Monday, 13 July 2020

2020 Day195

2020 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Pemdhek

De Lün, terdhegves mis Gorefen
Monday, 13th July

Ellowgh whei redya an cloudys? My a welas nybellow (cloudys bian) ûhel de.  Anjei a wrüg ragleverel treylyans e'n gewer. Na wrügam kemeres sowdhan hedhyw. Cloudys môy a dheuth. Ma'n awel ow tos dhort tû deffrans ha glaw a wra. Gellys ew gwask ayr ûhel ha devedhys ew gwask ayr isel. Nei a wrüg kerdhes wòja hansel. Ydn ew an vorr drefen bos an keow overdevys gen reden. O whei parys rag descans corfonieth? Nanj ew etek dedh e veu dorgy (brogh) marow war ladn reb an vorr (fordh). Best yonk martesen. Ev a veu gerys ena heb ancresyans bys an jedh-ma. Neb best a wrüg y dedna mes e'n vorr - saw nag eus bes nebes dhe vos gweles. Gellys ew oll an kig. Ma corf eskern calish scattrys. Whei ell gweles ascòrn keyn, asow hag eskern sely stout. En cres an vorr ma ascòrn scodh hag esel rag. An troos ew ledan pecar'a pal rag palas.  

Can you read the clouds? I saw high little clouds yesterday. They foretold a change in the weather. I was not taken by surprise today. More clouds came. The wind is coming from a different direction and it is raining. High air pressure has gone and low pressure has arrived. We went for a walk after an early breakfast. The road is narrow because the hedges are overgrown with bracken. Are you ready for an anatomy lesson? Eighteen days ago there was a dead badger on a verge by the road. A young animal perhaps. It was left there without disturbance until today. Some animal has pulled it out into the road - but there is not much to be seen. All the flesh has gone. There is a scattered bony skeleton. You can see a backbone, ribs and stout limb bones. In the middle of the road is a shoulder blade and a fore-limb. The foot is broad like a shovel for digging.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

ancresyans (m) disturbance
ascòrn scodh (m) shoulder blade
asow (collective plural) ribs > (singular) asowen (f)
corf eskern (m) skeleton
corfonieth (f) anatomy
hansel (m) light or early breakfast
nybel (m) little cloud
pal (f) shovel, spade > (verb) palas to dig
ragleverel to predict, foretell
tedna mes to pull out

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