Wednesday, 30 June 2021

2021 Day 181

2021 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Wonan

De Merher, degves warn ügens mis Efen

Wednesday, 30th June

Benyn goth, scav ow fedn, o vy! Da ew genam arethyow dhe les. My a dalvia gosôwes ort areth gen Will Coleman, dhort Kresen Kernow, ow tòchya plenys an gwary de, saw my a necovas dh' egery ow jynn-amontya. Nag eus Yeth an Weryn Pons Resulyan war linen na velha - ma va e'n tavern ha na ellama mos, etho nag eus kescows. Ma dhebm galow dhe ragwel privedh rag disqwedhyans art en Austol - bes na ellama mos dei naneyl. Na whath, my ell cawas plesour mires orth radn an pictours war linen. Ma trei artist pur dhiblans. Graffegow Cristophe Szpajdel ew prederüs ha tegednek; gis coth hag arnowydh e'n keth termyn   ( Liwyansow Caroline Wallis, Artist Tewal, ew leun a liw, moy lows ha nebes scrüthüs. (

Tirwedhyow Linda Mary Jones ew kevrinek ha cüdhys.

( )  

I'm an absent-minded old woman! I like interesting lectures. I should have listened to a talk by Will Coleman, from the Cornwall centre, on playing-places yesterday, but I forgot to open my computer. There's no Bridge Yeth an Weryn on line any more - it's in the pub and I can't go, so no chatting. I have an invitation to a private preview for an art exhibition in St Austell - but I can't go there either. However, I can enjoy looking at some of the pictures on line. There are three very distinctive artists. Cristophe Szpajdel's graphics are careful and ornate; archaic and modern at the same time ( Caroline Wallis Dark Artist's paintings are colourful, looser and rather scary.  ( ) Linda Mary Jones's landscapes are enigmatic and mysterious.  (

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

arethyow lectures, talks < areth (f)

cawas plesour to enjoy, get pleasure

diblans distinct, distinctive

galow (m) invitation

graffegow graphics < graffek (f)

kevrinek enigmatic

privedh private

ragweles ~ ragwel (m) preview

scav ow fedn absent minded (use appropriate possessive)

tegednek ornamental, ornate


Tuesday, 29 June 2021

2021 Day 180

2021 Dedh Cans ha Pajar Ügens

De Meurth, nawves warn ügens mis Efen

Tuesday, 29th June

Ew da geno whei sport? O whei pedn tòbm pel droos? Po ew tennis Wimbledon gwell geno whei? Serena drûan a wrüg browy hy fednglin (slynkya war an glesin gleb) ha res veu dhedhy omdedna. O whei scodhyer üdn para enwejek? A wrüg an Kernôwyon scodhya an para Sowsnek e'n nos haneth? Herwedh ûsadow, Regatta Riel Henley a vedha e'n seythen ma, bes dellejys ew bys en mis Est. Bettegens, e vedh regatta benenes an pedn seythen ma, ha "Henley en tre".  My ow honan, na wrüga vy besca convedhes sport ha nag eus dhebm kesordednans da! Na ellama gwary na tennis na gwary pel erel. (My or fatel bes na ellama!)

Do you like sport? Are you a football fanatic? Or do you prefer Wimbledon tennis? Poor Serena hurt her knee (slipping on the wet lawn) and she had to retire. Are you a fan of one particular team? Did the Cornish people support the English team tonight? Normally, Henley Royal Regatta is in this week, but it has been postponed until August. However, there will be a women's regatta this weekend, and "Henley at home". Myself, I never understood sport and I don't have good coordination! I can't play tennis nor any other ball games. (I know how to but I can't!)

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

browy to bruise, injure, hurt

delleja to delay, postpone

e'n nos haneth tonight

enwejek particular, specific

Kernôwyon the Cornish people

kesordednans (m) coordination

omdedna to retire, withdraw

para (m) team, squad

pedn tòbm (m) fanatic, hothead

pel droos (m) football

scodhyer (m) fan, supporter

Monday, 28 June 2021

2021 Day 179

2021 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Nawnjek

De Lün, ethves warn ügens mis Efen

Monday, 28th June

Nag eus gwrians meur et ow bôwnas ydn vy. Ow gwariva a'n meyny ew hebask, a-der üdn flogh gorwewek bian, leb ew nebes cledhek ha gosteth dhe dhroglabmow. Bettegens, ma meur a wrians war wariva an bes. Ma politycoryon parys dhe wil bismer dh'aga honan! Eth hevel dhebm, ma moy a skiantoleth en Pensans Dedh Mazey vel en Loundres. Ma droglabmow en Kernow ewedh. A wrüg nebonan gara aga harr war an treth? A veu va neyjys dhe ves war an mortîd?   

