Wednesday, 8 July 2020

2020 Day 190

2020 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Deg

De Merher, ethves mis Gorefen

Wednesday, 8th July

Ma lies gwedhen e'n cost ma, enwedh (onn) dres ehen. Mowns ow inclînya a-ûgh an vorrow ha'n trolerghow. Ma othom a wedh dhe oll an Norves. Ma othom a losow oll. Ma othom dhe vabden ha dhe vestes erel a oxyjen dhe anella. "Gwrewgh tedna down war aga anal," deskys o nei e'n ayr er. Glas ew an gwelha (gwella) liw rag bownans. Ma plansow glas ow sesya dioxid carbon ewedh, hag y ûsya dhe devy. An carbon ew gwithys en pub losôwen. Terweythyow whei ell gweles an oxyjen. Otta whethfiansow an dowr dhort an kewny glas münys e'n plodn ma. Da ew genam gonis gwedh. Whei ell dowria spüsen avocado rag termyn hir, ha nena ma skyllen ow apperya. Wòja hedna ma dhewgh gwedhen baby. Gwedh ell devy re vrâs po re goth, ha nena res ew dhe drehy radn mes anodhans. An dherowen ma a veu trehys whath nag ew pell dreven bos re vrâs ha re nes dhe'n chei.

There are lots of trees in this area, ash trees in particular. They lean over the roads and the footpaths. All the Earth needs trees. There is a need for all plants. Mankind and other animals need oxygen to breathe. We are told to "breathe deeply" in the fresh air. Green is the best colour for life. Green plants capture carbon dioxide too, and use it to grow. The carbon is stored in every plant. Sometimes you can see the oxygen. See bubbles from the tiny green algae in this puddle. I like growing trees. You can soak an avocado stone for a long time, and then a shoot appears. After that you have a baby tree. Trees can grow too big or too old, and then part has to be cut out of them. This oak was cut not long ago because it was too big and too near the house.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

anella to breathe < anal (f) breath

derowen (f) oak tree > (collective plural) derow, dery, dar

dowria to soak

dres ehen especially, particularly

inclînya to lean

kewny glas green algae

sesya to capture, catch, seize

spüsen (f) fruit stone > (collective plural) spüs

whath nag ew pell not long ago, recently

whethfiansow an dowr bubbles

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