Wednesday, 22 July 2020

2020 Day 204

Dedh Dew Cans ha Pajar

De Merher, nessa warn ügens mis Gorefen

Wednesday, 22nd July


Ass ew jorna teg! Howl spladn, heb glaw ha gen awel glor wheg. E via jorna vas rag kerdh bes ma üfern tydn dhe'm gour ha na ell ev kerdhes pur dha. Na whath, ma whel lowr dhe wül e'n chei ha'n lowarth. My a erviras dhe wolhy peder crogledn veister hir dhort an sedhva. Bohes podnek o anjei wòja an gwav. Nag o vy ow honan oll e'n lowarth ha my ow cregy an croglednow war an linen. My a welas ow hensa qwilkiores an vledhen. Nebes tal sogh o hei! My a sedhas e'n sedhva noth hy beistry. Pandra veu an tros na? "Crack!"  An gweder? Qwarel an beister? Na veu. Otta an aval pin na - ev a wrüg egery distowgh ha lôwsel y has. Martesen my a vedn aga gonis, a-der re nes dhe'n chei. Ma caletter gen agan kentrevek gen y wedh hir.

What a beautiful day! Bright sun, without rain and with a nice breeze. It would be a suitable day for a walk but my husband has a sore ankle and he can't walk very well. However, there's enough work to do in the house and garden. I decided to wash four long window curtains from the sitting room. They were a bit dusty after the winter. I was not all alone in the garden as I hung the curtains on the line. I saw my first wasp of the year. It was a bit dozey! I sat in the sitting room with bare windows. What was that noise by the window? "Crack!" The glass? A window pane? No. See that pine cone - it suddenly opened up and released its seeds. Perhaps I will plant them. But not too close to the house. Our neighbour has a problem with his tall trees.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

awel glor (f) breeze 

bohes slightly, a bit  (you can also use nebes or tabm)

crogledn~croglen (f) curtain (you can also use goul beister)

podnek dusty

qwarel (m) window pane

qwilkiores (f) wasp (you can also use goul beister)

sedhva~esedhva (f) sitting room, lounge (can also use stevel sedha)

tal sogh dopey, dozy, stupid, etc.

tydn sore, stiff

üfern (m) ankle

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