Monday, 26 April 2021

2021 Day 116

2021 Dedh Cans ha Whetek

De Lün, wheffes warn ügens mis Ebrel

Monday, 26th April


Nag era vy nevra gweles howlsedhes dhort ow lowarth, drefen bos menedh war tûa'n west, bes terweythyow my a wel loor leun en derafa war tûa'n est. Calish ew dhe weles manilyon war loor leun gen camera kebmyn ha heb gweder aspia. Nag ew hei bes kelgh gwydn spladn. Ma dhe Rod Lyon fôtôs gwell a vanilyon pecar'a craters. Ma va ow ûsya telescôp ha camera gwell. Da ew genam kemeres pictours a manilyon dhe dhorn. Mirowgh ort an crevednow ma. Ma mir dhodhans a graters münys, ha mir dhe'n vernigen a venedh.

I don't ever see a sunset from my garden, because there's a hillside towards the west, but sometimes I see a full moon rising towards the east. It's difficult to see details on a full moon with an ordinary camera and without a telescope. It is just a bright, white circle. Rod Lyon has better photos of details such as craters. He uses a telescope and a better camera. I like taking pictures of details nearby. Look at these barnacles. They look like tiny craters, and the limpet looks like a mountain!

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

bernigen (f) limpet

calish ~ cales difficult, hard

crevednow ~ crehy barnacles < creven (f)

dhe dhorn nearby, close at hand

en derafa rising, getting up, coming in

gweder aspia (m) telescope (can also use telescôp)

howlsedhes (m) sunset

kebmyn ~ comyn ordinary, common

kelgh (m) circle

loor leun (f) full moon

manilyon (collective) details

war tûa ~ war-tû ha towards

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