There's not a great deal of action in my narrow life. My domestic stage is peaceful, apart from one small, hyperactive child, who is rather clumsy and accident-prone! However, there's a lot of activity on the world stage. There are politicians ready to disgrace themselves! It seems to me there is more wisdom in Penzance Mazey Day than in London. There are accidents in Cornwall too. Did someone leave their car on the beach? Was it floated away on the tide?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a'n meyny domestic < meyny (m) household, family

cledhek clumsy, left-handed

droglabmow accidents <droglam (m)

eth hevel dhebm it seems to me

gorwewek hyperactive

gosteth dhe prone to

gwariva (f) stage, theatre

gwil bismer dhe to disgrace, discredit, bring into contempt

gwrians (m) action, activity

ydn narrow, confined 

Sunday, 27 June 2021

2021 Day 178

2021 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens hag Etek

De Sül, seythves warn ügens mis Efen

Sunday, 27th June 

Ma soweneth ha falladow en plansow keffres ha bownans a vabden. Nanj ew diw vledhen, nebonan a ros dhebm plans clegh an cawr. Na veu flourys veth warnodho e'n kensa hav na second hav. Plans diwvledhednek ewa, saw ma va ow pleujowa et y dryja hav. A vedh has rag henedh môy? Nag eus dhebm bes diw shiryen - na vedh anjei lowr dhe wül crampes frût.  Ma lies aval ow tevy e'n vledhen ma bes ow gwedhen per vy ew falladow meur. Ma pub peren vian ow treylya dû ha codha dhe'n dor. Whath môy defalebys ew nebes eyrin reb an trolergh. Re vrâs ha coynt ens. Na wrüga vy besca (bysqweth) gweles nep tra a'n par ma kens lebmyn. Martesen ma neb creatur ettans. E veu dhebm droglam creatur bian e'n chei. Lowarn yonk a wrüg dos war jei ha trettya an plansow reb an veister.   

There's success and failure in plants as well as in human life. Two years ago, someone gave me a Canterbury bells plant. There weren't any flowers on it in the first summer nor the second summer. It's a biennial plant, but it is flowering in its third summer. Will there be seeds for another generation? I only have two cherries - they won't be enough to make a fruit pie. There are lots of apples this year but my pear tree is a major failure. Every little pear is going black and falling off. Even more deformed are some sloes by the footpath. They are too large and strange. I have never seen anything like this before now. Perhaps there is some creature in them. I had a small creature catastrophe in the house. A young fox came inside and trampled the plants by the window.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a vabden human < mabden (m) human being

bleujowa to bloom, flower

clegh an cawr Canterbury bells, the giant's bells

defalebys deformed

diwvledhednek biennial

falladow (m) failure

hanath ha scala Canterbury bells, cup and saucer

henedh (m) generation

plansow plants, vegetation (can also use losow)

shiryen ~ keresen (f) cherry

sowena ~ soweneth (f) success

Saturday, 26 June 2021

2021 Day 177

 2021 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Seytek

De Sadorn, wheffes warn ügens mis Efen

Saturday, 26th June

Golowan a wrüg dos ha mos, ha na wrüga vy y verkya. Gool Sen Jôwan Baptist, sans tasek Pensans, ew degol Cristyon, saw kens hedna e veu degolyow pagan 'h onora an howl ha natûr, frothuster ha'n trevas.  En bledhednyow tremenys thera tanjysyow war lies menedh. Bes calish ew e'n vledhen ma. Nanj ew deg bledhen warn ügens, Pensans a dhros dre "Mazey Day". Thew hebma jorna leun a lôwender ha müscotter. Ma etholans rag "Füg-Mayr". Ma hebyhors, an "Pedn Glas".  Flehes scol ha pobel cowldevys oll a wra baners hag ymajys rag keskerdh dres an strêtys, hag ewedh ma "Dons Sarf" dres an strêtys (Ma'n lost ow mos der y anow ha gwil ganow nowydh!) 

Midsummer came and went, and I didn't notice it. The Feast of St John, the patron saint of Penzance, is a Christian festival, but before that there were pagan festivals honouring the sun and nature, fertility and the harvest.  In past years there were bonfires on many hills. But it's difficult this year. Thirty years ago, Penzance brought back "Mazey Day". This is a day full of festivity and madness. There is an election for a "Mock Mayor". There is a hobby horse, the "Grey Head". School children and adults all make banners and images for a parade through the streets, and there is also a "Snake Dance" through the streets. (The tail goes through its mouth and forms a new mouth!)

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

drei dre to bring back

etholans (m) election, ballot

frothuster (m) fertility, fruitfulness

Golowan (m) midsummer, the Feast of St John

gool ~ degol (m) gala, feast, holy day, holiday

lôwender (m) festivity

mayr ~ mer (m) mayor

merkya to mark, notice

müscotter (m) madness

onora ~ enora to honour, respect

tremenys past, gone by

trevas (f) harvest