Thursday, 9 April 2020

2020 Day 100

2020 Dedh Cans

De Yow, nawhes mis Ebrel
Thursday, 9th April

Thera nei lebmyn en Seythen Sans en calander Cristyon - an seythen ken Pask. An jedh ma ew henwys  De Yow Hablys po De Yow Bask po De Yow Sans. Hedhyw nei a breder a Soper Diwettha, Côn agan Arlòdh ("Coena Domini" en Laten). A-bele ma'n hanow "Hablys"? Jesus a gablas onan a y apostyls. "Onan ahanowgh re'm gwerras dhe'm eskerens" Jesus a wrüg gòlhy treys y apostyls - whel üvel. Ma lies pictour liwys gen "Mestryjy Goth". Pecar dr'ew an vaner De Yow Hablys, an Vetêrnes a dal rei Mona Cablys dhe'n gothyon ha'n othomogyon. (Nag ew res dhedhy gòlhy aga threys.) Sowedh, na ell hei y wil e'n vledhen ma. Ma dew bors bian, an eyl rüdh hag y gila gwydn. E'n eyl ma mona rag dillas ha boos, hag et y gila ma pajar bath arhans, gen pedn an Vetêrnes, an vledhen ha 1, 2, 3 ha 4. Tradicyon coth ew ev - otta bathow dhort seytegves cansbledhen.

We are now in Holy Week in the Christian calendar - the week before Easter. This day is called Maundy Thursday or Easter Thursday or Holy Thursday. Today we think of the Last Supper, our Lord's Supper ("Coena Domini" in Latin). Where did the name "Accused" come from? Jesus accused one of his apostles, "One of you has sold me to my enemies." Jesus washed his apostles' feet - a lowly job. There are lots of pictures painted by "Old Masters". As is the custom on Maundy Thursday the Queen should give Maundy Money to the old and needy. (She does not have to wash their feet.) Alas, she can't do it this year. There are two little purses, one red and the other white. In one there is money for clothes and food, and in the other there are four silver coins, with the Queen's head, the year and 1, 2, 3 and 4. It's an old tradition - here are coins from the 17th century.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

a-bele whence, from where (of +pe which + le place)
agan Arlòdh our Lord
cabla to accuse, reproach, reprove > cablys > hablys
côn (m) supper
eskerens enemies < (singularescar (m)
gwerra, gwertha to sell
mestryjy masters < (singularmester (m)
Mona Cablys Maundy Money
predery a to think of, think about, remember
üvel lowly, humble, unassuming, etc.

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