9th January
Pandr'ew an deffrans tredh varyansow Covid
Omicron ha Delta? Ha pandr'ew an deffrans tredh an symptoms ha sînys a gleves? Sînys
ell bos gwelys ha metherys - febyr, rag ensampel. Eus temperedh ûhel dhewgh? Po
drog branja, pâs e'n lonk? Drog branja ew rüdh. Pâs ell bos clowys. Sqwithans
ha pâs segh ew symptoms an moyha menowgh gen Omicron. Ha sqwith o vy, saw nag
eus febyr dhebm!
What's the difference between Omicron and
Delta Covid strains? And what is the difference between the symptoms and signs
of disease? Signs can be seen and measured - fever, for example. Do you have a
high temperature? Or a sore throat, a throaty cough? A sore throat is red. A
cough can be heard. Fatigue and a dry cough are the prevalent symptoms with
Omicron. And I am tired, but I don't have a fever!
Bohes geryow
rag hedhyw A
few words for today
drog branja
(m) sore
febyr (m) fever
menowgh prevalent
musüra ~
methera to
omglowans (m) feeling
pâs e'n
lonk (m)
throaty cough
segh dry
sînys ~ sînesow
a gleves
signs of illness ~ disease
sqwithter ~
sqwithans (m)
fatigue, tiredness
symptom (m) symptom
temperedh (m) temperature
varyans (m) variant
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