Thursday, 9 July 2020

2020 Day 191

2020 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens hag Üdnek

De Yow, nawves mis Gorefen
Thursday, 9th July

Hedhyw my a vedn scrifa adro dhe dhilhas. Facyons ew deffrans lebmyn vel en bledhednyow tremenys, en pow ma hag en gwlasow tremor. Ma nebes persons a venja bos wor an gis oll an termyn. Terwythyow ma dilhas specyal rag darvosow specyal - demedhyans rag sampel. Otta an demedhyans ma en mil naw cans en Kernow. Ma'n benenes ow tegy pilednow hir. Na venja anjei gwil aga üfernyow dhe weles. Na ellen nei gweles aga skichow eneth. Martesen mowns ow tegy botas. Ma dhe'n venyn bries pows gwreg teg gen corsage a flourys. Na ora vy an liw - bes nag ew dû. Ma pub ehen a hatys. Ma'n sira an venyn bries ow tegy hott hir. Pur howtyn ew ev! Ma oll an düs ow tegy cryspowsyow. Ha pandr'ew hedna adro dhe'n codna dama an venyn bries? A alja hedna bos blew po lost dew po trei lowarn anfujek? En termyn a werryans den a alja degy gwesk soudor - lavrek poos ha jerkyn ha cappa gen arwedhyow. Ma gweskow soudor ow treylya dhort termyn dhe dermyn.

Today I will/want to  write about clothes. Fashions are different now than in years gone by, in this land and in countries overseas. Some people would like to be fashionable all the time. Sometimes there are special clothes for special events - such as a wedding. Look at this wedding in 1900 in Cornwall. The women are wearing long skirts. They would not want to show their ankles. We can't even see their shoes. Perhaps they are wearing boots. The bride is wearing a lovely dress with a corsage of flowers. I don't know the colour - but it's not black. There are all types of hats. The father of the bride is wearing a top hat. He's very snobby! All the men are wearing waistcoats. And what's that around the neck of the bride's mother? Could that be the fur or tail of two or three unfortunate foxes? In a time of war a man could wear a soldier's uniform - heavy trousers and a jacket and a cap with badges. Soldiers' uniforms change from time to time.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

arwedhyow badges < (singular) arweth (m)

benyn bries (f) bride cf gour pries (m) bridegroom 

cryspows (f) waistcoat

darvosow specyal special occasions

dilhas~dillas (collective plural) clothes

gwesk soudor (m) soldier's uniform

howtyn snobby, snobbish

pows gwreg (m) dress (woman's)

tremenys past, gone by

tremor (adjective) overseas

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