Tuesday, 21 April 2020

2020 Day 112

2020 Dedh Cans ha Dewdhek

De Meurth, kensa warn ügens mis Ebrel
Tuesday, 21st April

Sowena, falladow ha labmow lôwen - ma hedna ow tescrifa ow whel lowarth ha kegidnieth. Ma va ow tescrifa an art vy ewedh, ke vo môy falladowyow brâs es sewenyansow bian. A vedham sowyn gen has e'n gwenton ma? Res ew dhebm gòrtos. Nei a wra gweles skyll bian po plansigow glas, dhe scona dhe well. Ow kestenen vian ew labm Nadelik lôwen. Ow gwedh erel (ha'n alsanders) ew sewenyansow brâs - bes martesen anjei a vedh re vrâs. Ha'n Nicotiana teg? Thew hebma mystry et tien.   

Success, failure and happy accidents - that describes my gardening and cuisine. It describes my art as well, though there may be more big failures than small successes. Will I be successful with seeds this spring? I must wait. We'll see little shoots or green seedlings, the sooner the better. My little chestnut tree is a happy Christmas accident. My other trees (and the Alexanders) are big successes - but perhaps they will be too big. And the pretty Nicotiana? This is a complete mystery.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

descrifa to describe
dhe scona dhe well the sooner the better
falladow (m) failure > (plural) falladowyow
kegidnieth (f) cookery, cuisine (fittya boos is more traditional)
labm (m) chance, accident
lowarth (m) garden (final th silent, so can be written lowarh or lowar)
sewenyansow (plural) successes
sowena (f) success (or soweneth)
sowyn successful
whel lowarth (m) gardening ( also lavür/gonis lowarth)

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