Thursday, 31 October 2019

2019 Day 304

Dedh Trei Hans ha Pajar

De Yow, üdnegves warn ügens mis Hedra
Thursday, 31st October

Hedhyw thew an diwettha dedh a vis Hedra. Diwedh ew ewedh hanter golow an vledhen Keltek ha dallath an hanter tewel. Gellys ew hav. Ma gwav o tos. Bledhen Nowydh lôwen dhewgh.Bes nag era nei o tanon (tanvon) cartednow rag an jedh ma. Ma termyn lowr dhebm whath rag gwil cartednow rag Nadelik ha'n vledhen nowydh òja hedna. Pandra wra vy liwya? Nebes es martesen. Pandr'ew an dra an môyha calish dhe liwya? Dowr ew! Pe liw ew dowr? En temperedh ûsyes dowr ew lin cler, heb liw, heb ôdor, heb sawarn. Re dòbm, ma va o pryjyon, treylya dhe eth. Re yeyn, ma va o rewy, treylya dhe rew. Bes ellen nei gweles dowr? Nei a wel golow o tos der an dowr po golow dastewydnyes dhort enep an dowr. My a viras orth an ryver bian hedhyw. A wrüga vy gweles an dowr? Na wrüg! My a welas glas ha donek, saw nag o an re-na liwyow an dowr. Tho anjei liwyow an ebòrn a-ûgh an ryver ha'n gwedh rebto. En venowgh my a wel an mor. Nei a lavar dr'ew glas an mor – saw nag ew hedna liw an dowr!

Today it is the last day of October. It's the end too of the light half of the Celtic year and the beginning of the dark half. Summer has gone. Winter is coming. Happy New Year to you. But we don't send cards for this day. I still have enough time to make cards for Christmas and the new year after that. What shall I paint? Something easy perhaps. What is the most difficult thing to paint? It's water! What colour is water? At normal temperatures water is a transparent liquid, colourless, odourless and tasteless. Too hot, it boils, turning to steam. Too cold, it freezes, turning to ice. But can we see water? We see light coming through the water or light reflected from the surface of the water. I looked at the little river today. Did I see the water? No! I saw grey and brown but those weren't the colour of the water. They were the colours of the sky above the river and the trees beside it. I often see the sea. We say the sea is blue/green/grey – but that is not the colour of the water!

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

an diwettha the last (superlative)
an re-na those (demonstrative pronoun, plural of hedna)
dallath (m) beginning (you can also use dalla and dallathvos)
diwedh (m) end
enep (f) face, surface of water, etc. (not for human face)
eth (m) steam, gas, vapour
glas blue, grey, green (ambiguous colour to describe sea, not good for painters)
ôdor (m) odour, smell (I use this because it is less ambiguous than sawarn)
rebto by it, beside it (example of prepositional pronoun)
sawarn (f) taste, smell (you can also use sawor)

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