De Sadorn,
kensa mis Genver
1st January
Wòja Nadelik, ema dhe flehes dewis a waryellow
ha gwrians. Radn anodhans ew còsel (tedna) ha nebes ew trosüs (tabours). Ma nebes ow soweny ha
nebes erel ew heb sowyn. Gwens a whethas gwaryel neyja bys e'n scorr gwedhen. Terweythyow,
thew an flehes lôwen heb gwaryellow, ow mos dhe dreth ha scappya an todnow ow
tos rag, palas tell po whilas bily ha cregyn dhe les.
After Christmas, children have a choice of
toys and activities. Some of them are quiet (drawing) and some are noisy (drums). Some go well
and some others are unsuccessful. A wind blew a flying toy into the branches
of a tree. Sometimes, the children are happy without toys, going to a beach and
running away from the advancing waves, digging holes or looking for interesting
pebbles and shells.
Deg ger
rag hedhyw Ten
words for today
dewis (m) choice, pick,
dos rag to come forward,
gwaryel (f) toy, plaything
gwrians (m) activity, doings
heb sowyn unsuccessful
scappya to escape, evade, run
away from
scorr (collective) branches, boughs
soweny ~
seweny to
succeed, thrive, go well
trosüs noisy
whetha to blow
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