2021 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Pemp
De Yow, nessa mis Gwedngala
2nd September
vadna vy mos dhe'n treth rag nebes dedhyow. Nag ew da genam lûyow. Ma goryskyn!
Nei ell qwachas pemp mil person moy dhe skydnya war Ti war'n heyl rag gool mûsek
trededh, "Ayrys e'n Tewednow". Na vadna vy cachya Covid, etho my a
vedn triga tre. Hanath, ha my ow kerdhes
adro dhe'm lowarth, my ell clowes levow ûhel ha mûsek. Nag ew ow ehen a vûsek an
moyha gerys. Ma va moy es üdn mildir alebma. Thera vy ow kemeres piteth a'n
bobel gen treven moy ogas. My ell gweles an clubb golf e'n pelder. Nag üjy an mûsek
ow tos dhort an treven na. Ew an vûsicianers Kernowyon? Na, dres lycklod. Po, martesen an Oggymen!
I will not go to the beach for several days. I don’t like crowds. There's an invasion! We can expect 5000 extra people to descend on Perranporth for a 3-day music festival, "Tunes in the Dunes". I do not wish to catch Covid, so I shall stay at home. Tonight, as I walk around my garden, I can hear loud voices and music. It is not my favourite kind of music. It is more than a mile away. I pity the people with nearer houses. I can see the golf club in the distance. The music is not coming from those buildings. Are the musicians Cornish speakers. Very likely not. Or, perhaps the Oggymen.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
alebma distance
away, from here
ayr (m) tune
clubb (m) club
goryskyn (m) invasion
piteth ~pita a to pity, have pity for
lûyow crowds,
hordes, hosts, armies < lû (m)
(m) ~ mûsicianores
(f) musician
qwachas ~
gwaytyas to expect
war to descend upon
trededh three
days, 3-day
triga (en)
tre to stay at home
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