Friday, 5 November 2021

2021 Day 309

2021 Dedh Trei Hans ha Naw

De Gwener, pempes mis Dû

Friday, 5th November

Ma trei ehen a liw en plansow glas. Possybyl ew agan bôwnas drefen bos plansow glas war agan planet. Heb plansow glas nag eus bôwnas dhe nei. Res ew pòrres gwitha oll an gwedh brâs ha plansow bian erel war dir, ha gòbmon brâs ha kewny bian erel e'n mor ha dowr er. Res ew dhen cawas chlorophyll. Ma va ow cansenjy dioxid carbon dhe wil boos ha gwil oxyjen raga nei dh'anella.  Ma othom a forests, cosow, kylliow, prysk, todnow, kersegow, ha moy. Ma othom dhe'n bes a vewdhiverseth, heb wastyans moy an forest ha diswrians bewva. Ma le a chlorophyll en kidnyadh ha moy a anthocyanin rüdh ha carotenoid melyn. Ma'n del ow treylya rüdh ha melyn.   

There are three types of pigment in green plants. Our life is possible because there are green plants on our planet. Without green plants we have no life. It is vital to keep all the big trees and other small plants on land, and big seaweed and other little algae in the sea and fresh water. We must have chlorophyll. It captures carbon dioxide to make food and makes oxygen for us to breathe. There needs to be forests, woods, copses, scrubland, grasslands, reed-beds, and more. The world needs biodiversity, without more deforestation and habitat destruction. There is less chlorophyll in autumn and more red anthocyanin and yellow carotenoid. The leaves are turning red and yellow.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

anella to breathe

bewdhiverseth (f) biodiversity

bôwnans ~ bôwnas (m) life (SWFM bewnans)

dioxid carbon CO2, carbon dioxide

gansenjy to hold, capture, seize (SWFM kensynsi)

kewny (collective) small algae, moss, lichen, etc.

kylliow copses < kylly (f) (SWFM kelly)

liw (m) colour, pigment

pòrres vital, most necessary

possybyl possible

prysk (collective) scrubland, scrub


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