Tuesday, 7 September 2021

2021 Day 250

2021 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Deg (Dedh Dew Cans ha Hanter Cans)

De Meurth, seythves mis Gwedngala

Tuesday, 7th September

E'n dohajedh my a gosôwes ort areth pur dhe les gen Kensa Broadhurst dhort Kresen Kernow. Hy mater o an gwary merkyl po mystry "Gwreans an Bys" - ha crejyans wòja An Dasformyans en Kernow. Ewa kelmys gen "Origo Mundi" e'n Ordinalia? Nag ew - saw martesen thera gwariow erel nag ew kevys whath. Moy diwedhes ew avel an Ordinalia. Scrifys o an gwariow ma en Glasney ken difednys dhe ves veu vorrow an eglos Roman coth gen Metêrn Henry. Gwreans an Bys a veu scrifys en rayn Maria y vergh, gen Wella Jordan. Piw o va? A wrüg ev dasscrifa Origo Mundi? Martesen ev a welas performans an gwary termyn ev a veu maw. Era othom an gwariow? Na òya (wòdhya) brâssa radn an bobel redya. Hebma o an gwelha vorr dhe leverel dhodhans adro dhe'n darallys e'n Beybel Sans. Vorr aral o en beistry eglosyow. Martesen gwedros a welas an gwariow ewedh. En Anyet, whei ell gweles gwelow nag ew còmplys e'n Beybel. Ma pedn benyn dhe'n wyly serpent en Jarn Eden. An ladher Caym ew merkyes gen corn gwir war y gorn tâl. Ma Seth ow còrra teyr hasen aval e'n ganow ha'n dewfrik Adam marow.  Ha Lamec hag y warak ha seth?


In the afternoon I listened to a very interesting talk by Kensa Broadhurst from the Cornwall Centre. Her subject was the miracle or mystery play "The Creation of the World" - and post-Reformation belief in Cornwall. Is it connected with "Origo Mundi" in the Ordinalia? It isn't - but perhaps there are other plays that are not found yet. It is later than the Ordinalia. Those plays were written in Glasney before the ways of the old Roman church were abolished by King Henry. The Creation of the World was written in the reign of Mary his daughter, by William Jordan. Who was he? Did he copy Origo Mundi? Perhaps he saw a performance of the play when he was a boy. Was there a need for the plays? Most people could not read. This was the best way to tell them the stories in the Holy Bible. Another way was church windows. Perhaps a glazier saw the plays as well. In St Neot, you can see scenes that are not mentioned in the Bible. The wily serpent in the Garden of Eden has a woman's head. The murderer Cain is marked with a real horn on his forehead. Seth puts three apple pips in the mouth and nostrils of the dead Adam. And Lamech and his bow and arrow?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

areth (f) lecture, talk

còmplys mentioned

corn tâl (m) forehead, brow

crejyans ~ crejans ~ cryjans (f) belief

darallys stories, tales < daralla (m)

dasformyans (m) reformation

dasscrifa to copy

difednys dhe ves forbidden, abolished, stamped out

gosôwes ~ gloslowes ort to listen to

gwedros (m) glazier

Jarn Eden (m) Garden of Eden


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