Saturday, 13 November 2021

2021 Day 317

2021 Dedh Trei Hans ha Seytek

De Sadorn, terdhegves mis Dû

Saturday, 13th November

E'n mettin ma, my a veu reb an als noor ha nena my eth dhe'n als soth. Naw eur, comolek o an ebòrn ha garow ha strolek o an mordarth. Pup tra o loos. Teyr eur, my a dheuth tre ha whath o an ebòrn comolek. Loos o an ebòrn ha'n mor, an dhew.  Na wrüga vy gweles an mor in Falmeth, saw thera an howl ow spladna war vena a-bell. My a wrüg omweles war dhiw gowethes goth. Scriforesow ens. E'n men termyn, thera whel ow mos rag en teleryow erel. My a welas den ow mires en toll e'n dor. Pana whel wrüga va ow cül?

This morning, I was by the north coast and then I went to the south coast by bus. Nine o'clock, the sky was cloudy and the surf was rough and messy. Everything was grey. Three o'clock, I came home and the sky over the north coast was still cloudy. The sky and the sea were both grey. I didn't see the sea in Falmouth, but the sun was shining on a distant hillside. I visited two old friends. They are writers. Meanwhile, work was going on in other places. I saw a man looking in a hole in the ground. What work was he doing?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

a-bell distant, a-far

als (m) coast

an dhew both

comolek cloudy

garow rough

mena ~ menedh (m) hillside, hill

mordarth (m) surf

omweles war to visit

pup tra everything

strolek ~ strolüs messy

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