Thursday, 9 September 2021

2021 Day 252

2021 Dedh Dew Cans Dewdhek ha Dewgens

De Yow, nawhes mis Gwedngala

Thursday, 9th September

Gellys ew hav. De my a fanjas lever termyn nowydh, "Gweles". An kensa dyllans ew, ha thew ev rag Kidnyav 2021. Lowen o vy dh'y receva. Riel dra ew. E vedh pajar dyllans pub bledhen, ha gwiasva ewedh ( gen peth moy avel ystyn. An kensa pres ew na wrüga vy discònta argemydnow.  My a's redyas gen rach - pecar ha'n artickels! Gormenadow dhe'n scriforyon ha scriforesow, pednscriforyon ha pednscriforesow, ha desinoryon ha desinoresow, rag aga whel calish. Meur ras dhe'n golegydh, Ian Jackson. Fatel ellama disqwedhes dhewgh an dyllans? Ma kellys genam ow hamera arta. Res ew dhebm ûsya ow jynn amontya (gen gweres na veu govednys).

Summer has gone. Yesterday I received a new periodical, "Seeing". It's excellent. It is the first edition, and it is for Autumn 2021. I am happy to receive it. There will be four editions a year, and a website as well ( with extra supplementary material. It is the first time I did not ignore adverts. I read them carefully - like the articles! Congratulations to the writers, editors, and designers, for their hard work. Thanks to the editor-in-chief, Ian Jackson. How can I show you the publication? I have lost my camera again. I must use my computer (with unsolicited assistance).

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

argemydnow < argebmyn (m)

artickel (m) article (text)

avel ystyn supplementary

discònta to ignore

dyllans (m) edition, publication, issue

fanja to receive (can also use receva)

gen rach carefully

golegydh (m) editor-in-chief

gormenadow congratulations

lever termyn (m) periodical, magazine 

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