom cres!" My a veu divünys en mettin avarr.
Nebonan a aras tarth e'n daras delher ha thera dhen omweler bian. Nag o ev bes
colyn. Martesen thera va ow whilas boos. E veu câwgh gwres ganjo reb an daras
delher. Ev a labmas dhe styllen an veister ha whilas diank - ow sqwachya oll ow
lesyow chei en kettermyn. Nena ev a blattyas en cornel. Ow gour a wrüg egery
oll an darjow ha na wrüga nei gweles an best arta. Na wrüga nei y weles mos po
pe le ev eth. Res veu dhebm nena glanhe war y lergh. Ha nag eus dhebm fôtôs ow honan! Meur ras Mester Pegler.
Quickly, there's a fox in the middle room!" I was woken up early in the
morning. Someone left the back door ajar and we had a small visitor. It was
only a cub. Perhaps it was looking for food. It had done a poo by the back
door. It jumped to the window sill and attempted to escape - destroying all my little
house plants at the same time. Then it cowered in a corner. My husband opened
all the doors and we didn't see the animal again. We didn't see it go or where
it went. Then I had to clean up after him. And I have no photos myself! Thank you Mr. Pegler.
Deg ger
rag hedhyw Ten words for today
colyn (m) cub
delher (m) back door
diank to escape
divüna ~
difüny to awaken, wake up
gara (SWFM gasa) to leave
> (preterite) aras
(SWFM asas)
tarth e'n daras to leave the door ajar
lebmel to jump,
leap, spring > (preterite) labmas
lowarn (m) fox
plattya to cower
rom (m) room
styllen ~
estyllen (f) sill
whilas to
attempt, try, look for, seek
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