De Merher, kensa mis Gorefen
Wednesday, 1st July
En hav my ell dallath an jedh ow mires orth howldrevel tredh gwedh tûa'n Noor-Est. Par termyn thew an howldrevel môy spladn avel hanterdedh. Hedhyw, rag kensa dedh a vis nowydh, nei a dhetermyas dhe gerdhes vorr (fordh) nowydh. Nei a wrüg drehedhes crowshens ha treylya a-gledh war nans. Peseul a-hes ew an vorr ydn ma? Pandr'eus war an diwedh? My ell gweles tohow an treven en Fenten Gompes. Telher pur goth ew hedna - Fentongempes a veu complys en mil dew cans pajar ügens ha whetek. Ma telher en ogas veu complys en terdhek cans hag üdnek, henwys "Funtenvaes" (fenten vas). Ma chei ow ûsya an hanow - Ventonvaes (ke nag ew mar goth!). An keow ew ûhel, ha leun ens a wedhros. Pur wheg ew an sawarn. Hons ena, war an menedh, ma jynnjy bal coth. Whel Chyverton West a dhros rag plobm hag arhans (ha tabm zynk). Môy es mil person a wrüg lavürya etto en termyn tremenys. My a vedn scrifa moy avorow.
In summer I can start the day watching sunrise between trees towards the North-East. Sometimes the sunrise is brighter than midday. Today, for the first day of a new month, we decided to walk a new route. We reached a crossroads and turned left downhill. How long is this narrow road? What is at the end? I can see the roofs of the houses in Ventongimps. That is a very old place - "Fentongempes" was mentioned in 1296. There's place nearby that was mentioned 1311, called "Funtonvaes". A house uses the name - Ventonvaes (though it is not that old!). The hedges are high, and they are full of honeysuckle. The scent is very sweet. Over there, on the hill, is an old mine engine house. West Chyverton Mine produced lead and silver (and a bit of zinc). Over 1000 people worked in it in times gone by. I'll write more tomorrow.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
a-gledh (adverb) left < cledh
complys mentioned (you can also use campollys)
crowshens (m) crossroads (you can also use crowsfordh)
drehedhes to reach
hons ena over there
jynnjy (m) engine house
peseul a-hes? how long?
plobm (m) lead
sawarn (f) scent, aroma, smell, perfume (can also use sawor (m))
tredh between
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